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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Altaria #2/10
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 29, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello, I hope all you Americans enjoyed
your Thanksgiving, and welcome to the
new week of reviews on
CotD. This
week, we continue to plough through the
set’s rares.
We start off with
Altaria, which is one of those
Pokémon that you kind of forget exists
most of the time. It’s a dragon that
doesn’t really look very dragon-y and
tends to get overshadowed by the more
impressive-looking specimens like
and Garchomp.
This card seems destined to be
overshadowed too. It’s a Stage 1 with 90
HP (only about 20 short of the playable
minimum), and a double Weakness to the
most feared attacker in the game (Garchomp
C). On the plus side, it does boast a
useful Fighting Resistance and cost-free
If Altaria’s
first attack, Midnight Eyes, gives you a
sense of déjŕ vu, that’s because it’s
exactly the same as the one on the
last Altaria
(from Platinum). Huh? Did they just
forget or something? Anyway, it was
mediocre back then, and it’s even more
mediocre now (at least
Altaria PL
had Perish Song to work with it).
For one Energy
of any Colour you get 20 damage and
auto-Sleep. Ok, it’s cheap, and you
don’t have to flip to get the Status
Condition, but Sleep (even if it sticks)
is relatively easy for an opponent to
deal with, and that damage is hardly
worth the bother. Let’s see if
second attack can make up for it.
Stadium Power ups the cost to [C][C][C]
and has a base damage of just 40, but
don’t worry, we aren’t in
Arcanine SV
territory just yet (not quite anyway):
If there is a Stadium in play, the
attack will do another 30 damage.
Although having a Stadium in play is not
difficult to achieve (just use one
yourself!), the 70 for three return is
nowhere near enough to justify the use
of a weak Stage 1. There are many more
efficient ways to KO
Garchomp C (Dragonite
FB, Ambipom
G, even Staraptor
FB LV X) and, although the Energy cost
is payable in any Colour (and with
Double Colourless), it’s still too
expensive for what you are getting.
For all this card does, it’s safe to go
back to forgetting about
Modified: 1.5 (do you really need a
terrible Garchomp
counter when there are some decent ones
out there?)
Limited: 4 (Colourless is good, and
there’s a Stadium in the set. Pretty
much an automatic choice here)
conical |
11/29/10: Altaria(Triumphant)
I've never been a fan of Altaria, given that it's a
bird/flying...thing, that's stuck in a cloud.
Thankfully, TPCi doesn't seem to like it either, hence
its poor attacks. Midnight Eyes is pretty weak, and
sleep has never been an effective status effect. Stadium
Power does...OK damage, considering that it can one-shot
Garchomps, but on the other hand, there's better options
to KO Garchomps, and Glalie AR and Skuntank G do a
better job of abusing Stadiums than Altaria. On the
other hand, the free retreat is lovely in Limited, and
with Indigo Plateau in the set, Stadium Power is the
only thing that can really abuse it, besides Marowak(because,
after all, you're not going to pull a Legend.)
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3.75/5
Combos With: Indigo Plateau in Limited?

Otaku |
We begin with week with
This is a Colorless Stage 1
There is actually some fun to hit
Colorless Weakness right now, and
combined with the relative ease of
working Colorless Pokémon into other
deck Types, this is good.
Being a Stage 1 Pokémon is a
definite concern, as I have repeatedly
stressed: Stage 1 attackers have to be
very fast and strong, while
Bench-sitters would need a Poké-Body or
Poké-Power (and this card has neither).
90 HP is the lowest I want to see on a
Stage 1 and based on recent reviews I am
thinking I need to jump my standard to
It is within OHKO range for most
decks primary attackers, especially
factoring in combos.
The Colorless Weakness nerfs some
of the advantage you got from this being
a Colorless Pokémon: many of the cards I
was thinking of Type-Matching will do
the same thing right back to you.
At least you enjoy Fighting
Resistance, which helps offset that low
HP against at least one popular OHKO
Factor in the free Retreat Cost,
which is excellent, and the bottom stats
still end up being overall “good”.
The first attack is Midnight Eyes, and
while it has a cool name, it is
disappointing: 20 damage for (C) and
automatically inflicting Sleep is solid
for a Basic that can still evolve, but
not for a Stage 1 that is fully evolved!
Half the time they’ll wake up and
in either case, 20 needs to be at least
30, possibly 40 to be competitive.
The second attack is Stadium
For (CCC) you hit for 40 damage,
but get an extra 30 points if either
player has a Stadium in play.
This is almost enough to be
You still might find a niche use for the
card, probably in a Stadium heavy deck
that needs a back up Stage 1 line that
is Colorless, Fighting Resistant, and
has a free retreat.
This is a very narrow use but not
If you do use it, try to get the
Holo-Rare “secret”
Swablu Lv.16 from Platinum, as it is
clearly the best with the most HP and
three attacks.
Sadly, it probably isn’t much better in
Limited play.
Yes, HP scores and average damage
per attack are lower in this format.
Also being able to use any Energy
type and possessing a free Retreat Cost
are also more potent.
Even inflicting Sleep is more
Unfortunately, you need a Stadium
to bump up the second attack, and there
is only one in its set (and it helps
If you can pull an
Altaria and a few Stadiums, it will
be a good card.
If you only get one Stadium, it
is a bit risky.
If you get no Stadiums, it is
filler that might barely make it into
your deck.
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that those of you
in the US had very good holiday weekends. This COTD week
contains more rare cards from the HS Triumphant
expansion, and today's Card of the Day is Altaria.
Altaria is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are good to use because they can fit in many
decks, because they have flexible energy requirements.
Altaria has 90 HP, which is average for a Stage 1.
Colorless Weakness can be a major problem with all of
the Garchomp C Lv. X that we find in the Modified
metagame today, but keep in mind that you will probably
OHKO it if you hit it first under the right conditions
(we'll get to that later). Fighting Resistance is great
to make attacks from Machamp, Donphan, and Promo
Toxicroak G easier to take. Finally, a free retreat cost
is fantastic.
Altaria has two attacks. The first, Midnight Eyes, does
20 damage and automatically puts the opponent to sleep
for a single Colorless Energy. Although not too
powerful, this is just about right for its cost, and is
thoroughly decent (especially in Limited) while you are
waiting for something better. However, it is still
important to realize that there are many Pokemon in the
metagame that have much higher damage outputs than this
for a single Energy for even less (Gyarados, Jumpluff,
and Machamp all come to mind). Therefore, we better hope
that Altaria's second attack has a high damage output.
Stadium Power starts off at 40 damage for [CCC], but
adds 30 more if there is a Stadium in play. 70 damage
for 3 Energy is once again decent, but not great.
However, it is important to note that with a Stadium in
play, Altaria can OHKO a Garchomp C Lv. X as long as it
attacks first for a Double Colorless Energy and one
Energy of another type, however this is something that
Ambipom G and Dragonite FB can do better, as the Energy
requires are lower and Energy Gain can be used.
Modified: 1.75/5 Free retreat, Colorless Energy
requirements, and the ability to take out Garchomp C are
good. However, Garchomp C itself also has free retreat
and Colorless Energy requirements, and there are
generally better, faster options in the metagame that
will see a lot more play than Altaria.
Limited: 3.75/5 Altaria is a great pick here. It can fit
into any deck easily due to its Colorless typing, can
disrupt the opponent with Midnight Eyes until Stadium
Power is powered up, and then can do reliable damage
with Stadium Power if you get an Indigo Plateau into
play. Free retreat is also a major plus.
Combos With: Any Stadium