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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magnezone Prime
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 11, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.60
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Ever since players learned that they
would be losing
Claydol GE in the September
rotation, they have been frantically
searching for possible replacements
among the spoilers for future sets. One
early suggestion was
Prime. Could it possibly fill the gap?
Does it have any merit as an attacker?
Let’s take a look at the card and find
has nice HP, a Fighting Weakness which
will only be a real problem against
Donphan and
Prime, and a resistance to Metal which
won’t matter most of the time, but is
better than nothing. The Retreat cost of
three does hurt, especially now that
Magnezone DP
has left the format.
The reason for those
comparisons lies in
Magnezone’s superficially similar
Magnet Draw
PokePower. Once per turn, you may
draw cards until you have six in hand.
Notice that, unlike
Claydol, you don’t get to return
any cards to your deck before drawing,
so if you wanted to cycle cards, or had
a hand of six in the first place,
would not be much help. Could it be the
next best thing though? Well, I’ll let
you into a secret about
Claydol . .
. it was a horrible card to run: a Stage
1 that took up four deck slots, had a
useless attack, and was an easy Prize
for decks that could snipe or force it
active. The reason players put up with
all that? The consistent draw power it
gave was so amazing that it was worth
all the hassle.
So, bearing in mind
Magnezone is slower, needs more
space than Claydol,
and has a Power which is nowhere near as
good, its chances of replacing that card
as the universal draw support Pokémon
are not good. In a dedicated
deck, where you are running the
pre-evolutions anyway? Sure, it may be
worth a slot. After all, it does have an
attack which may be usable with the
right support . . .
Lost Burn is reasonably priced at [L][C]
and will do 50 damage for each Energy
card you discard from your Pokémon to
the Lost Zone. Straight away you can see
that the cost is deceptive, as you will
need more than just the Energy attached
to Magnezone
to use it consistently. One possibility
is to use it with
Magnezone SF’s Super Conductivity
Power to at least try and hit 100 per
turn. Another option is combining it
with Feraligatr
Prime’s Rain Dance to put as much Energy
as you need on to
Feraligatr and the Lost Zone it
for the attack. Either way, because the
Energy you spend doing the attack is not
recoverable, your deck will need to run
a larger than normal amount of Energy.
This, together with the fact it is
dependant on Stage 2 Support, means that
it will likely be too slow and
inconsistent to use as a main attack,
but could be a decent option for those
times when you really need to one-shot
something big.
So, no new Claydol
for us then . . . what we have instead
is a card which gives
decks a bit of a helping hand. Now all
we have to do is work out which of the
many, many
Magnezones we should partner it
Modified: 3 (No use as generic draw, but
a decent themed support card)
Limited: 3 (draw is brilliant, but
getting Stage 2s out is very difficult)
Combos with . . .
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we continue
Triumphant Prime week by reviewing a card that was very
hyped before the set's release. Today's Card of the Day
is Gengar Prime.
Gengar is a Stage 2 Psychic Pokemon. Gengars are very
commonly played in the current metagame, with Gengar SF,
Gengar AR (Curse), and Gengar Lv. X all seeing
high-level play in VileGar or other similar builds. With
all of these Gengars being played, can Gengar Prime fit
in? As for its top and bottom stats, 130 HP is decent
for a Stage 2, but could probably afford to be a bit
higher, as this is a Prime. Darkness weakness isn't
terrible, though look out for Tyranitar and Absol.
Colorless resistance is great for all of the Garchomp Cs
flooding the metagame. Finally, free retreat is amazing.
Gengar Prime's Poke-Body, Catastrophe, has the
possibility of being very powerful, and is one of the
reasons why Gengar Prime was so hyped. If Gengar is your
Active Pokemon and any of your opponent's Pokemon are
KOed, they go to the Lost Zone. This can easily screw up
many decks by eliminating their main attackers, and
prevents recursion through things like Rescue Energy,
Pokemon Rescue, or Night Maintenance/Palmer's
Contribution/Flower Shop Lady. It especially screws up
Gyarados decks, which are reliant on Magikarps to do
damage. Finally, this body also has important
implications if the Lost World stadium is ever released
in the US: Catastrophe makes it that much easier to get
the necessary Pokemon in the Lost Zone.
To cause further disruption and put even more Pokemon
into the Lost Zone, Hurl into Darkness does quite well.
For [P], you look at your opponent's hand and choose a
number of Pokemon equal to the amount of Psychic Energy
attached to Gengar and put them into the Lost Zone.
Again, quite a fantastic way to disrupt your opponent
(especially if they just bounced a Lv. X to their hand
from the discard, for example) and can be potentially
crippling, even though it doesn't do damage.
The last attack, Cursed Drop, allows you to put 4 damage
counters on your opponent's Pokemon in any way you like
for [PC]. This works really well with Gengar Lv. X, as
this provides more targets for Compound Pain, which can
do well to snipe and get crucial damage in for the KO.
This attack probably isn't quite as good as Gengar SF's
Shadow Room, however.
Modified: 3/5 Gengar Prime is excellent. The amount of
disruption it provides is powerful, and it has great
synergy with previously existing Gengar decks. The
biggest problem is finding a deck slot for it, but if
you can fit it in, it's definitely worth a try.
Limited: 4/5 It's a Stage 2 and that's difficult to get
out, but the disruption Hurl into Darkness provides is
great. Cursed Drop is a bit low in terms of damage
output, though it should do a great job of sniping your
opponent's bench.
Combos With: Gengar Lv. X
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Magnezone Prime (HS Triumphant)
Here is a card we have all been waiting for: Magnezone
Prime, the new Claydol!
I would like to stress right now that Magnezone is
definitely not Claydol, and cannot be played the same
way as Claydol, nor will it fit into decks that same way
Claydol used to. Not that it is bad card (I think it is
an awesome card!) but it is NOT Claydol.
Okay, now the stats. This is a Lightning Stage 2 Pokémon
with 140 HP, Fighting weakness, Metal resistance and a
retreat cost of 3. The massive health is a huge reason
for this card being playable, and the Lightning type
makes it easy to tech in Lightning energy to use the
attack (since Luxray is so common as a tech) as well as
making Magnezone searchable by its cousin, Magnezone SF
(the one with Magnet Search and Metal typing). The other
stats are bad, with the weakness making it easy for
Machamp and Donphan to quickly remove Magnezone from
play while the retreat cost is hefty (but fair) and
makes getting dragged active a serious problem. Being a
Stage 2 is also a problem, as devolution will ruin you
if you use Rare Candy while Broken Time Space users will
need to draw more cards in order to play Magnezone
(which is a bit of conundrum, since you are playing
Magnezone to get draw power in the first place!)
Now the abilities. Magnezone has a Pokepower and an
attack, both of which are powerful.
Magnetic Draw is the power, and once during your turn
allows you to draw cards from your deck until you have 6
cards in your hand (it stacks, yay!). Obviously the only
way to demonstrate the awesomeness of this power is to
compare it to the other draw power cards available.
First we have Pokémon with draw Pokepowers (I’m going to
ignore Pokémon that attack to draw as they are starters,
not draw techs). They are Uxie LA/Lv X, Ninetales HGSS
and Dodrio SV/Noctowl HGSS. Trainer/Supporter based draw
power includes Engineer’s Adjustments, Volkner’s
Philosophyand a bunch of shuffle/draw cards (Cynthia’s
Feelings, Professor Oak’s New Theory, Copycat, Looker’s
Investigation and Judge). Other draw Trainer/Supporter
cards do exist, but they are more for thinning the deck
than actual draw power so I won’t mention them here.
Uxie gives a one-hit draw of up to 7 cards, with a
consistent draw of 1 extra card (while thinning the deck
by 2 cards) if you play the Level Up. Obviously this is
a bit tricky, but the basic Uxie provides the fastest
draw and has many situational uses while a decent attack
on the Lv X makes the pair the most playable draw
currently in the game. Other reviewers have already sung
Uxie’s praises to the sky, so read the reviews for more
Then there is Ninetales HGSS. At the cost of discarding
a Fire energy, you draw 3 cards. Obviously this only
works as long as you have energy to burn (pun intended)
but you don’t have to worry about regulating the size of
your hand in order to get the best draw and Typhlosion
Prime matches up beautifully. Currently a favourite of
CharPhlosion players and anyone using an SP deck with
Infernape E4, Blaziken FB and/or Charizard G.
Then there are the 2 weird birds, Dodrio and Noctowl.
Both have powers stating that you can draw 1 extra card
per turn, and the powers stack if you feel like filling
your bench. However, most players want more for their
investment and the stats mean that Luxray scores an
instant kill on both birds so it is extremely rare for
them to be played competitively.
As for the Supporters, Engineer’s Adjustments is the
most consistent draw and is useful in decks that like to
have energy in the discard pile (works well in tandem
with Ninetales). Volkner’s Philosophy is basically a
poor man’s Uxie and burns your Supporter use to boot, so
it isn’t used much. Then you have all of the
shuffle/draw options, which all have their situational
uses and are good for clearing out your hand, but again
they burn a Supporter use for the turn so you can’t use
a Supporter you may draw until next turn. Also,
sometimes you need to keep certain cards you already
have which makes shuffle/draw a bad idea.
Now we enter Magnezone. As soon as you get it into play,
you can draw several cards each turn at no additional
cost, provided you can shed some cards from your hand
each turn. No other card since Claydol has been able to
do this (not that the other draw cards are bad). As a
bonus, the huge HP means that snipers will have a much
harder time taking Magnezone out while main attackers
will have trouble taking Magnezone out, even if it is
dragged Active (a major problem for Claydol).
The downside is that Magnezone, unlike other forms of
draw power in the game, is difficult to stack and won’t
get much benefit from multiple power uses (unless the
first use gets Power Sprayed, in which case stacking the
power is very useful!). Also, it has the potential to
become useless if you have a large hand, since the
maximum limit is five cards in your hand if you want to
use Magnetic Draw and it can’t be used to return cards
to the deck like Claydol could. I’m not saying the power
is overhyped, but you need to be aware of potential
threats and problems.
Now the attack. While the Pokepower is the main selling
point (as well as the health that keeps Magnezone alive
to use said power) the attack is by no means useless.
For the cost of LC, Lost Burn allows you to send as many
energy attached to your Pokémon as you like to the Lost
Zone. The payoff is 50 damage per energy sacrificed in
this way. While the cost is too steep to justify using
this attack continually (even if you use energy
acceleration to keep up with the loss, you only have so
many energy in your deck) it is great for pulling back
in an emergency, since 3 energy will give you the magic
number of 150 damage (I say magic because that kills
most Stage 2 Pokémon even with an Expert Belt). There is
the problem of powering Magnezone in an emergency, but
if you have one energy attached ready for trouble, you
can attach a second and then sacrifice whatever energy
you have in play.
The real question is what decks you can run Magnezone
in. Basically, there are 2 questions you need to ask
Do I run Rare Candy?
Can I tech in Lightning energy?
If you answered yes to both of the above, then by all
means you should run Magnezone Prime, along with a
backup like Uxie to get you started. Generally it is
easy to tech in the energy as so many people like to use
Luxray GL, but if you don’t run any other Stage 2
Pokémon then you should run different draw techs.
For instance, dedicated SP decks would not do very well
running Magnezone Prime (hybrids like LuxPluff and
Gengar might be different but some of them won’t like
Magnezone much at all) and CharPhlosion won’t run this
card unless they switch to BlazePhlosion, which has
proven to be a far less powerful deck. Also, you have to
consider the number of slots you are dedicating to
Magnezone: running a 1-0-1 line is easy but ruins the
consistency while a heavier 2-1-2 or 2-2-2 line really
eats into the deck space, especially since you have to
run another draw tech to help you set up Magnezone in
the first place (the speed of setup is another issue
with Magnezone).
In the end though, Magnezone will answer the prayers of
many and will make a serious entrance in the metagame,
and will probably remain until it rotates out in a few
years. Just don’t assume this card plays the same way as
Claydol, OK?
conical |
Magnezone Prime(Triumphant)
When I started playing the Pokemon TCG, I was under
the impression that it was intended for children. And
most times, it seems like this is the case. But how can
I justify thinking that when they print Magnezone Prime,
who is clearly throwing gang signs in plain view? I mean
Anyways, it's Magnezone Prime, whose main draw is its
Power, which lets you add cards to your hand until you
have 6 cards.(See what I did there?) Since Claydol GE
was rotated, the only viable source of draw has been
Uxie, its Level X, and Ninetales HGSS for Fire decks, so
another potential draw engine is always nice.
Magnezone is not without its problems, however. For
one, if you have a large but useless hand, Magnetic Draw
doesn't help you, whereas Claydol let you not only draw
cards, but move useless cards out of your hand. The
other major concern is that it's a Stage 2, which are
considerably harder to use as a draw engine, especially
in a format bent on Knocking Out everything in sight, or
Trainer lock, which makes Magnezone harder to get into
play. Also, its attack, Lost Burn, deals a fair amount
of damage, but moving energy to the Lost Zone makes it
more situational.
Like Ninetales, I feel that this will be less of an
all-purpose draw engine, and will be used moreso in
specific decks. Thankfully, Magnezone is already a
viable, if rarely-used, archetype, and should be a
massive benefit for the deck. Also, in Limited, you
could probably win entire games with this card on its
own, provided you get it out.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4.25/5
Combos With: Magnezone SF, The other Magnezone SF ----

Otaku |
Once again I pestered Bondiborg for some
If you’ve got his ear, feel free
to encourage him in article endeavors:
he is knowledgeable in the game and can
actually write!
He even has some significant wins
to his credit.
is a Stage 2, so it will take a good bit
of your deck’s space to run it.
Lightning Weakness is pretty
common on the cards themselves, but
since we’ve had at least one prominent
Lightning deck recently, many of those
cards have been shunned or are being
played in a manner to cover that
140 HP is quite good, though the
Fighting x2 Weakness means a card like
Donphan Prime just needs another +20
points of damage for the OHKO (and of
course, that is what
Plus Power are for).
At least you enjoy Metal
Resistance -20, which will come in handy
some match-ups.
Make sure you pack some cards to
get around the chunky Retreat Cost: at
(CCC) you don’t want to have to discard
that much Energy if you can avoid it.
Prime has a Poké-Power and a single
The Poké-Power, Magnetic Draw
allows you to draw until you have six
cards in hand: pretty nice but remember
if your deck is focused on
Magnezone it has to (of course) be
in play before you can use this.
It can aid in setting up the rest
of the playing field, but you’ll still
need a solid draw/search engine to set
Magnezone Prime itself.
The attack, Lost Burn, is Energy
intensive but potent.
It only requires (LC) to use, but
the attack requires removing Energy
attached to your Pokémon and sending it
to the Lost Zone to do any damage; 50
points per Energy card put in the
Lost Zone via this attack.
We’ve been a bit spoiled lately:
it clearly states “Energy card” so a
Double Colorless Energy is only good
for 50 points of damage.
With at least a little Energy
acceleration, you should be able to
score several OHKOs in a row with this
card, but the catch is that unless
you’re pulling Energy from your hand or
deck, you’ll need an extra step.
You can’t recycle the same Energy
cards over and over again like you would
if they were merely discarded.
Still, at 50 points of damage per
Energy card you can rack up the Prizes
pretty quick.
The attack says “from your
Pokémon” so you can leave whatever is
already on
Magnezone intact.
If you can manage to remove two
Energy cards a turn, you’ll be hitting
for a respectable 100 points of damage:
most cards being one or two hit KO’d.
So how does this card interact with the
Magneton and
Magnezone cards?
It looks like we have four
Magnemite, four
Magneton and four other
Magnezone plus a Level X form to
work with.
To my delight, all have either
Metal Resistance -20 or Psychic -20.
You also can choose between
Fighting and Fire Weakness.
When possible, I’d go with the
Metal versions as being Fire Weak and
Psychic Resistant seems more favorable.
For the lower Stages, I’d say the
card effects are all on even footing so
use the Metal for their bottom stats.
The two Promo versions are purely
attackers, but each has a decent low
cost attack and a big, fat attack.
I don’t see a really good combo
with today’s version, nor are they such
good attackers as to make me want to run
them instead of enjoying a solid attack
with a great Poké-Power (again, today’s
The other
Magnezone all have Poké-Powers.
The first Stormfront
Magnezone has a Poké-Power (Magnetic
Search) that seems redundant when enjoy
Magnezone Prime’s raw draw power.
Its attacks are so-so: sniping
and passable damage with a single
Lightning Energy discard.
It is a Metal Type though: good
if we can justify running the Special
Energies, and it gives it a preferable
The second
Magnezone from Stormfront gives you
an extra Energy attachment from the
discard pile once per turn, but only to
the Active Pokémon and it puts a damage
counter on it.
It has an attack that hits for 60
before giving you the option to shunt it
to the Bench, and forces the opponent to
change out as well (after damage) if you
I think the latter of the two
might be a good combo piece for our new
one, though they will need something
That something more is
Magnezone Lv.X.
Sadly, it isn’t going to up the
HP of
Magnezone Prime as they have the
same score.
It will give you a way to shift
your Type to Metal, your Weakness to
Fire x2 and your Resistance to Psychic
This allows you adjust to your
metagame within your deck, which is
always nice, and now all the Metal
versions of the “family” won’t detract
Magnezone Prime, but enhance it
(e.g. this way
Magnezone Prime can use Special
Metal Energy to soak damage).
Magnezone Lv.X has a Poké-Power that
allows you to move Energy that provide
Lightning and Metal around on your
Pokémon, and an attack that requires
discarding one Lightning and one Metal
Energy but only costs (LM) to use while
hitting for 80 damage and automatic
So it all comes together.
You’d be tight on space, but you
could run two
Magnezone Prime with one of the
Level X and one of the Energy recycling
version from Stormfront.
Magnezone to draw cards should make
managing it all easier, including cards
to recycle that Level X form.
Attack with whatever proves
useful at the time, and include
Supporters and Trainers with discard
costs so you can use the Energy
recycling Poké-Power to speed up the
attacks of the
You can force your opponent to KO
supporting Pokémon if you like, by
attacking with the Stormfront version
and using its attack’s optional effect.
Once your opponent is dealing
with fully evolved/leveled-up Pokémon,
and/or has burned through a few
Switch style cards, that automatic
Paralysis on the Level X form can be
rather nasty.
When the time is right, start
Magnezone Prime’s Lost Burn attack
for a series of OHKOs.
Given that so much is coming from one
line, and that line include re-usable
draw power, you can even get creative
with assisting Pokémon.
It would mean running two Stage 2
lines, but I keep coming back to that
Togekiss from Undaunted.
We have decent sized Metal
Pokémon, capable of forcing the opponent
to spread damage around, hopefully
instead of OHKOs.
You might be able to justify the
Togekiss line to periodically flush
all that damage away.
Or maybe not: the point is you
have the space and draw power to get
4/5 – Built in draw power, even on a
Stage 2, is good and so is the attack.
Fighting Weakness and requiring a
set-up to make repeated, strong attacks
turn after turn are the only real
drawbacks, and a good build should
mitigate those.
4.5/5 – Draw Power.
This means even a
line, without Energy for it to attack,
is tempting.
Even with a poor Weakness, it
makes a great set-up card early game and
a brute mid-to-late game when you can
afford to remove Energy in play for its
attack turn after turn.
The lower average HP score means
removing two Energy cards will often be
I’ve been wrong about running a Stage 2
line as a mere Bench sitter in decks
Remember when nearly every deck
Pidgeot with Quick Search?
I don’t think this will be the
same: unless your deck can play out its
entire hand, the few cards drawn aren’t
in the same league as getting one exact
card you need each turn.
For decks that have some synergy
with it, as well as its own deck, I
think it will be a powerhouse.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)