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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Hitmontop - #5/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.25
Limited: 1.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Hitmontop HGSS
If there is one type of Pokémon that always seems to get
a raw deal in the TCG, it is the non-Legendary
unevolving Basic. Sure, occasionally they get made into
decent starter Pokémon like Holon’s Castform, Spiritomb,
or Pachirisu. Mostly though, they are rubbish: when was
the last time you saw someone play Miltank or Kangaskhan
at a tournament, huh?
For the rest of this week we shall be reviewing some of
these unevolving Basics to see if they can make the
grade. We start off with Hitmontop, the least memorable
of all the Hitmon- Pokémon.
Hitmontop has a pretty poor 60 HP, coupled with an x2
Psychic Weakness, so don’t count on it being around for
too long. It has no Powers or Bodies, but it does have
two attacks. The first, Triple Kick only costs one
Fighting Energy, so at least it is quick. This attack
requires you to flip three coins, and you do 20 damage
times the number of heads. Obviously, 60 for [F] is
pretty good, but you won’t always be getting that, will
you? You are just as likely to do no damage at all, and
that’s what makes it a poor attack.
If you wanted to guarantee 60 damage from Hitmontop it
does also come with Close Combat, assuming it survives
long enough for you to attach another two Energy (or
waste a Double Colourless). 60 for three is not a good
damage to cost ratio in today’s format, and this attack
even comes with the downside of making Hitmontop take an
extra 20 damage if your opponent attacks it next turn.
So, in summary, Hitmontop is a Pokémon which MAY be able
to do 60 damage with one or other of its attacks before
almost inevitably getting knocked out immediately
afterwards. That’s just not good enough. It would be a
terrible card in League or casual play, never mind
actual tournaments.
Modified: 1.25 (rubbish really, despite the remote
possibility that it could donk)
Limited: 1.25 (not really any better here, and Limited
is usual more forgiving of bad cards)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo viewers! Our COTD today is
Hitmontop from the HeartGold and SoulSilver set.
Hitmontop is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. Fighting isn't a
very terrible type to be right now, as It has 60
HP, which is quite bad for a non-evolving Basic. Double
Weakness to Psychic isn't great as there are many common
Psychics around, like Gengar. No resistance is really
unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is decent if you
have to pay it.
Hitmontop has two attacks. The first attack, Triple
Kick, costs [F] lets you flip 3 coins and deal 20 damage
for each one. Flippy attacks are quite unreliable, but
at least it only requires 1 energy.
The second attack, Close Combat, deals 60 damage for
[FCC] and makes your opponent's next attack deal 20 more
damage on their next turn. 60 damage for 3 is way
overpriced, and letting your opponent do extra damage is
never a good idea.
Modified: 1/5 The attacks are underpowered and don't do
a whole lot. Not really worth using at all here.
Limited: 1.5/5 Might be slightly better here, but
probably not. The attacks are still overcosted and
underpowered, but Hitmontop may be able to live a little
bit longer and take out a Basic or two along the way.

Otaku |
As someone who actually is at least a
wee bit Irish, let me say “Happy St.
Patrick’s Day”!
It’s an excellent time to learn
of the man, and even though many parts
of his life are unclear or contested,
the basics are still enlightening.
It is also an excellent time to
learn about
and the Irish in general.
Perhaps today’s CotD is a nod to
the old stereotype of the Irish brawler.
Today’s CotD is the latest version of
Hitmontop from HGSS.
This card is best described as…
He is a Basic Fighting-Type
Pokémon with just 60 HP and no
possibility of Evolving.
It is possible to play him as an
Evolution on the
Tyrogue from Legends Awakened via
the Baby Evolution Poké-Power.
Tyrogue has 60 HP as well, so that
tells you
Hitmontop is in trouble.
Tyrogue also has better Weakness:
plus 10 damage from Psychic Pokémon
instead of doubling the damage from
Psychic Pokémon like this
They both have a depressing lack
of Resistance and solid single Energy
Retreat Cost.
Right now, it looks like
Hitmontop had better have some
amazing tricks at his disposal or he
won’t be seeing play.
As we look at the attacks, we see that
he was headed in the right direction,
but doesn’t quite get there.
Kick is flip heavy, but very affordable
as it requires but a single Fighting
With three coin flips, odd are
very good you’ll get at least 20 damage,
with a decent shot at scoring 40.
If you’re very lucky, you could
even hit for 60.
Too bad it’s just easier (and
with a good deck more reliable) to focus
Donphan Prime for a guaranteed 60
Even the 10 damage
Donphan will slam its own Bench for
is easier to deal with than the luck of
the coins.
Still, it isn’t a bad attack.
The second attack, unfortunately,
is a bad attack, at least with
how it was implemented on this card.
Close Combat requires just one
Fighting and two of any other Energy.
So a single Fighting Energy and a
Double Colorless and you’re ready to
hit something and hard.
Unfortunately, you’re hitting for
60 and then taking an extra 20 damage
from attacks during your opponent’s next
With as much Energy as is
required and only 60 HP, that almost
guarantees a Prize.
Yesterday’s CotD and (set mate to
Clefable was not favorably reviewed
by me.
I was not thinking ahead when I
mentioned that hitting for 40 damage
with a
Double Colorless Energy was actually
a solid attack.
I bring it up to emphasize how
Hitmontop is: only weaker Basics
won’t be able to OHKO him after he uses
Close Combat.
This effect means a card like
Chansey from Platinum, could OHKO
Hitmontop with a
Double Colorless Energy and Pulled
Punch, an attack carefully designed to
be challenging to OHKO with.
This attack can work on something
with more HP or that can heal or
Hitmontop should only see play in
Limited events.
There, even if unreliable, it
still threatens the often delicate
set-up of an opponent, and if you do
load it down with three Energy, it can
easily finish a half KO’d foe, or fresh
smallish Stage 1 or Basic Pokémon.
Anywhere else and have better
choices, even amongst the “Hitmon” line.