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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Noctowl #8/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Noctowl HGSS
Like yesterday’s card, Noctowl HGSS has been mentioned
as possible draw support in a post-Claydol format. Like
Monday’s card, it is a great example of some of the
wonderful artwork in the HGSS set.
Noctowl is a Colourless Stage 1 with 90 HP (kind of
average), x2 Lightning Weakness (the worst!), and a
handy Resistance to Fighting. The Retreat cost of one
isn’t ideal, but is low enough to work with.
Noctowl’s Night Sight Power is simplicity itself: it
lets you draw an extra card per turn. An extra card is
nothing to be sneezed at, but is it really worth
benching a Stage 1 for? Especially a Stage 1 that can be
dragged out and OHKO’d by Luxray? Well, the answer right
no is emphatically ‘no’. While we still have Claydol and
Uxie, there’s no reason to run this card for its Power .
. . none at all.
You do get an attack called Extrasensory with Noctowl,
however. For [C][C][C] you do a base damage of 40 (which
is terrible), but if you and your opponent have the same
number of cards in hand, the damage is doubled to 80.
This could actually be quite a decent attack in some
circumstances. The Colourless cost, though high, is easy
enough to fulfil no matter what deck you run, and there
are several popular Pokémon that have Colourless
Weakness (Garchomp C, Flygon, Garchomp SV). Ensuring
your hand size is the same as your opponent isn’t too
difficult either. Most decks keep their hand at 5-7
cards with Uxie and Claydol so you can play out, or
conserve your hand as appropriate, and there’s always
Copycat if you want to make sure.
Sadly for Noctowl, a semi-decent but slow attack, and a
PokePower that is Clearly inferior to alternatives means
that it is unlikely to see any play in this format. In
fact, we already have a card with an identical Power,
similar attack, and free Retreat (Dodrio SV), and no-one
thinks of running that. Even in a world without
Claydol, this card is of doubtful worth. If this is the
best generic draw support we will have, then the format
will be very slow indeed for set up decks.
Modified: 2 (situational attack, sub-par Power)
Limited: 4 (draw is brilliant and the attack is good
here too)
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! Today's COTD is Noctowl from
the HeartGold and SoulSilver set.
Noctowl is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon aren't generally bad, as they have flexible
energy requirements and can easily find a place in most
decks. 90 HP is about normal for a Stage 1, but could
afford to be a little higher. Double Weakness to
Lightning is bad in a format where Luxray GL Lv. X is
one of the most common cards. Resistance to Fighting is
great. A Retreat Cost of 1 is decent, and can be paid
without too much trouble.
Noctowl has a Poke-Power and an attack. The
Poke-Power, Night Sight, allows you to draw a card once
per turn, given that you aren't affected by a Special
Condition. This straightforward power obviously can
generate you some free card advantage, but there are
generally better alternatives. While Noctowl's card draw
is without any relative drawback, drawing one single
card will rarely be helpful when you could simply draw
multiple cards (Claydol, Uxie, Ninetales, Felicity's
Drawing) or search for whatever you need (Roseanne's
Research, Bebe's Search, Poke Drawer+). However, any
sort of card advantage is good to have, and who knows,
Noctowl could see some play after the format rotation as
a weak draw engine.
Noctowl's attack, Extrasensory, obviously has some
synergy with Night Sight. For [CCC], it deals 40 damage
plus 40 more if you have the same number of cards in
hand as your opponent. 40 damage for 3 Energy is a
horrendous cost, but 80 for 3 Colorless is actually
pretty decent, provided that you can actually get the
same number of cards in hand as your opponent. This
isn't as hard to do as one might think: With Claydol
being played so often, it is a fairly common occurrence
for your opponents to have somewhere around 4-6 cards in
hand, and this number is fairly easy to match if you run
a Claydol of your own. However, if you're running
Claydol, you probably shouldn't be running Noctowl in
the first place.
Modified: 2/5 Much like the Ninetales we reviewed
yesterday, Noctowl is largely a bench-sitting support
Pokemon. However, unlike Ninetales, the rewards for
playing Noctowl probably don't justify using it in a
deck, given that you're only drawing a single card per
turn. However, Noctowl may see some play when Claydol
and Uxie rotate out, when card drawing with Poke-Powers
isn't nearly as common.
Limited: 3/5 Colorless energy requirements and card
advantage make Noctowl a pretty decent pick in Limited.
While the attack is still overpriced, any sort of card
draw helps win games.

Otaku |
Today’s CotD is the latest
It has 90 HP, which is pretty
standard for fully Evolved Stage 1.
It has a double Weakness to
Lightning Pokémon: even just coming back
to the game and still trying to find
time to catch-up, I know there is a
strong, effective deck to put the hurt
Noctowl, which means so does
everyone else.
Fighting Resistance, even at the
-20 level, is still welcome, but
remember that Fighting Pokémon are known
for hitting hard and bypassing
A single Energy Retreat Cost is
good but not great.
Hoothoot is nothing spectacular, so
Noctowl had better have some
spectacular abilities to warrant a spot
in your deck.
*reads card*
Not seeing it.
Night Sight isn’t a bad Poké-Power,
but it can’t carry the card.
Drawing an extra card is always
nice, but can’t justify a Stage 1 on its
Likewise, Extrasensory is a good
attack, but won’t carry the card either:
40 damage for three Energy on a fully
Evolved Stage 1 Pokémon is poor.
The extra 40 damage you get if
you can match your hand size to your
opponent’s is good, but requires effort
and a gives your opponent a chance to
make it unreliable.
Noctowl to see play, Pokémon has to
have a radical shift.
Not just the normal set rotation,
but a loss of all other significant
sources of speed or support for
other aspects of this card.
For example, a return of the Poké-Power
Smooth Over on something less than a
Stage 2 Pokémon: you could build an
entire deck based on getting up to the
exact three cards you need each
More non-attacks that allow you
to reliably synchronize your hand with
your opponent: unless I missed it (and I
will remind you that is quite possible
right now) it’s just
Lastly, if there was something
else to reward you for having a Bench
full of
Noctowl, again it becomes a serious
After all, a reliable extra draw
of two to four cards on top of some
other effect would be worth the space.
Unfortunately for
Noctowl, none of that seems to
apply, and it feels like such a waste.
This card is less than the sum of
its parts: everything that went into it
(other than Weakness) is passable or
even good, but not enough to beat out
the competition.
You’d be better off dedicating
the space for it in a deck to a better
supporting Pokémon and/or non-Pokémon
cards to speed your set up.
2/5 – It doesn’t grant a good return,
but it does give you something.
4/5 – Here there is a distinct lack of
competition: any draw is good as is a
weak but reliable Colorless fueled
attack that occasionally hit hard.
At the very least, your opponent
has to work to keep your hand sizes from
matching up.
So while the rest of the article
is down on our bird, here it can fly