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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day

Date Reviewed:
May 5, 2010 |
Suicune & Entei Legend
HS Unleashed
WWC - Torrent Blade - Return 2 Water Energy
attached to Suicune & Entei LEGEND to your hand.
Choose one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This
attack does 100 damage to that Pokémon. (Don't apply
Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
FCC - Bursting Inferno - 80 - The Defending
Pokémon is now Burned.
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.87
Limited: 3.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Suicune & Entei Legend (Unleashed)
Our final Legend this week is the other possible
combination of the Legenday Dogs, Suicune and Entei.
Yep, I am going to be calling it S&E from now on. Like
the others, it is not an easy Pokémon to use, thanks to
the restrictions on searching it out and getting it into
S&E is a Water/Fire dual type, which is very good as it
hits Jumpluffs, Donphans, and Fire decks for Weakness.
The dual Water/Lightning Weakness is a huge downside
here. The 140 P is considerable, but it will not protect
you from cheap easy OHKOs at the hands of Gyarados and
Luxray GL LV X: both of which are a very common sight in
tournaments. On the plus side, you do get Free Retreat.
Torrent Blade is S&E’s first attack. It costs a somewhat
steep [W][W][C], but it does hit the Benched Pokémon of
your choice for 100 damage. A powerful snipe attack like
this is great because it virtually guarantees you a
prize against Benched Basics and techs. On the other
hand, the fact that you can’t choose to hit the active
with it is a bit of a drawback as often, this will be
your preferred target. Speaking of drawbacks, Torrent
Blade also requires you to return two [W] to your hand,
making it difficult to use on consecutive turns.
There are a few cards that work well with this attack
though. Feraligatr Prime with its Raindance Power could
solve the problem of getting S&E powered up and hitting
every turn. The difficulties of getting a Stage 2 AND a
Legend into play fast enough make me wonder if this
combo is going to be at all practical in the current
fast and disruptive format. Another possibility would be
Honchkrow SV, which could drag Pokémon from your
opponent’s Discard Pile for S&E to snipe (much like it
does in some Garchomp C decks).
Given the difficulties of spamming S&E’s snipe attack,
it’s just as well it has a decent alternative. Bursting
Inferno also costs three Energy, but with the cost being
[R][C][C], at least it can make use of Double Colourless
Energy. For that, you do a reasonable 80 damage to the
active and get auto Burn as a nice bonus. It’s a decent
enough attack which gives S&E a much-needed method of
hitting the active Pokémon, but for the cost, it’s
nothing spectacular when you factor in the difficulties
and drawbacks of playing Legends in the first place.
Although the snipe attack is attractive, and Bursting
Inferno not bad, S&E Legend is still somewhat slow and
needy in terms of Support. Maybe if Torrent Blade
required a single Discard, or could use DCE, it would be
more playable. As it stands, the card comes up a little
short in terms of being competitive.
Modified: 2.75 (Would be more if the snipe attack could
hit the active)
Limited: 3 (how lucky do you expect to be?)
If I had to sum up my feelings about the Unleashed
Legendary Dogs , I would say that they have some of the
best damage attacks ever printed on a Pokémon card, but
that they are very difficult to run, and you could pay
an extremely high price for doing so. Maybe after the
rotation, maybe if they get more support (like the
Legend Box card that we were expecting, but didn’t get,
in Unleashed), they will end up being as broken as they
appear at first glance. Until then . . . use at your own
(considerable) risk. Oh, and watch out for Kecleon RR ;)
torchic |
Today's card of the day is the final LEGEND from
Unleashed, Suicune & Entei LEGEND. Let's see how it
stacks up to it's brethren.
Suicune & Entei LEGEND is, like the rest of these new
LEGENDs, a dual-type Pokemon, this time combining Water
and Fire. This allows it to hit for weaknesses on many
Grass, Metal, Fighting, and Fire type Pokemon. 160 HP is
a good amount, but the lack of Resistance, and the x2
weaknesses to Water and Lightning don't give this card
much survivability. This s probably the fragilest out of
the Legendary Beast LEGENDs, as the others can use
Sunnyshore City Gym to remove their weaknesses, which
isn't helped by the EX rule. Also, fun fact, Raikou &
Suicune LEGEND's Thunderbolt Spear will do a whopping
600 damage to Suicune & Entei LEGEND. Not only that, but
this card has a retreat cost of one, hinderign any
efforts to get Suicune & Entei LEGEND out of harm's way.
Suicune & Entei LEGEND's first attack is the
highlight of this card. For two Water enrgy and one
Colorless energy, Torrent Blade can hit any of your
opponent's benched Pokemon for 100 damage. That's enough
to OHKO many benchsitters, such as Uxie LV.X, Claydol,
Bronzong G, and more. The only downside is that you have
to return two Water energy back to your hand, and that
it cannot hit the active Pokemon. Nonetheless, as you'll
see in the Combos section, there are ways to utilize
this attack to the fullest.
Suicune & Entei LEGEND's second attack isn't as
impressive, but it's still fairly useful. For one Fire
energy and two Colorless energy, Bursting Inferno does
80 damage to the defending Pokemon and automatically
burns them as well. This attack is slow and not too
appealing, but it is the only way that Suicune & Entei
LEGEND can hit the defending Pokemon. Most of the time
though, you'll be better off sticking with Torrent
Modified 3/5
This card is okay, but is outclassed in every way by the
new Unleashed Blastoise, who can hit the active for 100
as well. Nonetheless, this can make for a fun deck,
dragging up a Pokemon that's hard to retreat and just
start eliminating your opponent's bench, one by one.
Limited 3.5/5
This card is better in Limited, if you can pull it. 80
damage and burn is impressive, and Torrent Blade is
useful every now and then to take out something your
opponent's charging up. Someone at my prerelease
actually pulled this guy too.
Combos with: Feraligatr Prime (HeartGold & Soul Silver)
With Feraligatr Prime, you can quickly power up Suicune
& Entei LEGEND and allow it to use Torrent Blsde every
single turn for a truly devastating combo.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! I apologize for not
doing any reviews so far this week, but it's finals time
and I've been incredibly busy. That being said, I hope
you all enjoyed your Unleashed prereleases. Today's
Cards of the Day are a set that I got at my local
prerelease for trading a hat: Suicune and Entei LEGEND.
Suicune and Entei are a Fire and Water LEGEND Pokemon.
Being Fire and Water is pretty good: Water is very
common right now and thus has a lot of support, and Fire
can be useful to take out things like Jumpluff and
Dialga G Lv. X. 160 HP is excellent, and will allow
Suicune and Entei to survive for a while unless your
opponent is hitting for Weakness. Unfortunately,
weakness to both Water and Lightning is horrible, as
Gyarados, Kingdra, and Luxray GL Lv. X are still very
popular, as well as a few other new things in Unleashed
that might see play. No Resistance is very unfortunate,
and a Retreat Cost of 1 isn't too horrible if you must
pay it. Additionally, as with the other two-beast
LEGENDs, if your opponent knocks it out, they take two
Prize cards. Additionally, each half counts as the same
name for deck construction, so keep that in mind as
Also like the other beast LEGENDs, Suicune and Entei
have two attacks. The first attack, Torrent Blade, costs
[WWC] and allows you to return two Water Energy to your
hand to deal 100 damage to one of your opponent's
Pokemon. One immediate combo with this attack is
Feraligatr Prime, as Rain Dance allows you to easily
re-attach the Energy every turn to keep sniping for 100
damage. However, Blastoise from Unleashed does something
very similar, dealing 100 damage for 4 energy while
returning two. There are some arguments for using
Suicune and Entei over Blastoise: More HP, fewer Energy
are required for the attack, cheaper Retreat, and not
requiring evolution are things in the LEGEND's favor.
However, Blastoise doesn't have double Weakness, has an
acceleration ability if Feraligatr isn't available, and
your opponent only takes one Prize card for taking it
Suicune and Entei's second attack, Bursting Inferno,
deals 80 damage for [RCC] and automatically burns. While
not as spectacular as Torrent Blade, a relatively
high-powered Fire attack with no drawback is still nice.
Modified: 3/5 Might work in a Rain Dance deck as a
decently powered attacker with sniping capabilities, but
Blastoise and Lanturn Prime may still be better. Still,
it's by no means bad, and can be used to great effect if
you can keep it safe from Water and Lightning Pokemon.
Limited: 4.5/5 Even though the odds of getting it out
here are astronomically small, it will be a devastating
force if you can manage it.