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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Typhlosion (Prime)
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Typhlosion (Prime) HGSS
For today’s review we are looking at the Prime which we
missed when we did a week of them a while back. Only
Donphan out of all the Primes seems to have made much of
an impact at the recent State Championships. The others
seem to either be not quite good enough to make the
grade (Meganium) or waiting for new releases which will
make the most of what they have to offer (Feraligatr).
Let’s see which of those categories Typhlosion falls
Well, its got a nice big 140 HP to go with the
predictable x2 Water Weakness (watch out for Gyarados!).
The Retreat cost of two is a bit of a pain, but in most
decks that play Typhlosion, it shouldn’t be too much of
an issue.
Why? Well, because the main reason Typhlosion will be
used (if at all) is for his Pokémon Power, Afterburner.
This lets you attach an extra Fire Energy from your
discard to any of your Pokémon, the downside being that
you also have to put a damage counter on that Pokémon.
Getting that Energy into the discard shouldn’t be a
problem for Fire decks as they can always use Ninetales
HGSS for draw support. This means that with Ninetales
and Typhlosion on your Bench you have a useful
draw/Energy acceleration engine for Energy hungry,
discard-happy Fire Pokémon like Blaziken, Infernape, and
Typhlosion also has an ok attack if you ever want to use
it in that way. For [R][R][C], Flare Destroy does an
acceptable 70 damage and requires both you and your
opponent to discard an Energy from the active Pokémon.
Obviously, this has some synergy with Typhlosion’s Power
and could be nasty if you are chucking away your
opponent’s Special Energies.
So . . . will the Energy acceleration and semi-decent
attack make Typhlosion a card to be reckoned with? Well,
there are two things standing in its way. Firstly, we
already have Typhlosion MT, a card with a very similar
Power. True, it can only attach to Benched Pokémon
(easily remedied with a Stark Mountain Stadium), but it
doesn’t have that potentially nasty drawback of placing
a damage counter (which is a bit like giving your
opponent a free Crobat drop on your active Pokémon).
Seeing as Typhlosion MT hasn’t seen any play for a long
while, it makes me wonder if the Prime version will fare
any better. The second issue is that, in this format,
low Energy attacks are much more efficient and effective
than Energy acceleration. They are faster and require no
set up. A deck which relies on getting supporting Stage
2 and Stage 1 Pokémon into play runs the risk of being
torn apart early by rush decks like Donphan, and SP
decks using Energy Gain.
As for the future? Well, if the format slows down a
whole lot after the rotation, and Fire decks can take
advantage of having the best draw support after Claydol
GE disappears from Modified, then possibly Typhlosion
could be a decent card. It’s something to bear in mind
when constructing a Fire deck, for sure. Right now,
though, it will struggle.
Modified: 2.5 (Too slow and clunky for now. Could become
useful in a slow format)
Limited: 3 (Like all big Stage 2s, it’s good IF you can
get it out)

Otaku |
So beautiful… should have sent a poet…
Oh, why not?
From beginners’ ranks
Arise leader of the flames
Chosen Typhlosion
What, for a quickie haiku referencing
the Pokémon and
Transformers: The Movie (1986), it
isn’t that bad. ;)
Prime is today’s card.
A Stage 2 Fire Pokémon with 140
HP, it should be large enough to be a
hard OHKO.
Water Pokémon are excluded from
this given the double Weakness.
The lack of Resistance might be
justified if this card is as good as I
Likewise, the two Energy needed
to retreat is enough you won’t want to,
but isn’t crippling.
The Poké-Power is what has me so
excited: it’s a common trick for Fire
but an effective one.
Afterburner, once per turn before
your attack, lets you attach a Fire
Energy card from your discard pile to
one of your Pokémon.
The only drawback is that you
have to add a damage counter as well.
Sounds like a good deal to me: no
restriction on Type, Stage, location… if
it is one of your Pokémon and in play,
you can power it up!
The attack isn’t something to
build a deck around, but it is good
enough you’ll occasionally use it: Flare
Destroy needs just (RRC) to hit for a
respectable 70 damage, and then you
discard an Energy card from
Typhlosion and from the Defending
What can you run with this card?
Just about anything that can make
use of Fire Energy.
What should you use with this
That narrows it down, but there
are still a lot of potential dance
Remember folks, I am slowly
returning to this game.
I just brought up and read 112
Fire Pokémon to get an idea of what this
can do.
I can see about a dozen potential
and half of them will survive the set
rotation: indeed I’d say some will be
helped by it.
In Limited, Energy
manipulation/acceleration becomes extra
potent when it is pretty much
While you can only snag Fire
Energy, you should have plenty of
Pokémon (Fire or not) that can make use
of it.
Typhlosion Prime’s attack will even
be more useful here.
In know this is going up on April
1st, but this isn’t a joke.
Ah Typhlosion, the Fire-type Johto starter and also
one of the many Pokemon Primes released in HGSS. Let's
take a look.
First off, 140 HP is a good way to start things off.
This kind of HP was rarely seen on nonLevel X cards
outside of Wailord. Looks like Pokemon Prime are already
off to a good start. However, that monstrous amount of
HP might not last very long between Typhlosion's x2
weakness to Water, one of the most common types ever,
and its lack of Resistance. I mean seriously, at least
give Fire-types a resistance to Grass or a weakness to
Fighting maybe. Mix it up a bit. Personal opinions
aside, a retreat cost of two is a tad hefty, although
most of the time you'll just be using Typhlosion as a
bench-sitter. Still, being a Palkia LV.X's Restructure
or a Luxray GL LV.X's Bright Look target will make you
appreciate not having three or four as a retreat cost.
After all, you can always drop a Double Colorless
Here's the meat of this card, it's Poke-Power.
Typhlosion Prime's Power allows you to attach a Fire
Energy from your discard pile to any one of your Pokemon,
at the cost of placing one damage counter on that
Pokemon. This power seems to be very similar to another
Typhlosion's power, the one from Mysterious Treasures.
Each has their own advantages and drawbacks. On one
hand, Typhlosion MT lets you attach the energy without
placing a damage counter, put it's limited to your
benched Pokemon. This ca be easily remedied with Stark
Mountain, Energy Link, or other similar cards.
Typhlosion Prime lets you attach the energy to any
Pokemon, but the damage counter can mean the difference
between staying in play and getting knocked out,
especially with repeated usage. However, it does free
you to run another stadium such as Broken Time-Space.
Finally, we are at Typhlosion Prime's attack, Flare
Destroy, which is an awesome name. For two Fire Energies
and one Colorless Energy, Typhlosion does 70 damage with
the added effect of discarding an Energy Card attached
to Typhlosion Prime and one attached to the Defending
Pokemon. This attack works well with Typhlosion's
Poke-Power, but, as previously stated, Typhlosion is
best left on the bench to support other Fire-types, such
as Magmortar and Charizard. Still, in limited, this
attack wreaks havoc as most decks are multi-typed and
the loss of even one Energy can ruin a deck.
After rotation, Typhlosion Prime will be the energy
accelerator of choice for the many Fire Decks that are
sure to rise up with the addition of Ninetails from HGSS
to the game. Until then, don't expect to see too much of
this guy over his MT counterpart.
Modified 3/5
This card is good and works wonders with Magmortar,
whose Poke-Body can heal the damage granted by
Afterburner. In most cases however, this card is simply
outshined by the damage-free Power of the Typhlosion
from Mysterious Treasures.
Limited 4.5/5If this card was a tad faster or if Rare
Candy was in HGSS, it would be a perfect five. If you
manage to get a line of this sucker, use it. Flare
Destroy is devastating and Afterburner game-breaking. |