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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Interviewer's Questions
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 3, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Interviewer’s Questions
Wow this interviewer looks pushy. She won’t accept ‘no
comment’ for an answer. But let’s ask her a question of
our own: ‘hey, is your card actually any good?’
Well, again, it is a pretty straightforward Supporter:
look at the top eight cards of your deck, choose as many
Energy cards as you like, and put them into your hand.
But it’s not so much what this card says, as what it
doesn’t say.
If Interviewer’s Questions said ‘choose as many BASIC
Energy as you like’, then it would be pretty useless in
almost every deck. Apart from a couple of rare
exceptions (Feraligatr Prime Raindance decks, or the
never-seen Golem AR), decks can only use one Energy per
turn, which is easily searched out (along with a
Pokémon) by the staple Roseanne’s Research. However,
Interviewer usefully doesn’t specify the type of Energy
you can choose, so this card can be used to grab
otherwise unsearchable Energy like Double Colourless
Energy, Special Metal, or Special Dark.
Is this enough to make the card playable in decks that
really need those DCEs and Special Metals? Ehhhhhh . . .
. not really, at least not in relatively speedy decks
with good draw support (Claydol and Uxie, basically). If
it wasn’t a Supporter, then definitely, but that
once-per-turn rule makes them such a precious resource
that a card like this with marginal, specialised use
will almost always be edged out of deck lists. I can see
it working in something slower (Steelix Prime maybe?),
and having more of an impact if we lose Claydol in the
rotation though.
Until then, you will probably only ever see it in
Feraligatr Prime decks. Oh and with that Golem. I forgot
about him.
Modified: 3 (will be very useful in a small number of
Limited: 2.75 (getting Energy isn’t usually a problem,
but at least it will thin the deck)

Otaku |
Thursday brings us a Supporter that’s
finally not purely draw power.
Interviewer’s Questions is still
pretty simple, though: look at the top
eight cards of your deck, and add as
many Energy cards as you like from those
eight cards and add them to your hand
(after showing them to your opponent, of
Engineer’s Adjustment this looks to
be a good addition to Energy heavy
Obviously the more Energy you
run, the better the odds are that you’ll
get a fat return off of
Interviewer’s Questions.
Eight cards is a significant
portion of your deck: over 13% of your
total deck, which it won’t ever have to
hit. Barring
some ridiculous combos, you’re normally
going to be looking at a little over 17%
of your remaining deck (since your
initial 60 cards has to have Prizes, an
opening hand, and an opening draw taken
While the later it is in the game
the less likely you are to have a lot of
Energy in your deck, you’re also less
likely to have a lot of anything.
So even in a normal deck, it
becomes a bit tempting: early game it’s
nothing special, but late game it can
all but guarantee that last
Double Colorless Energy hiding in
your deck.
That’s right it even snags
Special Energy cards.
Now, you can only normally play one
Energy card per turn, and that’s why a
card like this can exist, a card with a
potential (though unlikely) eightfold
There are three candidates I can
name off the top of my head that can
make great use of the Energy surge:
Feraligatr Prime,
Ninetales (HeartGold & SoulSilver),
and another
Feraligatr (Mysterious Treasures).
first of course will be able to
Raindance all the Energy it wants.
Ninetales can chuck a Fire Energy to
draw three more cards… and with your
deck lighter on Energy that should
improve the quality of those draws.
Lastly is an old favorite of
Feraligatr with Energy Cyclone:
reveal as many Energy from your hand as
you want to your opponent, shuffle them
back into your deck, and hit your
opponent for 20 times the amount of that
Interviewer’s Questions will help
you bulk up your hand early on, and late
game will set up for large hits (as your
deck should be reduced to mostly Energy
by that point).
3/5 – Composite score, as you could run
it in a normal deck but it’s not as
In decks like I described above,
it’s great.
5/5 – Yes, it scores as high as I’ve
been giving the draw cards.
Eight cards
is 20% of your initial deck in
Limited, and you tend to have to go
heavy on Energy.
This fuels your Pokémon while
massively thinning your deck.
Combos With:
Feraligatr Prime,
Ninetales (HGSS), and
Feraligatr (Mysterious Treasures)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Interviewer's Questions (HS Unleashed)
This card is of the look-at-top-cards-get-whatever
variety, which is strange fo a Supporter. The last card
like this was Cynthia's Guidance, which quite simply
The effect is to look at the top 8 cards (the most so
far on any card I've seen) with the option to take any
and all energy you find there into your hand. Then
shuffle afterwards. This is useful if your deck is heavy
on the energy (I'm thinking Rain Dance variants), but
most decks will only net 1 or 2 energy from the top 8
cards, while decks like Gengar and Shuppet will be lucky
to get any energy at all.
The real strength of this card is the ability to grab
any energy, so Special energy are included. Witht the
common use of DCE, Call energy and Rainbow energy, as
well as Metal and Dark specials, you may want to run
this. The other point in Interviewer's favour is that
Roseanne's Research, the favoured (and only other)
multiple energy search card is due to rotate out soon,
so stock up on this while you can.
As always, remeber to limit how many Supporters you use
as they are once-per-turn and need to be used for best
Top-decking is dangerous, but with deck thinning you may
well be able to justify the risk and use Interviewer's
Questions in your deck after the rotation. Also, it
looks kinda pretty in the binder even if you don't use
it. Were they trying to suggest something with the
Leafeon on all of the background screens?
Modified: 3 (grabs Special energy and will be better
after the rotation)
Limited: 4 (smaller decks, more energy and Enigneer's to
use on the next turn, with energy hungry Blastoise/Floaztel
as well)
Combs with: Engineer's Adjustments, Ninetales HGSS,
Leafeon Lv X, Special energy |
Happy Thursday, Pojo readers! Today we continue
Unleashed Supporter Week with
Interviewer's Questions.
Interviewer's Questions has a simple effect: You look at
the top 8 cards of
your deck, take as many Energy cards as you want from
there, show them to
your opponent, then put them into your hand. This effect
can be incredibly
helpful in any deck that is built with a lot of Energy
and Energy
manipulation, such as Rain Dance or even some crazy
rogue decks that need
Energy in hand, like a deck utilizing Raichu Lv. X or
Golem AR. However, as
good as Interviewer's Questions is in these decks, most
decks nowadays simply
don't run that much Energy, meaning you'll probably
average about 1 or 2
Energy for the Supporter, which isn't necessarily worth
it. However, one
great thing about Interviewer's Questions is that it can
get your Special
Energies as well, making it good to get your Double
Colorless and Special
Metal Energies that aren't normally searchable.
Modified: 3/5 It's very good in certain decks, but in
most decks, you are
probably better off with other Supporters.
Limited: 5/5 Limited decks always need a ton of Energy,
so there's little
reason not to run it here.
Combos with: Feraligatr Prime, Raichu Lv. X, Golem AR,
anything that uses a lot of Energy