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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Indigo Plateau
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 4, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.60
Limited: 1.20
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Indigo Plateau (Triumphant)
Today we are reviewing the Stadium card that we got in
Triumphant. I’m sure all Pokémon players were either
dreading or hoping that it would be the infamous Lost
World Stadium that has (apparently) taken over the whole
of Japan and is currently destroying Tokyo like some
rampaging Godzilla-type monster. Well, we didn’t get
that, but we did get Indigo Plateau: a card which is by
no means format-warping, but which can possibly find a
niche use of its own.
Like virtually all Stadium cards, Indigo Plateau doesn’t
need much text to explain its straightforward effect.
All LEGEND cards in play get +30 HP.
Support for LEGENDs is very
welcome. The are difficult cards to get into play, and
with their double x2 Weaknesses and two-Prize giveaway
(except for the Lugia and
Ho-Oh), they can be very vulnerable to a deck-crippling
OHKO. Indigo Plateau can help with that a bit. Now
Kyogre/Groudon isn’t such an
easy knock out for Luxray GL
LV X or Jumpluff, for
example. Mind you, it won’t save
Rayquaza/Deoxys from the likes of
Garchomp C LV X or
LEGENDs that have Lightning type (Raikou/Entei
and Suicune/Raikou) will
likely still prefer to use
Sunyshore City Gym to eliminate their Weakness
altogether, though.
If you are planning on building a deck that focuses on
keeping a LEGEND Pokémon out as long as possible (Palkia/Dialga
would be a good choice), there is almost no reason not
to run Indigo Plateau. At the moment, I’m a bit
sceptical about how competitive such decks can be, even
with the boost they get from this new Stadium. At least
it does give players a little more incentive to try and
make something out of these very powerful, but
incredibly tough to play, cards.
Modified: 2.25 (good in a LEGEND deck . . . but how good
can a LEGEND deck be?)
Limited: 1.25 (your chances of pulling this and both
Legend Pieces? Not good)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo viewers. Today we're reviewing a
new Stadium from the HS Triumphant set, Indigo Plateau.
As nearly all of you should know, Indigo Plateau is the
home of the Kanto and Johto's Pokemon League, and as
such, it is generally the place you want to be if you
want to be considered a great Pokemon Trainer. So, is
Indigo Plateau a Stadium that you'll want in most of
your decks?
Probably not. Its effect gives each LEGEND in play +30
HP. Since LEGENDs aren't commonly played in most decks (Raikou/Entei
and Kyogre/Groudon see some play, but they are
exceptions), this card won't find a deck slot. However,
if your building your deck around LEGENDs, you may want
to consider running this. Maybe.
Modified: 1.25/5 LEGENDs aren't played very often here,
but if you do play them, it may be worth a shot.
Limited: 1.5/5 The chances of you pulling a full LEGEND
here are very slim, but it does work nicely if you
happen to get an Altaria.
conical |
11/4/10: Indigo Plateau (Triumphant)
Today, we have
Indigo Plateau, a Stadium card based off the Elite 4
Headquarters of both the Kanto and Johto leagues. This
means that the card itself gives more support to Legend
cards, even though none of the Elite 4 use legendary
Pokemon in the games.*
*This does not
apply to the show, however, where seemingly random
people have multiple legendaries. Seriously! I was
curious to see how Ash lost in the Sinnoh league this
time, and this would be where people who still watch the
show should stop reading for spoilers. He had a Darkrai
and a Latios! Where do they find these things!
End spoiler.
So essentially, the
stadium gives Legends 30 more HP. Which is useful and
all, and gives Legends some much-needed support, but
Legends don't need more HP. They're quite set in that
regard; 130 HP is the minimum for any Legend card. They
don't need more HP, they need consistency, and while the
rest of the Legend support helps with that, it still
isn't playable. The only real use this has is as a
counter-stadium, to keep your opponent from using their
stadiums. Even then, though, this could only be used in
decks that center on Legends(not as a tech), otherwise
there are better options.
In limited, this is
the only stadium in the set, and you're probably not
getting a complete Legend. You could use Porygon2 to
thin the deck slightly by searching this out, but it
still serves no purpose, so it's not worth it.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited:1/5 (Yeah,
that's how useless it is here.)
Combos With:
Legends, and lots of them.

Otaku |
Thursday is going to be a short, short CotD, because
it is a simple one. We are looking at Indigo
Plateau, a Stadium card. Besides the normal
Stadium text, it merely states that “Each Pokémon LEGEND
in play (both yours and your opponent’s) gets +30 HP.”
Are you running a Pokémon LEGEND? You should be
running this unless another Stadium actually is an
important part of your deck. Your opponent will
probably have ways of getting rid of it eventually, but
if it lets you get off one more attack with the right
Pokémon LEGEND (or use a card to heal or bounce said
Pokémon LEGEND) it will be well worth it if it gets
discarded the turn after.
Modified: 4.5/5 – Scored specifically for Pokémon LEGEND
Limited: 1/5 – Unless you actually pull and run both
halves of a Pokémon LEGEND, then of course it is 5/5
Combos with: Any and all Pokémon LEGEND cards. |