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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Kingdra #17
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 9, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Kingdra (Unleashed)
Today’s card up for review is Kingdra. This card really
does have a lot to live up to as the previous Kingdra
from Legends Awakened has been the focus of a
tournament-winning archetype for almost two years now.
But what does this new version have to offer? Like its
famous predecessor it has a good 130 HP, and a
reasonable retreat cost of one. Unfortunately, this new
Kingdra has the new X2 Weakness (the old one has +30),
so it is much more vulnerable to the OHKO from the
ever-present Luxray GL LV X.
What really made Kindgra LA so good was its high damage,
low cost Dragon Pump attack. Kingdra UL also has a one
Energy attack, Water Arrow, which can hit any of your
opponent’s Pokémon for 30 damage. It’s a nice enough
attack but not exactly devastating – you would already
need to have damage on the board for this to be
effective. When you consider that Kingdra LA can snipe
for 20 AND do 60 damage to the active . . . well,
Kingdra UL will need to do a lot more if it wants to see
any play.
It does have a second attack, though. Sadly, it is
rather expensive. For [W][C][C], Stream Pump does a poor
value 50 to the active unless you bounce an Energy back
to your hand, in which case it does an ok-ish 80 damage.
That isn’t any more than the 60 + 20 that the old
Kingdra offers and it costs three times as much!
It’s not so much that Kingdra UL is a bad card . . . in
truth, it is an average Pokémon which is competing for
slots in a Kingdra deck with an amazing card (Kingdra
LA) and a pretty good one (Kingdra Prime). The fact that
the September rotation will keep LA in modified for a
third year is effectively the kiss of death for Kindgra
UL’s chances of being played.
Modified: 1.75 (average, but outshone)
Limited: 3 (it’s a decent Stage 2 here but Stage 2s are
tough to get out)
Combos with . . .
A player who only has three copies of Kingdra LA
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's CoTD is the
non-Prime Kingdra from HS
Unleashed. Decks using Kingdra LA used to be very
popular, but are not
dwindling in usage while Kingdra Prime is used in a
similar way to Crobat G.
Can this Kingdra find a place in your decklist?
Kingdra is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon, which is again quite
useful with the
proper support. 130 HP is somewhat standard for a Stage
2, and should
hopefully let Kingdra take a few hits. Double Weakness
to Lightning is
terrible as always, as is no Resistance. A Retreat Cost
of 1 isn't so bad,
and can be paid if necessary.
Kingdra has two attacks. The first, Water Arrow, allows
you to choose one of
your opponent's Pokemon and deal 30 damage to it for the
bargain price of
[W]. Not bad, but definitely not something to warrant
use on its own. The
second attack, Stream Pump, starts off with an expensive
50 damage for [WCC, but if you return an Energy card
attached to Kingdra to your hand, the attack
does 80 damage instead. The "drawback" of returning an
Energy isn't so bad:
the Energy can be easily attached the next turn, or
Feraligatr Prime can use
Rain Dance to put it back. That being said, Kingdra
could possibly work in
combination with Feraligatr Prime in a Rain Dance deck
as an attacker,
although Blastoise and Lanturn Prime probably do a
slightly better job.
Modified: 2/5 Kingdra isn't bad by any means, however it
is a bit outclassed
by other Water-type attackers. Even still, Kingdra UL
can be a solid choice
in a Rain Dance deck or even in a Kingdra deck looking
to do something
Limited: 3/5 Decent HP, low Retreat, and low commitment
to Water Energy make Kingdra a good pick in Limited.
Having a sniping attack is also a plus. If
you get it out, you're probably going to win.
Combos with: Feraligatr Prime
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Kingdra (HS Unleashed)
It seems that each Prime
has a lousy counterpart somewhere in the set (the best
non-Prime so far has been Typhlosion, and almost noone
uses that). Today's set filler is Kingdra!
Considering the success of
Kingdra LA and the hype about Kingdra Prime, we expect a
lot from this guy but he doesn't stand a chance.
The stats are good, with a
healthy130 HP, Lightning weakness (damn those Luxrays)
and 1 retreat (sorry, no resistance).
The attacks are what damn
this card to the binder. Water Arrow is okay with 30
damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon for W, but we
expect more from a Stage 2. Stream Pump is where this
card really fails out, because you get 80 damage for WCC
and returning 1 energy from Kingdra to your hand (or 50
if you don't return the energy). Returning the energy
isn't really a problem, but the damage to cost means you
just can't justify using Kingdra as an attacker.
Stick with the Legends
Awakened version.
Mofified: 2.5 (Decent, but
that just isn't enough)
Limited: 3 (even here there
are better options, but you may well go for it anyway
depending on what you get)
Combos with: Feraligatr