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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magmar #42/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 22, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a short week of reviews here on
CotD. Apparently, this is because our American
readers are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend. I
hope you all have a great time doing whatever it is you
do at this time of year: I’m not too sure, but I’ll take
a wild guess that it involves plenty of eating!
We kick off the week with Magmar.
It’s an evolving Basic, so we already know that its
playability depends on two things: how good its
evolution options are, and whether or not there are any
better Magmar in the format.
Before we consider that, though, let’s have a look at
the card itself . . .
Well, for a start, it’s reasonably
donk-proof (unless it runs into something like
Machamp SF or an
Expert-Belted Donphan of
course), with a very nice 70 HP. Being a Fire Type is a
pretty good thing at the moment, as you hit several
playable Pokémon for double damage (Dialga
G, Steelix,
Scizor), and the Water
Weakness isn’t too much to worry about. That Retreat
cost of two is a bit of a concern though.
does boast a one Energy attack, which is fairly
necessary for a Basic. Shame it’s not a really good one.
Eruption discards the top card of both player’s deck and
does 20 damage for each Energy
discarded. If you get lucky (bear in mind that most
competitive decks run fairly low on Energy), you could
do 40 for one Energy, which
is a decent return, but unlikely to get you a Prize. If
you get lucky in another way, you could discard
something your opponent really needs like a Double
Colourless Energy or a Poke Turn. On the other hand, you
could end up discarding a valuable card from your own
deck and helping your opponent out by pitching a
Magikarp when facing a
Gyarados deck. The attack is
just way too unreliable to be useful. To be honest
though, it looks spectacular when compared to
Magmar’s second effort.
Combustion costs [R][C][C]
and does 30 points of vanilla damage . . . that’s
Arcanine SV levels of
awfulness and needs to be avoided.
So, are there any Magmortars
around that make this worth playing? I think that’s
doubtful. The SV Magmortar
is a possible tech option in decks that abuse Special
Conditions (Leafeon
Ul anyone?), but both the UL
and TM versions are somewhat slow and luck-based cards
that are not really suitable for competitive play. Even
if that were to change, I would still stick with
Magmar SV as my Basic of
choice: a +20 Weakness trumps an x2 one, and it also has
a lower Retreat cost and a single Energy Smokescreen
attack which gives it a better chance of survival.
So, an inferior Basic of an Evolution that sees very
little play.
Don’t anticipate a big score here.
Modified: 1.25 (even in the unlikely event that you will
play Magmortar, don’t use
this Magmar)
Limited: 2.25 (good HP, and the first attack is not too
bad, seeing as most limited decks tend to be 50% Energy)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we are going to
review one of the new Fire-type cards from the new
Triumphant set, an uncommon. Today's Card of the Day is
Magmar is a Basic Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon aren't
commonly seen in the current Modified metagame, with the
exceptions of a few random Charizard decks and the very
commonly used Blaziken FB. A few people will sometimes
use Infernape 4, as well. Magmar has 70 HP, which is
pretty good for an evolving basic, so it should be able
to take a hit. Water weakness makes you Gyarados bait,
along with any Kingdra or Rain Dance decks you may run
into. No Resistance is the worst kind, and a Retreat
Cost of 2 is pretty average, but I still probably would
use something like Switch, Warp Point, Warp Energy, or
something similar.
Magmar has two attacks, and neither are really all that
spectacular. Eruption discards the top card of each
player's deck and deals 20 damage times the number of
Energy discarded in this way for the bargain price of
[R], but since most decks don't run very much Energy
nowadays, this attack is going to be very unreliable.
The second attack, Combustion, does a very expensive 30
damage for [RCC]. Way too expensive to seriously
consider using.
So, where would you use Magmar? In a Magmortar deck,
presumably. There are currently 3 Modified-legal
Magmortars: SV, Unleashed, and Triumphant. The SV
Magmortar has a Poke-Power that when it comes into play
it Burns and Confuses, can snipe for 30, and does an
expensive 60 damage. The Unleashed Magmortar is your
standard high damage/slow Fire type that we've seen over
the years, being able to discard the top 3 cards of your
deck and dealing 50 damage times the number of Energy
discarded in this way, as well as doing 100 for 4 Energy
while discarding two. Finally, the new Triumphant
Magmortar can discard the top card of your opponent's
deck for each Fire Energy attached to it, but has the
possibility of losing them all if you flip tails. It
also can deal 60 damage and auto-burn for 3. None of
these seem like attractive options in the current fast
paced metagame that we find ourselves in today, but who
knows, maybe a Magmortar deck will be viable in the next
Modified: 1/5 If you insist on using a Magmar for a
Magmortar deck, I would probably recommend using the
Magmar from Supreme Victors, as it has a +10 Water
Weakness and a Retreat Cost of 1 instead of x2 and 2,
Limited: 2.5/5 Magmar is actually pretty good here,
especially with the tons of Grass types in this set.
Eruption can also work really well here as this is a
high Energy format, and even though Combustion is
expensive, it still can be decent, especially if you are
powering up to play your Magmortar anyway.
conical |
11/22/10: Magmar(Triumphant)
Reviewing basics, when there's still rares to talk
about? It's like Christmas!(Or rather, like
So anyway, we have Magmar, who hasn't seen much play
since its Fossil incranation. In that time, it's gotten
a prevolution and an evolution, and both have seen more
play than this.(Technically, Magmar would need to be
played to use Magmortar, but work with me here.)
Magmortar hasn't really been used since it played second
fiddle on the HP-on Gardevoir tour of 2008, but new hope
shines forth in the form of Magmortar TRI, not to
mention the rogueish possibilities of Magmortar SV/Leafeon
The most useful effects a basic can have are to either
let it stay alive longer or to somehow speed up one's
strategy, such as a Call for Family attack, draw, or
rapid evolution. Sadly, Magmar has none of these
attacks. It has Eruption, which mills slightly, and does
damage depending if Energy is flipped. It's a risky
attack; however, given that Magmortar TRI's goal is to
mill with its attack, I feel that Magmar would be an
appropriate basic.
For any other Magmortar deck, however, I'd use Magmar
SV, who has a Smokescreen attack that may help it avoid
damage for a few turns.
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 2.75/5
Combos With: Magmortar TRI