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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 1, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.20
Limited: 4.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Twins (Triumphant)
Hello and welcome to one of my favourite
types of week of
Pojo’s CotD.
This week, we are looking at all of the
Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums from
We kick off with Twins, a Supporter
which happens to be one of the most
anticipated cards from the set.
Twins re-introduces a mechanic we
haven’t seen for a while in Pokémon: it
can only be played if you have more
Prizes remaining than your opponent.
Usually cards of this type have a pretty
powerful effect that is designed to help
a player make a comeback. Remember
Hand Extension, which gave you some
Field control options over your
opponent, or Scramble Energy which
effectively became a Triple Rainbow
Energy if you were behind? Scramble
Energy was so good that players often
tried to avoid taking the first Prize so
that they didn’t trigger it. Twins may
not be quite so devastating in its
impact, but it definitely comes close.
The effect of Twins is simple, but so
very good. As long as you are behind,
you can play it and search for ANY two
cards from your deck. Anything at all:
Trainers, Energy, Pokémon . . . whatever
you need. Lose a starter Pokémon early
in the game,
and you can grab a Candy and a Stage 2
and start making your opponent sorry he
ever knocked out that
Find yourself in a losing position
mid-to-late game, and Twins could be
just what you need to set up another
main attacker to sweep.
So, what decks benefit most from this
card? Well, the simple answer is that
any deck can benefit massively from
including Twins. No deck I know of is
immune from an early KO, and Twins
offers an excellent means of recovery. I
can see at least one copy becoming a
virtual staple in all but the most
consistent of rush decks. Where Twins
really shines, though, is in those decks
that set up somewhat more slowly, often
behind a starter Pokémon like
Spiritomb or
With Twins in hand, they can cheerfully
sacrifice their opening Pokémon, knowing
that it will greatly help their deck to
do so. Another potentially great play is
to combine it with
Jirachi RR which would
effectively give you access to DOUBLE
Twins (would that be called ‘Quads’?) in
one turn AND net you another card of
your choice when
Jirachi was KO’d (Quintuplets?).
In short, any deck that needs time to
set up should be running 3-4 copies of
this card.
Twins might be just the card people are
looking for to help balance out the
format as it takes some of the advantage
away from super fast SP decks and speedy
one-Energy attackers like
Donphan and
Jumpluff. In
fact, it could well be more than just a
good card: it could be a card that is
good for the game.
Modified: 4.5 (staple for set up decks,
great for almost everything else)
Limited: 5 (searching your deck in
Limited? It doesn’t get any better than
Combos with . . .
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! This week we are
looking at various Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums
from the new HS Triumphant expansion. We're going to
start the week off by looking at one of the new
Supporters, Twins.
Twins is a fairly basic card: If you have more Prizes
left than your opponent (i.e. if you're losing), you get
to search your deck for any two cards and put them into
your hand, shuffling your deck afterward. Searching your
deck for two of anything you might need is really
awesome, however there are a few drawbacks. Since you
can get any two cards you want, being a Supporter
actually isn't so bad, as there are rarely better plays
you can make than this anyway, except for maybe Cyrus's
Conspiracy for pure card advantage. The bigger thing
holding Twins back is that you are only able to use this
while you have more Prizes, meaning that this card is a
dead draw while you are winning. However, when you are
losing, Twins can easily provide you with what you need
to bounce back and return the favor to your opponent.
Modified: 4/5 This card is really nice, but should
probably be used in small amounts to prevent dead draws
if you're winning and extra Poltergeist damage, though
this keeps the card from being overly broken. However,
if you're losing, the searchability that Twins provides
is unparalleled.
Limited: 5/5 There's no reason to not use Twins here. If
you're losing, you get unlimited searchability, which is
nearly unheard of in Limited, and allows you to get
whatever you want if it isn't prized (like that Stage 2
that you only have 1 of). Highly recommended.
conical |
11/1/10: Twins(Triumphant)
It's a new week, a new month, and a bunch of
Trainer/Supporter/Stadium cards to review. We got some
interesting cards, so stay tuned!
So, we have Twins, probably
the T/S/S that has the most all-around usefulness of the
T/S/S in the set. It's reminiscent of an old card from
Skyridge, called Oracle, which let the user put any two
cards in their deck onto the top of their deck. Twins
does it one better, and places the chosen cards into
one's hand, with the downside of only being able to use
it if one is behind on prizes. I won't go into much
detail into what uses this card has, because it's pretty
simple: getting any two cards from your deck is good.
Because of the
'behind on prizes' requirement, this makes the card more
of an option to recover from a deficit. Because of this,
the inevitable comparison will be between Twins and
Cynthia's Feelings, the other widely-played Supporter
designed for recovery. Both cards have their specific
situations where one would be better than the other, and
both of them should be widely used. I suspect that
faster decks like most SP will prefer Cynthia's, while
slower tanking decks will prefer Twins, since they
shouldn't have Pokemon dying enough to get much use of
Cynthia's. And in Limited, you should be playing as many
of this as possible.
Combos With: Every deck ever.
Crazed Eeveelutionist |
Hello, Pojo readers! This week is all about the
new trainers, supporters, and stadium (singular because
we got only one, and it wasn't Lost World...
thank god for some of us...). To start this week,
or this month, I should say, we'll be looking at one of
the two "comeback" cards that Triumphant gave us; Twins.
In a way, this may sort of remind you of the old
Scramble Energy days where if you were behind in prizes,
you could drop it down on what was usually an
energy-less pokemon and whack your opponent with it as a
surprise. Will Twins live up to the same
Heck yes. While it doesn't provide the sudden
power boost that Scramble provided (though something
similiar to that extent WAS printed in this set, which
we'll get to later in the week), it is undoubtfully
useful, even broken in some slower decks.
Firstly, Twins is a Supporter, which is about the only
class of card besides energies that can't be truely
locked. With trainer lock becoming vastly popular,
primarily in the form of Vileplume/Gengar, this is
actually a good thing. However, this also means
that it comes with the annoying Supporter rule, meaning
you can only play a Supporter once per turn.
The effect, though, is well worth it. If you have
more prizes left then your opponent, you can search your
deck for ANY 2 cards. This is huge. The only
two cards that have this kind of searching power that
are in format are Pokedrawer (which you needed two of to
get), and Victory Medal (which could happen a mere 25%
of the time due to coin flips), and both of these
methods have their big flaws as we all know. Run a
slower deck compared to the likes of the ungodly popular
Luxchomp and other SP decks? This will help you
setup a heck a lot quicker by searching out the cards
that you need earlier in the game. Stage 2 decks
will especially benefit from this, as they can get Rare
Candy and the Stage 2. You can guess the rest.
This also makes LEGENDS more playable, as both pieces
can be searched out in a heartbeat. Even late
game, you can turn a match around by searching out that
one or two cards that you need.
It's hard to review such a versatile card with such a
broken effect. Speed decks will be less likely to
run these, though, as they're the ones to take the first
prize of the game, turning any Twins in their hands into
dead cards. For slower decks, such as Vilegar and
Machamp (when they whiff on a first or second turn donk),
in a format filled with super-fast SP pokemon, Twins
will provide the power to keep up with them.
Expect to see Twins widely played by non-speed decks.
Modified: 4/5 Only for decks that are naturally
slower than SP decks. They are well worth the deck
space. In speed decks, this would get a 2.5/5 at
best because it'll be dead for much of the game.
Limited: 4/5 Take. It. Now.
Should I even both explaining why?
Combos with: Whatever the spur of the moment calls for.
- Wes1234
Crazed Eeveelutionist

Otaku |
This week we’ll be focusing on the
Trainers (or cards that used to be
classified as Trainers).
We start with the Supporter
Besides the normal Supporter
text, it states “You may use this card
only if you have more Prize cards left
than your opponent.
your deck for any 2 cards and put them
into your hand.
Shuffle your afterward.”
Pretty potent effect, when you
can use it.
I have heard some (presumably
newer) players question whether or not
it is wise to run a card that you can
only use when you are “behind”.
The answer from those of us who
either have played the game long enough
or are simply skilled or intelligent
players is a resounding chorus of “Yes,
but who says you have to be behind?”
Pokémon may technically measure who is
winning according to how many Prizes you
have left to claim in a game, but
players should quickly learn that is
only an accurate measurement of who is
winning if time is called.
What cards are in each player’s
hand, what is on the field, what is in
each deck, what is in each discard pile,
even what cards are in each player’s
Lost Zone all factor into who is truly
winning and who is losing.
Although it seems like just
yesterday to a long time player we were
enjoying the cards from EX – Team Rocket
That is the first time I clearly
remember cards being designed that
either required you were behind on
Prizes to work, or that rewarded you for
having taken less Prizes than your
If most of those cards weren’t
staples, they were at least prominent
and heavily played.
When it comes to running a card like
Twins, you usually just bait your
opponent into taking the first Prize or
run cards that will actually force your
opponent to take Prizes.
An example of the first is
usually running a card that is so good
at setting up, your opponent has little
choice but to KO it: allowing it to
continue is far more beneficial than
giving you access to
In the case of the latter, there
are a few Poké-Powers I can think of (Regigigas
Electrode Prime) that will force
your opponent to take a Prize, give you
something in exchange for that Prize,
all while enabling you to activate this
little beauty.
I’ve already heard a few tricks tossed
around for abusing this card.
The first is simple: grab a
second copy off the first.
Don’t do this if you know you’re
going to pull ahead in Prizes, but if
you are pretty sure you aren’t going to
tie it up or pull ahead, you might as
well prep to enjoy another two
cherry-picked cards.
Then there are cards that let you
duplicate Supporter effects.
Jirachi from Rising Rivals, for
example, would still require your
opponent get a Prize ahead, but once
they did you’d enjoy pulling the four
exact cards you wanted from your deck.
The strategy isn’t perfect, though.
I’ve built it up quite a bit so I
will point out that the naysayer players
weren’t entirely off: there will be
plenty of times you will be ahead, and
this will be a dead draw.
Even in a controlled situation,
remaining behind in Prizes intentionally
is a risky strategy, and gets riskier
the lower the Prize counts get.
As such, I think this card will
be seeing play in most decks, but
probably only at one or two copies
unless the deck is specifically built to
play the “behind-in-Prizes” game.
Oh, and for Limited play, it’s search.
You pull it, you run it.
Even if you mange to pull two or
three copies you run it.
I know the Prize count is lower
here, so you aren’t going to really want
to risk giving up a Prize to activate
That’s okay: its insurance and
its search so it is still a must-run.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)