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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Octillery #6/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
May 24, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.60
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Octillery (Unleashed)
Hello and welcome to another week of Pojo’s CotD. This
week we will be rounding up a few Rares from the recent
Unleashed set.
We kick off with Octillery, a Stage 1 Water Pokémon with
80 HP, a double Lightning Weakness, and Retreat cost of
two which you shouldn’t ever really have to pay.
Every time we get to review a Lightning-Weak Pokémon, we
are legally obliged to bring up the subject of Luxray GL
LV X. That card is everywhere. It stars in its own
highly successful deck (LuxChomp), and makes special
guest appearances in everything from Gengar variants to
Jumpluff decks. What it does to Water Pokémon,
especially low HP Water Pokémon, is not pretty: it turns
them into cheap and easy Prizes, even if they are on the
But let’s assume you either live in Bizarro World, where
no-one plays Luxray, or that you are extremely
foolish brave. Does Octillery give you enough reason
to put it into a deck?
Well, no Powers or Bodies, but it does have two attacks.
Switch Cannon is a cheap snipe attack which does 30
damage for [W]. Good value, but not exactly devastating
in itself. It does come with a potentially nice twist
with Octillery switching out after it attacks,
presumably so you can put up some kind of defensive wall
like Mr Mime or Shedinja SV. If this kind of strategy
appeals to you, you are much better off sticking with
Gengar AR. 30 damage a turn will get you nowhere fast.
Ink Bomb, Octillery’s other attack ups the cost to
[W][C][C], but barely increases the damage to 50. No
snipe/switch effect here, instead you get another form
of protection for your Pokémon. If the Defending Pokémon
tries to attack next turn, they flip a coin and if they
get tails, the attack does nothing. Unfortunately,
relying on coin flipping to save your Pokémon is not a
sound strategy, and neither is depending on effects
which reside on the Defending Pokémon. A simple Unown G
can get around this, and so can simply retreating for a
different active Pokémon.
So, what you are left with is a Pokémon that is
underpowered and all too easily knocked out. Not the
best combination for successful deckbuilding.
Modified: 1.5 (it does some things . . . just doesn’t do
them well enough)
Limited: 2.75 (attacks can be handy in a low HP format)
Combos with . . .
Nothing worthwhile, I’m afraid.

Otaku |
Unleashed 6/96
Water Pokémon
1 (Evolves from Remoraid)
Lightning x 2
(W) Switch Cannon
Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.
This attack does
30 damage to
that Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness or
Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Switch Octillery with one of your
Benched Pokémon.
(WCC) Ink Bomb [50]
If the Defending Pokémon
tries to attack during
your opponent’s next
turn, your opponent
flips a coin.
If tails, that
attack does nothing.
The new
Octillery is another example of good
idea, poor execution.
It has low HP for a Stage 1
Pokémon, an undesirable Weakness in the
current format, complete lack of
Resistance and high-for-its-size Retreat
Cost of two.
Being a Water Pokémon, at least,
isn’t bad.
For a single Energy, the card can hit
any opposing Pokémon
for 30 damage.
You then have to change out
Octillery with one of your Benched
This is a Stage 1, so even for a
single Energy it’s a three card
investment (four if you go second and
want to have it ready that turn).
Then you need something to hide
I don’t think the classic
“porter” strategy is going to work in
this format: to make it fast enough
requires skipping out on the protection
it’d need.
I would actually like this attack
better if it were more expensive: if it
hit even for 40
damage it would be able to
two-hit KO a decent amount of Bench
Ironically, the second attack is the one
that needed to be cheap, because it
seems like a better supporting attack
than main attack.
Ink Bomb requires three Energy
(one has to be Water, the other two can
be whatever) and hits for 50 with a
solid effect: 50% chance of making your
opponent’s next attack fizzle, provided
they don’t Evolve,
switch out Pokémon, etc.
This would be a much better
“setting up” attack if it only required
a single Energy (or two of any type so
you could use a
Double Colorless Energy).
Obviously it’d have to do less
damage to remain balanced, but it’d be a
nice, obnoxious opener.
I like what they tried to do, but the
attacks feel flip-flopped and notice
there is no Poké-Body or Poké-Power.
Either defensive effect probably
would have been more useful there so the
attacks could be stronger.
If you want to run it, either
doing so with something that can soak
damage or avoid it entirely.
That partner then either needs to
be able to get back to the Bench so you
can go back to attacking with
Octillery or have inexpensive
attacks so it can start swinging itself.
You may also want to run
something to make sure
Octillery stays safe on the Bench.
One could go all out and pair
this with
Bastiodon from Mysterious Treasures,
for example but that feels like too
I’d go with a minimalist
approach, like
Torkoal from Mysterious Treasures,
the “Baby” Pokémon with the protective
Poké-Body Sweet Sleeping Face, and/or
Bench Shield.
Combo With:
Torkoal (Mysterious Treasures),
Bench Shield
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Octillery (HS Unleashed)
Octillery doesn't see much love as a card, there's
only one other Modified version at the moment. Sadly, I
think that version is better, though that doesn't say
Octillery is a non-evolving Stage 1 so it had better
be a great attacker or have a useful tech ability as a
bench sitter if it wants to see play. Unfortunately,
that isn't the way it happened.
Octillery has 90 HP (average), x2 weakness to
Lightning (ouch), no resistance and a retreat cost of 2
(the suction cups may have something to do with it). No
powers and 2 damage attacks mean this card is not a
tech, and a max of 50 base damage mean this card isn't
an attacker either. It falls in the stall and snipe
categories, but it doesn't fit well there either.
Switch Cannon is the snipe attack and does 30 damage
to one Pokemon for W, and forces Octillery to switch out
with one of your benched Pokemon. Good for the cost, but
you can't up the damage in this format and the switch
means you are sacrificing something more valuable to
save Octillery (though it does get around the retreat
cost somewhat). With Nidoqueen so popular, this attack
is a no go.
Ink Bomb is the more expensive stall attack. for WCC
you make the opponent flip a coin during their next turn
if they attack. On tails the attack fails. You also get
50 damage into the bargain, which isn't enough to save
the card. Make it 90 for the same cost and you'd see
some people considering it, but as it stands this attack
is rubbish. Simply switch, evolve or have Unown G in
play to remove/prevent the effect and the attack becomes
completely useless as the damage is nowhere near enough
to make the effort worth it.
This card just doesn't have anything even remotely
playable about it. Keep it in the binder, or use it to
lever up your table when it tilts.
Sorry for not commenting on the art, I've only got
the stats and attack text at the moment. I pray they at
least put something pretty on the front to justify the
inclusion in the set.
Modified: 1.25 (the cheap snipe is all that stops it
getting a 1)
Limited: 2.5 (the snipe becomes quite annoying to the
opponet here, but the second attack still sucks)
Combos with: hardwood floors (lifting that leg to the
right height is easier with lots of thin pieces of