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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ditto #17/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 18, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 1.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Ditto (Triumphant)
As you would expect from one of the strangest of all the
Pokémon, Ditto usually offers players something a bit
different from the everyday attackers.
Just what this Ditto offers though is not really clear
at first glance. Its 40 HP is frighteningly low: even if
it isn’t active, it’s the easiest of targets for any
snipe or spread Pokémon. In fact, the HP is so pathetic
that the Fighting Weakness seems almost irrelevant, as
does the Retreat cost of one (as if it would survive
long enough to Retreat). The attack is complete rubbish
as well: your reward for managing to get [C][C]
on this Pokémon? 20 points of no-effect damage . . .
What Ditto does have is a creatively-named PokeBody –
Dittobolic. The effect of
this is to reduce the number of benched Pokémon your
opponent can have to four, making them discard a Pokémon
of their choice if they already have five when Ditto
comes into play.
Although it doesn’t limit your Bench size directly, in
effect it does, as Ditto itself will take up a space. In
fact, it might have been slightly more usable if it did
allow you to discard something damaged or vulnerable (in
the style of the old Giant Stump Stadium) in order to
deny a Prize. As things stand, Ditto is unlikely to
cause your opponent to lose too much sleep as even if
their Bench is full, they will likely have a spent
Azelf or
Uxie which they wouldn’t
mind discarding. Remember, people got used to playing
with a Bench of three when facing the far nastier
Dusknoir DP when that was in
the format, so I honestly don’t see Ditto causing too
many problems now.
I suppose it could have some use against decks which
really need a large bench (ummmm
. . . Jumpluff variants?
Decks using the Solrock/Lunatone
Heal Block combo?), but those are rare and even they
won’t exactly be crippled by Ditto. Really, it seems as
if there ought to be some amazing combo using this card,
but if there is, I can’t find it.
Until such a combo turns up, Ditto needs to be in the
binder – filed under ‘interesting, but not playable’.
Modified: 1.5 (yeah, Palkia
G LV X does this so much better)
Limited: 1.5 (only a minor inconvenience at best)
virusyosh |
Hello yet again, Pojo readers! Today our week of new
Triumphant cards continues with a card that has been
talked about a bit as possible tech in some decks, but
not much more than that. Today's Card of the Day is
Ditto is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Colorless Pokemon
are really good because of their versatility: The
ability to use any type of Energy for attacks makes them
quite easily splashable into any kind of deck. As for
Ditto, it is also a Basic Colorless Pokemon, meaning it
only requires minimal support in order to be run with
maximum effectiveness. As for top and bottom stats, 40
HP is absolutely terrible for a non-evolving Basic, and
because of this Ditto will be an easy KO for your
opponent, especially if they have any way of sniping.
Fighting Weakness is very bad against Donphan, Machamp,
and Promocroak (although they would probably OHKO Ditto
anyway). No Resistance is the worst kind of resistance,
and a Retreat Cost of 1 is decent.
Ditto has an ability and an attack. The Poke-Body
Dittobolic drops the number of Benched Pokemon your
opponent can have to 4, and if they have 5, they must
discard one and all cards attached to it. This makes it
in many ways like the old Narrow Gym Stadium from all
the way back in Gym Heroes. Forcing your opponent to
discard a Benched Pokemon may sound great, but Ditto
does have its drawbacks. First of all, it's a 40 HP
basic that will be a bench sitter, so Ditto is very
susceptible to being sniped or being Bright Looked up
even after you force your opponent to discard. Second,
playing Ditto may limit your opponent by a bench spot,
but it effectively does the same thing for you as well
(since Ditto has to stay on your bench). Finally, with
all of the recursion that is available in the game
today, this body may not be quite as powerful as it
could be, as most attackers need very little energy to
set up or your opponent could simply discard a Pokemon
that has already done its job, like Uxie or Azelf.
Ditto's attack is the very expensive Sharp Point,
which does 20 damage for [CC]. Don't use it, it's far
too expensive.
Modified: 1.75/5 Ditto can be an interesting surprise
for your opponent (especially if they are running
something that relies a lot on Benched Pokemon), but
probably won't be worth a deck slot as it has low HP and
a disappointing attack. Also, once the initial surprise
wears off, your opponent can often times easily play
around Ditto, and will most likely just snipe it somehow
Limited: 2/5 Has Colorless energy requirements and
potentially disrupts your opponent, but also is an
unevolving Basic with low HP. I'd only really recommend
using this if you absolutely need a deck slot.
conical |
11/18/10: Ditto(Triumphant)
It's kind of weird to see a Ditto whose abilities don't
involve copying attacks. It's nice to see TPCi trying
out different abilities on Pokemon, rather than the same
attacks repeatedly(see Wailord yesterday).
The selling point of Ditto is clearly its Body,
Dittobolic, and I believe I mentioned a while back(I
believe it was the Raichu UD review) that more Pokemon
need pun-based abilities, and it seems that they've done
that, though probably not because I talked about it.
Anyway, it limits the amount of benched Pokemon an
opponent can have to 4. It can come in handy, but its
uses are too situational to justify throwing one in a
At first, I considered Ditto to be an interesting card;
maybe not playable ever, but nothing outright bad. Then
again, I hadn't looked at Ditto's HP, which is at an
astonishingly low 40. No unevolving basic should ever
have less than 50 HP, regardless of its abilities. The
fact that Ditto's ability is mildly interesting, but
nothing special, sadly, makes Ditto a bad card.
Modified: 1.75/5
Limited: 2.25/5 |

Otaku |
Today we look at
Ditto from HS – Triumphant version.
Memories of Fossil
Ditto still make me fear the little
blob, even though in this case it is
completely undeserved. It is a small
Basic with only 40 HP.
Being Colorless doesn’t matter
much when you’re that small and your
only attack hits for just 20 points of
Again, at this size the Weakness
will rarely matter because most serious
attacks can OHKO
Ditto anyway.
No Resistance is sad but at least
with such low HP, it probably wouldn’t
have made a difference.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is
technically good, but with such
miserable stats, it probably could have
gotten away with a free Retreat Cost.
As stated, it has a single attack, Sharp
Point, which can use
Double Colorless Energy to fuel its
(CC) Energy requirement, but as I
already said it can only hit for 20
points of damage.
can’t evolve so this is it for attacks!
The only reason to play this card
is for its Poké-Body.
Dittobolic forces your opponent to
play with a Bench of only four Pokémon,
but it doesn’t stack and is worded in a
manner that I can’t think of any cards
(past or present) that it could.
The best combo I can think of, I
didn’t even think of.
At the risk of looking like I
can’t do any CotD myself, I’ll confess I
ran this one by Bondi again and… the
best he could do was in a deck that
wanted to abuse
Seeker/Giratina, you could use this
to force them into discarding something
Ditto is largely a bluff in that
case: they discard a filler target then
don’t have it for the
Don’t even bother with it in Limited:
you have little hope of not hitting
something trivial or that they want to
discard (an injured attacker hiding on
the Bench), and you’re just wasting a
slot on your own Bench and risking
giving up a Prize.
Poor little
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)