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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Wobbuffet #13/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.25
Limited: 2.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Wobbuffet HGSS
So . . . now we have another modified legal Wobbuffet in
the format. All I can say to that is . . . it’s about
time! No Wobbuffet has been printed since the first
Diamond and Peal set. I was starting to worry that it
was the subject of Kadabra-style legal action.
Not that Wobbuffet DP was any good . . . in fact it was
abysmal, and sadly, the new one isn’t much of an
improvement. 90 HP is excellent for a non-evolving,
non-SP Basic, but that is where the good news ends. X2
Psychic Weakness, no Resistance, and a Retreat cost of
[C][C] are not going to endear Wobbuffet to competitive
players . . .
. . . and neither is his attack. For [P][C] Double
Return lets you flip a coin for each damage counter on
Wobbuffet and do 20 damage for each heads. So, you could
flip eight coins and do up to 160 damage right? Hey, why
not attach Expert Belt and flip ten coins for up to 200!
That’s enough to OHKO a Wailord!
Ummm . . . no. The attack is bad for two reasons. First,
it’s flippy so you have no control over the damage it
does. Secondly, your opponent can limit the damage it
does by simply not attacking it unless they can knock it
out with one hit (easily done with Uxie LV X, Gardevoir
SW, Garchomp C + Crobat G, etc etc.) Sure, you could try
it with some weird self-damaging combo, but it would be
a poor use of effort and deck space. If you want to play
those kind of tricks, stick with Gyarados MT.
*Sigh* you wait THIS long for a Wobbuffet, and it turns
out to be rubbish. Making it a holo rare just adds
insult to injury.
Modified: 1.25 (at least your other Wobbuffet won’t be
lonely in the binder now)
Limited: 1.75 (eh, it’s harder to OHKO Wobbuffet here)
virusyosh |
Happy almost weekend, Pojo viewers! Our COTD week
ends with yet another rare from the HGSS expansion.
Today's Card of the Day is the Patient Pokemon,
Wobbuffet is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Wobbuffet has 90
HP, which is pretty good for a non-evolving Basic.
Double Weakness to Psychic isn't very good: AMU decks
are still played on occasion, as well as Nidoqueen and
Shuppet. No Resistance isn't good, but is what we'd
expect. A Retreat Cost of 2 is a lot for a Basic, so
you'll probably want some other way of switching.
Wobbuffet's single attack, Double Return, deals 20
damage times the number of damage counters on Wobbuffet
if you flip heads for [PC]. There are several problems
with this attack. First of all, the damage output is
entirely dependent on the number of damage counters
Wobbuffet has, which is very dangerous. In order to do a
lot of damage, Wobbuffet must be in KO range, but having
that few HP remaining will probably just get you Knocked
Out, if they don't just OHKO you first. Second, the
attack is entirely dependent on coin flips, making the
attack very unreliable.
Modified: 1/5 The HP is decent, and that's about it. The
attack is coin flip dependent and relies on your
opponent, which is a bad combination.
Limited: 1.5/5 The attack is still unreliable and relies
on your opponent, but it's slightly better here because
Wobbuffet won't die quite as fast. I still probably
wouldn't recommend it, though.

Otaku |
Sneaking in another quick review, I’ll
give the latest
Wobbuffet a shot.
I am biased:
Wobbuffet is my favorite “second
generation” Pokémon.
Wobbuffet is a Basic Psychic Pokémon
with a very good 90 HP.
That double Psychic Weakness
isn’t happy at all: try not to give up a
No Resistance is the worst
Resistance, so we’ll move on.
A two Energy Retreat Cost is a
pain, but manageable: if you absolutely
had to, you could dump your Energy off
Wobbuffet or burn a
Double Colorless Energy to get it
out of the Active spot, but you should
have some alternatives in your deck to
avoid it.
As a whole, these are pretty
solid stats for the card.
has a single attack, Double Return.
It requires two Energy (one of
which must be Psychic), which isn’t too
bad, but then it gets two nasty
requirements: it needs to have taken
damage in order to inflict any harm to
the opponent and the damage it deals
rests entirely on a single coin flip.
So if your opponent just waits to
Wobbuffet, you can’t hurt them.
Decent as a stall tactic and it
would be enough… if the attack just
needed two of any Energy so that a
Double Colorless Energy could fuel
Then you’d just keep said
Double Colorless Energy in hand
until it was needed.
Instead you have to drop at least
one Energy on
Wobbuffet to make it a viable threat
and thus able to stall.
If your opponent calls your bluff
and attacks but doesn’t KO
Wobbuffet, then your damage could be
20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, or even
160 if you flip “heads”.
If not you wasted two Energy as
by now your opponent can probably KO
I will also mention I am aware we still
have a legal
Wynaut that, with the
Baby Evolution Poké-Power, could
pseudo-Evolve into
It was tempting at first, since
that would give a no-cost attack to open
with… but it only has 40 HP and
ironically the normally beneficial
effect of Baby Evolution backfires: Baby
Evolution requires you remove all damage
counters from
Wobbuffet after you “Evolve” from
If another
Wynaut is released (and can Evolve
Wobbuffet) then maybe it could save
Wobbuffet: Destiny Bond with light
cost would fit perfectly, for example.
Like many of the Pokémon this week,
Wobbuffet feels like a good idea
improperly implemented.
As stated, it still would have
been a viable opener for decks if the
attack could be fueled with a
Double Colorless Energy.
Another option would be if it had
you flip a coin for each damage counter
Wobbuffet and did 20 damage for each
heads, spreading out the risk.
Yet another simple revision would
have been allowing it to use damage
counters from all
At the very least,
Wobbuffet needed another effect to
either make it harder to KO (or even
just OHKO) or just so it could do
something while undamaged, or
Gardevoir with Psy Shadow to be
*checks hopefully* Nope, didn’t
happen when I wasn’t looking.
For Modified play, this card
looks to be pretty dead for general
play, though perhaps there is a niche
use in a Psychic deck.
At least it should be a solid
opener for Limited, so long as you can
run some Psychic Energy.