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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 2, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.40
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Seeker (Triumphant)
Today’s card is another one that players have been
looking forward to ever since the spoiler translations
for the Japanese version appeared on the internet. Back
then, it was known as ‘Hunter’ – no idea why they
changed the name. Maybe Seeker sounds less creepy?
Personally, I think that they should have called it
‘Stalker’ . . .
Like Twins, Seeker is a Supporter. Seeing as you can
only play one of these per turn, it had better be good
and, also like Twins, Seeker pretty much is. Its effect
is a bit like a double-edged version of the old Mr
Briney’s Compassion. Both
players have to return a Benched Pokémon and all cards
attached to their hand (provided, of course, that they
have a Benched Pokémon).
The real beauty of Seeker is its ridiculously high
utility: the number of ways it can be used both
offensively and defensively by a player. You can play it
to re-use coming-into-play Powers like
Uxie’s Set Up or
Mesprit’s Psychic Bind; or
you can scoop up Pokémon to free Bench space or deny
your opponent a Prize. If your opponent only has one
Benched Pokémon, you can leave them with no Bench and KO
their active for an instant win; or you can Warp a big,
evolved threat back to the Bench and force your opponent
to pick it up. There are so many possible combos and
strategies with this card, and I’m sure players will
keep discovering new ones as long as it remains in the
Some decks will definitely use a heavy line of Seeker as
part of a strategy. Others will tech one or two copies
for those situations where it could win, or at least
save, a game. I have no doubt that this is a card that
will see play, and wise players will be thinking about
how they can both abuse and defend themselves against
Modified: 4.25 (extremely useful in a variety of common
Limited: 3 (Prize denial is always good, but Benches are
usually stocked with rubbish for your opponent to pick
up without any harm done)
conical |
11/2/10: Seeker(Triumphant)
A lot of Supporters are used primarily for draw support,
hand refresh, and card searching. Rarely, however, do
you get a card that serves some other purpose. Seeker is
such a card.
Honestly, this is my favorite Supporter in the set. Will
other cards see more play? Maybe, depending on Twins'
popularity, but that's its only competition. What Seeker
lets you do is return a benched Pokemon back to your
hand, with your opponent doing the same. There have been
T/S/S that have similar effects: Scoop Up, SSU, Poke
Turn, and a Supporter in Briney's Compassion. However,
to me, this card reminds me of a card still in the
format: Expert Belt. Not that they have similar effects,
but rather that you cannot play the card carelessly; if
you play Expert Belt recklessly, your prizes will
evaporate within a few turns, while if you play Seeker
without thought, your opponent will end up benefiting as
much or more than you. It's good for healing, repeated
Uxie/Mespirit drops, and even a quick win if your
opponent has a damaged active and only one Pokemon on
the bench. Just play with caution. Be sure to wear
Limited: 3.5/5
Combos With: Uxie LA, Mespirit LA
P.S. Please note the blurry Mew in the background. I
wonder what he/she's seeking?
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing
what is probably the most hyped Supporter card in the
new HS Triumphant set. Today's Card of the Day is
Seeker's effect is straightforward enough: Each player
returns one of their Benched Pokemon and all cards
attached to it to their hands, with you returning yours
first. This in effect acts like a guaranteed Super Scoop
Up for both you and your opponent, and the disruption
potential is nearly endless. At a prerelease, my
opponent used this when I only had a single Benched
Pokemon, attempted to KO me with a flip attack, but
preceded to not deal me any damage. That being said, in
a deck where damage is guaranteed, such a play is
fantastic and could happen more often than one might
think. Additionally, Seeker also has great use as a
healing tool: It's a Super Scoop Up that doesn't need a
flip, and also happens to potentially disrupt your
opponent. I guess a few drawbacks are that it's
Supporter speed and your opponent will probably just
bounce their Uxie, Luxray GL Lv. X, or Garchomp C Lv. X,
but if you're ending the game or preventing your main
attacker from getting Knocked Out, this will still be
worth playing.
Modified: 5/5 This is probably the best Supporter we've
had printed in a long time. Most decks that I can think
of could run this card to great effect, and probably
should, given that Trainer lock makes Super Scoop Up
less viable, as well as the capabilities for disruption
of your opponent if they're running a combo deck.
Awesome card.
Limited: 5/5 Major game changing card here. Can prevent
your big attacker from being KOed, or can remove your
opponent's last Benched Pokemon while you attack for the
win. If you pull it, play it.

Otaku |
Today we look at another new supporter
from HS – Triumphant: Seeker!
Besides the normal Supporter, the
actual effect reads “Each player returns
1 of his or her Benched Pokémon and all
cards attached to it to his or her hand.
return your Pokémon first.)”
This is most interesting indeed.
Nothing like taking something
you’ve tanked out with
Expert Belt that is just barely
hanging on, Benching it then bouncing it
back to hand.
With cards like
Rare Candy and
Broken Time Space, you should be
able to drop it back into play fast and
easy, unless you run into Trainer denial
(though that won’t stop
Broken Time Space).
You do need to be careful since your
opponent gets the same benefit: don’t
give them a free, guaranteed
Super Scoop-Up when they’d want one!
The person who plays
Seeker must go first, which is in
and of itself a slight disadvantage:
your opponent can adjust their choice
based on your actions.
Still, the fact that your
opponent has to (I am not seeing
anything indicating it is optional)
bounce a Pokémon as well can also be
good: if they have a single Pokémon on
the Bench, congratulations as it isn’t
there anymore!
The minor benefit is that a lock
had better be a real lock and not just a
“barely got everything” lock: if your
opponent only has a single
Vileplume benched and nothing else,
Seeker will enable you to get rid of
it while unlocking your other Trainers.
More importantly, if they are
down to two Pokémon in play and one is
their heavily injured Active?
Seeker and attack for the win!
Even though it becomes more risky, this
is (not surprisingly) a must run for
Limited play.
Be cautious since it is much more
common for both players to retreat an
injured Pokémon to the Bench, but even
if you help an opponent out by rescuing
their big hitter, strategic use will
allow you to generate significant
advantage… like when you can bounce an
Evolved Pokémon to hand while you have
an energized and legal-to-Evolve copy if
its predecessor ready to go.
Combos with:
Broken Time Space
stands to become the next card you hope
your opponent doesn’t run.
If you can’t get the Pokémon back
into play and able to attack again
quickly, it probably isn’t worth it.
It also isn’t worth it if your
Active just isn’t the kind of Pokémon
that can take a hit or you won’t be able
to get it back to the Bench easily.
of that, it may not always be the best
choice, but it should still be useful.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)