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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Fearow #15/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 7, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.40
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Your Binder
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Fearow (Unleashed)
Hello and welcome to a week of BIG NEWS (and Pojo’s CotD).
The BIG NEWS is that the Modified Rotation for next year
has been announced and from September we will all be
playing MD-on!
Yeah, I never saw that coming.
After a big shock like that, what we need is a nice
bland unusable Stage 1 card to review so that we can all
calm down a bit.
Fearow UL certainly fits the bill.
With only 80 HP, a crippling Weakness to Lightning, and
even a Retreat cost (for some reason I don’t like
Retreat costs on Flying Pokémon), it doesn’t have much
to recommend it. The Fighting Resistance and Colourless
Energy requirement are small upsides I suppose.
But although being able to use Colourless Energy is
nice, it’s not much use when the attacks are a bit
rubbish. Wing Attack is a vanilla 30 for [C][C] which is
both poor value and ineffective. For another Energy you
get Repeating Drill which is a ‘flip five coins and do
20 for each heads’ attack. Flippy attacks are normally
bad because they are unreliable, but this one manages
the trick of being only slightly better than mediocre
even if you manage the unlikely feat of flipping five
heads in a row to do 100 for three.
Sadly, this Fearow gives deckbuilders nothing to think
about. Not in this format or the next one.
Modified: 1.25 (flippy, underpowered, low HP . . . need
I go on?)
Limited: 2 (Being Colourless makes it slightly less
terrible here)
Combos with . . .
Nothing that isn’t cheating.
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo viewers! I hope you all are enjoying
your Spring Battle Roads. We are continuing reviews of
different cards from HS Unleashed this week, and today's
Card of the Day is Fearow from Unleashed.
Fearow is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Being Colorless
is very nice, as Colorless Pokemon can use any type of
Energy, and are generally splashable in most decks.
Being a Stage 1, however, can be a bit of a problem:
Most Stage 1s aren't used in the current metagame unless
they have very high HP or have really awesome
attacks/powers. Fearow has 80 HP, which is about
standard for a Stage 1, but isn't going to cut it in
today's Modified environment. Double Weakness to
Lightning is super awful with all of the Luxray GL Lv.
Xs running around, along with the random Ampharos or
Raichu. Fighting Resistance is welcome, and a Retreat
Cost of 1 isn't too bad, but one would think that the
makers of this card could have probably given Fearow
free retreat.
Fearow has two attacks. The first, Wing Attack, does a
very basic 30 damage for [CC]. The second attack,
Repeating Drill, flips a coin five times and does 20
damage times the number of heads for [CCC]. While
flipping five coins nearly guarantees some amount of
damage, most of the time you'll only be hitting for 40
or 60, which isn't really passable in today's
Modified: 1/5 Weak attacks, low HP, and a horrible
weakness. Not much more can be said about Fearow here.
Limited: 2/5 Colorless energy requirements make it
playable, and you mightget lucky with Repeating Drill.
Don't expect it to singlehandedly win you games, though.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Fearow (HS Unleashed)
Hello all, hope you enjoyed last week!
We start the new week with Fearow, which I hope will
justify the name as most other versions have failed to
impress anyone. Where is the "FEAR ME!" quality we like
about Fearow in the anime?
The stats are middling with 80 HP on a non-evolving
Stage 1 and weakness to Lightning (ouch), though the
Fighting resistance evens it out. What I don't like is
the 1 retreat cost, because Fearow has a history of
getting away for free which I see no reason not to
The attacks are what make this card go from borderline
to binder bait. Wing Attack is an old standard which
gives 30 damage for CC, a lousy return for your energy.
Then Repeating Drill gives you 5 flips with 20 damage
per heads at the cost of CCC. Although this looks okay,
you will almost never get the full damage and 40-60
damage on average just isn't enough for 3 energy. This
second attack should have been replace with some useful
support power like allowing one re-flip per turn or
Sorry Fearow, maybe next time you'll be the evil bird we
know and love.
On a side note, the Australian Nationals are on this
long weekend in Melbourne. I hope to make it there,
looking forward to it!
Modified: 2 (and that is just because I like the Pokemon
Limited: 3 (the flips are okay here, and Fearow might
survive long enough to take more than 1 prize)
Combos with: DCE, or the binder