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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Blastoise #13/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
May 28, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Blastoise (Unleashed)
Today’s card is the Promo card from the set. It seems
that with HGSS sets we are getting Promos that are at
least semi-playable, and that’s a very good thing.
This card even got some proper hype when the Japanese
translations came out. If you go on Pokémon websites you
will see more people trying to build decks with this
card than anything else from the new set. Let’s see if
it deserves all of this attention.
Blastoise is a Stage 2 with a good 130 HP, an unpleasant
Retreat cost of three (better find room for those Warp
Points), and the very worst Weakness in the game (x2
Lightning). See Monday’s review for details of why this
is an appalling handicap for any card. If you can’t be
bothered, I’ll just say one word: Luxray.
Blastoise comes with a Pokémon Power, which is almost
always a good thing. Wash Out allows you to move one
Water Energy per turn from a Benched to an Active
Pokémon. That’s a fairly useful ability which can act as
pseudo acceleration and conserve the Energy you have on
the Field.
The thing that really gets Blastoise noticed is the
attack. Hydro Launcher can hit ANY of your opponent’s
Pokémon for 100 damage. That’s huge. That’s a OHKO and a
Prize on any Claydol, Uxie, Azelf, un-Levelled Up SP
Basic, most Stage 1s and even the odd Stage 2 (like . .
. ummm . . . Jumpluff). Before we get carried away
though, it’s obvious that such a ludicrously powerful
attack is going to come with some serious drawbacks. In
this case, Hydro Launcher costs [W][W][C][C] to use, and
it sends two Water Energy back to your hand.
Normally, that massive cost would be enough to condemn
Blastoise to the binder. It seems that it would take at
least 3-4 turns to get it powered up, and even then you
could only use the attack every other turn. Luckily,
there is a solution in the shape of Feraligatr Prime.
Feraligatr Prime’s Rain Dance Power lets you attach as
many Water Energy as you like per turn to any of your
Water Pokémon. So, with enough Water Energy in hand, you
could get Blastoise using Hydro Launcher in one turn,
and have it attacking every turn. Sounds pretty
broken doesn’t it? Until you realise that this combo
relies on setting up two Stage 2 Pokémon, one of which
is an easy OHKO for the most popular card in the format,
and on maintaining a hand full of Energy.
For those reasons, Blastoise/Feraligatr just seems too
slow and clunky to make a really big impact in a
metagame characterised by very fast, disruptive decks,
most of which seem to play Luxray GL. If you CAN ever
get this set up, and avoid the OHKOs, then this deck
would be a serious beast. Would you be able to do that
consistently in today’s TCG environment? I doubt it.
Maybe when and if the format slows down . . . but not
until then.
Modified: 2.5 (Ridiculously powerful in theory, but
waiting for a slower format)
Limited: 2.5 (maybe if you also pulled Floatzel UL . . .
but getting a combo like that is unlikely in Limited)
Combos with . . .
Feraligatr Prime . . . bringing back memories of old
school Rain Dance decks!

Otaku |
HS – Unleashed 13/96 Rare
2 (Evolves from Wartortle)
Lightning x2
Wash Out
As often as you like during your turn (before your
attack) you may move a Water Energy attached to 1 of
your Benched Pokémon to your Active Pokémon.
This power can’t be used if Blastoise is affected
by a Special Condition.
(WWCC) Hydro Launcher
Return 2 Water Energy attached to
Blastoise to your hand.
Select 1 of your opponent’s
This attack does 100 damage to
that Pokémon (Don’t apply Weakness or
Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
have an abridged review today, but not because we have a
bad card.
In fact, it’s almost the opposite.
has average (for a Stage 2) HP and is hurt by having the
worst possible Weakness in the current format, lack of
Resistance and hefty three Energy Retreat Cost.
However it is helped by having a great attack.
That’s right; the Poké-Power isn’t what makes
this card, though it’s a decent back-up option.
It’s the attack that matters here: 100 points of
damage is just enough to slaughter most Benched
supporting Pokémon and not-fully-Evolved Pokémon.
Historically if it has been enough to dominate
the metagame, it’s at least been a serious contender,
even when requiring a hideously complicated combo to get
it off turn after turn.
we’ll have to run two Stage 2 Pokémon (this
Blastoise and
Prime) but you’ll be able to shred the Bench.
What will keep this deck in line is it is totally
Poké-Power dependant: if you can’t use either Pokémon’s
Poké-Power you’re stuck hitting every other turn with
Blastoise and
thus really having to rely on
Prime to attack.
Neither option sounds fun.
Speaking of Poké-Powers, I’ll point out that Wash Out at
least creates the option of a non-Raindance fueled
Since you can rip Energy from other Pokémon, anything
with Energy acceleration (even onto itself) or that just
has fantastic staying power and is hard to KO can
eventually feed
Nothing really jumped out at me, but at least I
can tell you readers what to keep an eye out for, either
in new sets or perhaps sitting in a binder somewhere.
As a
last note, if you can pull it in Limited, run it.
Stage 2 with respectable stats (for Limited) and
the ability to destroy anything hiding on your
opponent’s Bench while leeching Energy from whatever
you’ve got hiding on your own.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Blastoise (HS Unleashed)
Here's the card you've been waiting all week for!
Blastoise HSU has received a lot of hype, so the reveiw
crew will now be giving our judgement of whether or not
Blastoise is worth all of the excitement.
Nice picture, I must say. Blastoise at least looks
violent, and Fukuda has done a brilliant job on his
theme for the Water Pokemon in this set.
Now the stats. Blastoise sits on a standard but still
healthy 130 HP with the dreaded x2 weakness to
Lightning. No resistance is expected (why can't Watr
have Fire resistance?) as is the retreat cost of 3, but
that doesn't mean we like it. So far, survivability
seems low.
Blastoise is packing a very nice power named Wash Out,
which is pretty much a clone of the power used by
Gardevoir PT, except that it works with W energy insted
of P energy. For those who haven't seen Gardevoir, Wash
Out allows you to move a W energy attached to one of
your benched Pokemon to your Acvtive Pokemon, as many
times as you like during your turn. It helps pay the
retreat cost if you really have to, though more likely
you'll use Warp Point/Switch and then move the energy to
your new attacker. However, Wash Out is not the reason
for the hype surrounding this card.
The reason this card was so hyped is because of the
single attack. Hydro Launcher costs WWCC and makes you
return 2 W energy attached to Blastoise to your hand.
For that hefty cost, you get to pick one of your
opponent's pokemon in play and smack it for a whopping
100 damage. Best of all, you aren't limited to picking a
benched Pokemon, so feel free to drench the main attcker
as well.
*imagines evil G.I. Blastoise carrying a bazooka,
followed by gratuitous explosions and bits of shattered
Claydols littering the battlefield*
The second reason this attack was hyped is because of
the recent rerelease of Rain Dance through Feraligatr
Prime. The general thought is that if you can get the
cards into your hand quickly enough, you can get both
Blastoise and Feraligatr into play by T2 and begin
smahing your opponent's techs without mercy, leaving
them completely behind with no place to run.
Unfortunately, we no longer have the completely broken
draw power seen in Base set, so setting up that quickly
is a major achievement which probably won't happen very
often. Other points against this card are the increasing
use of Manectric PT and Bench Shield, both of which
prevent Blastoise from acting like a demented fire
hydrant. Even more problematic, Luxray GL Lv X can OHKO
the big turtle with just one assisting Flash Bite from
Crobat G while Gengar SF has a field day with all of the
support poke-powers Blastoise would require to be
effective (the same reason Blastoise PT failed to live
up to the hype).
Looking at all of the different factors, I'm still
inclined to like Blastoise. That snipe is so tempting,
and the power isn't bad either. Feraligatr Prime makes
this a real threat and Blastoise PT could also be
worked in for more snipes and acceleration. Uxie and
Claydol provide enugh draw to give it a chance of
working, and Exploud SV can be used to avoid the
weakness issue. I don't know if anyone can pull it
together and make a tire 1 deck out of Blastoise HSU,
but that snipe (and the fact it was a Prerelease
promo) means a lot of people are going to try.
My final word? Start stocking up on Bench Shields and
Manectric. Even without Blastoise, you still have
Garchomp C Lv X, Relicanth SV and Gengar Lv X to deal
with.Heavy snipers are on the rise and getting worse!
Modified: 3.75 (it looks cool, it's a promo and that
snipe means it will see play)
Limited: 3 (just get Floatzel into play, and you have a
moster on your hands. Without Floatzel you'll have to
settle for attacking every other turn though, which
hurts a lot)
Combos with: Feraligatr Prime, Blastoie PT and Exploud