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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Good Rod
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 30, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.17
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Good Rod
Wow . . . there hasn’t been a Fishing Rod card released
for ages. We have had Old Rod and Super Rod in the dim
and distant past, but now the time has come for Good
So, is it . . . ummm . . . .good?
Well, it’s certainly interesting. It’s a flippy card,
but at least it gives you something no matter how
the flip turns out: heads and you get to put a Pokémon
from your Discard on the top of your deck; tails and you
can do the same with a Trainer.
Getting non-Supporter recovery is nice. Getting recovery
that doesn’t just shuffle into your deck is even better.
With Good Rod you can effectively ‘fix’ your top deck on
your next turn, providing the card you need is in your
Discard. There are downsides though: you will have to
wait a turn for the card you want, and the strategy is
vulnerable to disruption. If your opponent plays Judge,
Looker’s Investigation, Chatot G, Giratina etc during
their turn, you can kiss goodbye to your carefully
arranged topdeck. In fact, using Good Rod will be an
open invitation to your opponent to play those cards.
For these reasons, if it is Pokémon recovery you are
after, Pokémon Rescue is an infinitely better choice. On
the other hand, Good Rod does offer you something that
almost no other card does: the chance to re-use Trainer
cards. Really, its only competition when it comes to
that is the Supporter, Marley’s Request.
And yet Marley’s Request is barely played, and I think
that Good Rod is destined to suffer the same fate. It’s
flippy, can be disrupted, and does not offer instant
recovery. The ability it offers makes you look twice at
the card, but really you are better off maxing out on
the Trainers your deck needs, rather than trusting to
Good Rod.
Modified: 1.75 (has something to offer, but not reliably
Limited: 4 (any kind of recovery will be welcome here)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo viewers! Today we end this
shortened week with Good Rod from the HS Unleashed
Good Rod is a Trainer card that involves a flip. If
you flip heads, you may search your discard pile for a
Pokemon, show it to your opponent, and put it on the top
of your deck. If tails, you search your deck for a
Trainer, show it to your opponent, and put it on the top
of your deck.
First of all, having a coin flip makes this card
incredibly unreliable. There will be times where you
really want to get a Pokemon or Trainer back, only to
flip the opposite of what you need. Additionally, this
card puts the targeted Pokemon or Trainer on the top of
your deck instead of in your hand, netting you negative
card advantage (it's not even a 1 for 1). Finally, for
returning Pokemon from the discard pile, Pokemon Rescue
is a better alternative in every possible way, and since
it's not rotating out, that would generally be a better
choice than this card. Returning a Trainer from your
discard pile is definitely great and can't be
overlooked, but most of the time you will be running
multiple copies of your important Trainers anyway, so
you could just use normal card drawing methods like Uxie
and Claydol to get to what you need.
Modified: 1.5/5 Getting a Trainer back into your deck
from the discard pile is really cool, but this card is
flip-reliant and makes you lose card advantage. With the
increase of hand disruption in the format, you probably
won't want to run Good Rod here.
Limited: 2.5/5 Much better here, where you probably
won't be running many copies of Pokemon or Trainers.
Getting that key evolution or Rare Candy next turn will
still be clutch, even though your opponent will see it
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Good Rod (HS Unleahsed)
This card fills a much needed hole in the TCG: a
trainer that can restore other Trainers from the discard
pile. Still, Like Marley's Request, there is an element
of luck invloved. Good rod requires a coin flip; on
heads, return a Pokemon from the discard pile to the top
of your deck; if tails, return a Trainer card from the
discard pile to the top of your deck.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT SHUFFLE. We had that problem more
than once at the local league, which made most player
avoid what is actually a pretty decent card. However,
the flip is still s problem, as is the fact that the
Tariner/Pokemon does not return to the hand. Still,
Claydol/Uxie/Ninteales can fix that, as can the little
used Dodrio SV and Noctowl HGSS.
Modified: 3 (flippy and requires a draw afterwards,
but the best option I've seen for Trainer retrieval in
Limited: 2 (actually not as useful here, but still can
stop you decking yourself)
Combos with: Draw Power!