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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Crobat #14/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
May 28, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Crobat (Unleashed)
Nope . . . not the Crobat Prime (I’m sure we will get
around to that one later), today’s review is of the
standard Crobat from the Unleashed set.
In complete contrast to the Prime, no-one is excited
about this Pokémon (well, I’m not particularly excited
about the Prime either, but that can wait). What you get
with this Crobat is a Stage 2 with only 110 HP and a
double Lightning Weakness (what is this? ‘Destroyed by
Luxray Week’?!). It does have a nice Fighting resistance
(tough KO for Donphan Prime) and Free Retreat though, so
it’s not all bad.
It also has a cheap attack. For one Psychic Energy,
Supersonic does 30 damage and confuses the Defending
Pokémon. 30 for one is good value, and auto-Confuse is a
nice bonus, I suppose. However, since they removed the
coin flip for Confusion Retreat, it has become the worst
of all the Status Conditions. Anything that can Evolve,
Level Up, or Retreat for low cost will find it nothing
more than a minor inconvenience.
Crobat also has an expensive attack, so let’s hope it
can actually do enough damage to make it worthwhile
playing a Stage 2. For [P][C][C], Hurricane wing is a
flippy attack that lets you flip four coins and do 30
damage for each heads. As I explained in the Beedrill UL
review, flippy attacks are by definition unreliable, and
therefore almost always bad. Yeah, you could do 120 for
three Energy, which isn’t horrible (though a long way
from spectacular), but you could also do nothing . . .
and then wait for your Crobat to be KO’d and take three
Energy along with it. On average you will be doing 60
for three, which is the bad side of mediocre.
Underpowered, unreliable Luxray food just about sums up
this Crobat.
Modified: 1.5 (a long way short of tournament calibre)
Limited: 2 (Confusion is better here, but it’s not much
reward considering how hard it is to get a Stage 2 out
in Limited)
Combos with . . .
There isn’t really anything that can save this card.

Otaku |
is Psychic, reflecting the shift of the video game
Poison Types from Grass to Psychic.
Its 110 HP is a bit low for a Stage 2 but the
second highest we’ve seen on a
Crobat (and
the only higher example was
Crobat ex).
The double Weakness to Lightning Types really
hurts this card (as it has several of our recent
reviews) but at least it gets -20 Fighting Resistance
and a fantastic free Retreat Cost.
If you
speed into Crobat
you’ll be able to enjoy attacking for a single Psychic
Energy. The
attack only does 30 damage but it also Confuses
This would be pretty handy if shaking Special
Conditions wasn’t so easy, as it’d force them to
Retreat/switch out or risk their opener KOing itself.
Either is a waste of resources and slows them
down. For
(PCC) you can flip four coins and score 30 damage per.
Unfortunately that’s pretty fickle: you’ll only
average about 60 damage and for a Stage 2 and three
Energy investment, that is pretty poor.
If Time
Capsule actually sent cards back in time, this would
be a great card back in the Wizards of the Coast era of
the game.
least you can enjoy it in Limited, where Special
Conditions as a whole are stronger and the slower pace
should allow plenty of tries with your flip intensive
big attack.
Azelf Lv.X,
Broken Time-Space,
Flux Capacitor
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Crobat (HS Unleashed)
The bat is back and smacking into trees it can't see! Or
at least it looks that way, with a slightly dopey
expression from too many hits to the head. It seems that
Crobat G is the only version of this Pokemon that will
ever look any good. Sorry Kawayoo, please keep doing the
Lv X/Prime art, I won't insult Crobat again, I promise.
Now the stats. 110 is pretty lousy for a Stage 2, though
it seems standard for the faster Pokemon like Gengar and
Beedrill. The x2 Lightning weakness is absolutely
terrible (OHKO for Luxray) but the -20 Fighting
resistance and Free retreat make up for it. Besides, the
only logical alternative is Psychic weakness, and we
don't want that. Being Psychic is great for hitting your
opponent's weakness though. Not great stats, but not the
worst we've seen either.
On a side note, from next week I'm going to be lazy and
assume you understand that the weakness is always x2 and
the resistance is always -20. I'm annoyed about that,
because they can put the resistance back to -30 now to
compensate. I'm really annoyed that they never changed
up the resistance like the rulebooks hinted they would,
and now we've lost the cool changeable weakness as well.
Maybe we'll get Pokemon with a random type weakness or
resistance in future to make it interesting again. Sorry
to ramble, I just really felt the need to say that.
Back to the review, Crobat has no powers/bodies and 2
attacks. With the record set by Crobat G and Crobat
Prime, we've come to expect a lot from this guy, so
let's hope he can deliver.
Supersonic is an old stantard for the game, and this
iteration does 30 damage and auto confusion for P. Not
the brilliance we've come to expect since Special
Conditions are weak in the current meta, but above
average for the cost (though the fact that Crobat is
stage 2 means we pretty much expected it to be that
Hurrican Wing is where we realise that this Crobat is
just ugly binder fodder. for PCC, you flip 4 coins and
deal 30 damage per heads. No reliable damage, and this
attack can be found cheaper on Machamp SF (who, as most
of us know, has other great attacks and better stats).
*frantically rereads card*
Sorry, there is no awesome third attack written in
really small text that we missed. Seems we'll have to be
content with Crobat G. Why couldn't Supersonic be
changed to Poison Fang or something similar? Thinking
about it, lose the second attack altogether and replace
it with a body that stops your opponent removing Posion
though evolving/leveling up while Crobat is active? Then
you would have a really nasty partner for the Prime
version, and it wouldn't be broken because you would
still have to get Crobat active after using Extreme
Poison. Come on, gives a Crobat double team Nintendo! I
realllllly want one!
Modified: 2.25 (can be disruptive, but Hurricane wind
isn't worth the effort and Confusion is too weak ever
since it was changed to allow normal retreating)
Limited: 3 (Special Conditions are better here, and you
may as well run it if you get lots of Psychic Pokemon or
Crobat Prime. Or both)
Combos with: Plastic Binder sleeves |