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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delibird #39/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.17
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Delibird HGSS
Today’s card is Delibird, another unevolving Basic
which, to my knowledge, has never been made into a good
card. Will it be any better than the Hitmontop from
Well, it has more HP for a start (70), it also has a
better Weakness (Metal) and even a nice Resistance
(Fighting). That’s a promising start, but means nothing
unless Delibird can come up with one or two useful
attacks or Powers.
Unfortunately, there are no Powers, but you do get two
attacks. The first, Snowy Present costs one Water Energy
and allows you to draw a card for each Water Energy
attached to all of your Pokémon. Potentially, then, this
could draw a decent amount of cards, and draw in Pokémon
is always good, right?
Ummm . . . not always, no. Using an attack to draw cards
is only really a beneficial strategy at the start of
game, and that’s where Delibird is at its worst. For the
first couple of turns, you will only have one or two
Water Energy on the Field anyway, so you will get a poor
return for Snowy Present. Later in the game, when you
have plenty of Energy out, you should be set up, so
attacking for damage, rather than drawing a bunch of
cards, will be your priority anyway. Delibird offers a
lot less than currently playable starters like Spiritomb
and Sableye, and so shouldn’t really be considered for
tournament play.
Delibird does have a second attack, an ineffective 10
damage spread for [W][C] that really doesn’t give you an
extra reason to play the card. In the end, it simply
doesn’t draw enough or attack enough to be worth a place
in a deck.
Modified: 1.5 (less than mediocre)
Limited: 2 (not completely bad if you are playing mostly
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day is
Delibird from HGSS.
Delibird is a Basic Water Pokemon. Being a Water Pokemon
is pretty good right now, as there is plenty of support
from Rain Dance and a few other decks. Delibird has 70
HP, which isn't great, especially as a non-evolving
Basic. Double Weakness to Metal is a problem if Dialga G
is big in your area, but shouldn't too bad otherwise;
Fighting Resistance is great to have; and a Retreat Cost
of 1 is definitely payable if you find yourself having
to retreat.
Delibird has no Powers or Bodies, simply two attacks.
The first attack, Snowy Present, allows you to draw a
card for each Water Energy attached to all of your
Pokemon for the bargain price of [W]. At the very worst,
you're getting one card, and if you run this in a fairly
well set-up Rain Dance deck, you can have MASSIVE draw
power. There is one drawback with this, though: Since
this attack is entirely dependent on the amount of
Energy you have in play, Delibird isn't always very
useful early game, but rather acts as a powerful draw
engine later in the game when you have a Feraligatr
Prime and a significant amount of Energy on the field.
Delibird's other attack, Hail, deals 10 damage to each
of your opponent's Pokemon (not applying Weakness or
Resistance for those on the bench). The attack isn't
hard hitting by any means, but spread damage can be
useful. Unfortunately, Nidoqueen RR is everywhere
nowadays, so you're probably better off just drawing
cards with Snowy Present.
Modified: 3/5 I may be rating this a little high, but I
like Delibird. While it's incredibly frail, not a
fantastic offensive attacker, and not for every deck,
Delibird can be a fantastic support Pokemon for Rain
Dance decks. While Rain Dance is lacking a few things
right now (such as a big attacker), this will change in
the next few sets, and Delibird will continue having
importance in these decks, especially when Claydol
rotates out.
Limited: 3.5/5 Draw power is always great in limited,
and Delibird is no exception. However, chances are that
you are going to be playing a few different types of
Energy. Even still, Limited is a fairly slow format, and
even drawing 2 or 3 cards per turn with the attack can
give you a major advantage.

Otaku |
Today we look at
Delibird from HeartGold SoulSilver.
It’s a fully Evolve Basic
Pokémon, so it can’t rely on a later
Stage to justify its use.
It is a Water Pokémon, so that is
some good news: maybe it’s just me, but
I can’t help but feel like there is some
killer deck waiting to be made with
Feraligatr Prime.
We have a solid 70 HP, which is
great for Basics in general but again,
this is a non-Evolving Pokémon, so it is
merely “good”:
outside of your Weakness or a deck
loaded with nasty tricks, you shouldn’t
have to worry too much about a first or
second turn OHKO, and basically until
your opponent has a “real” attacker, its
going to be at least two shots to take
Delibird down.
Now, if you are being attacked by
a Metal Pokémon, it’ll score double
damage against
Delibird due to Weakness.
This is nice: it isn’t the best
Weakness you could hope for, but at
least it isn’t the all too common
Lightning Weakness.
This wouldn’t be the reason to
Delibird (for one thing, there are
other Metal Weak Water Pokémon) but it
is a small perk that alongside a useful
ability could edge it into your deck.
Fighting Resistance is good to
see, even if it is only -20.
It isn’t uncommon for a Fighting
Pokémon to have an ability to bypass
Resistance, but it’s still nice to have
something here, and some games this will
Delibird alive an extra turn or two.
Requiring only a single Energy to
retreat is quite nice: it isn’t the
freedom provided by a free cost, but at
this level as long as
Delibird was already up and
attacking, you should be able to meet
This card has two attacks, the first
being useful early game and the second
either early or late game.
Snowy Present requires just a
single Water Energy.
It lets you draw cards equal to
the number of Water Energy attached to
all of your Pokémon.
First thought is, of course, Rain
Dance: second/third turn,
Rare Candy into
Feraligatr and dump all the Energy
you can from your hand.
If your opening was good, you
still have a Supporter usage and can get
more Energy to dump into play.
Use Snowy Present then to reload
your hand, and if
Delibird survives… repeat.
Delibird is KO’d, you should have
all you need for an otherwise strong
Still, that is a bit slow, and if
you don’t get
Feraligatr out and dumping Energy,
it’s only a single card draw.
The second attack is Hail, which does 10
damage to each of your opponent’s
Pokémon for just (WC).
This is good, but not great.
It looks like
Delibird got two useful supporting
attacks, but not a main one or useful
Pokémon Power to flesh out the deal.
If your set up wasn’t great,
Snowy Present will only save you via
luck (either your good or the opponent’s
Hail is a tad more promising,
since hitting everything for 10 can
soften up your opponent’s early Pokémon
or finished off injured ones trying to
hide on the Bench.
If you can get it off early and
often, it will let
Feraligatr Prime fake OHKO a lot of
If this card still sounds useful, well
it is.
It is just there are so many
other options.
While every single aspect of this
card isn’t duplicated in another
Pokémon, diverse Weaknesses, handy
Resistance, big Basics, set-up enabling
attacks, and Bench hitting attacks are
all possible, and many even overlap.
As a quick note I’ll say it looks
excellent for Limited play.
The format is so much slower that
both attacks become a lot more useful.
If you have a deck that can
afford to run mostly Water Energy, you
should easily get a good draw off of
Snowy Present, even outside of early
game: 70 HP is just enough to survive a
good hit in Limited, and a few smaller
Even if Water is just one of a
few colors splashed into the deck, Hail
can really ruin an opponent’s day in
this format.
The slower set up also means your
opponent’s Pokémon will have lower HP
scores to work with.
You should make it easier for
your follow up Pokémon to score a string
and if your opponent gets a sub par
set-up, you might even take all your
Prizes in one epic final Hail.