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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Absol (Prime)
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 8, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a week of
Triumphant Primes on
Everyone likes to see one of these when
they open a pack, but which ones will
make you extra glad you pulled them, and
which will make you wish you got one of
the others instead?
We kick off the week with
Absol Prime,
a Pokémon which always gets points for
This version comes with 80 HP which is
. . . ok, I suppose, considering
it’s a Prime. Fighting Weakness will be
an issue, thanks to
Donphan and
Toxicroak G Promo, but the
Psychic Resistance is one of the best
around. The Retreat cost of one is, as
always, acceptable. Being a Dark type is
one of the best things a Pokémon can be,
giving access to the damage-boosting
powers of Special Dark Energy.
Is it just me, or do
effects tend to be a bit on the mean and
nasty side (think
Absol SW and
Absol G LV X)? I suppose that’s
appropriate for the ‘Disaster’ Pokémon,
and it’s certainly what you get from
this card. Absol’s
‘Eye of Disaster’ PokeBody only works
when it is active, but can have a pretty
crippling effect on the opponent,
forcing them to put two damage counters
on any Basics they bench. Imagine this
in combination with Miasma Valley, or
any form of spread deck (Abomasnow
SF, Gallade
4 etc). It’s not necessarily devastating
in itself, but played early, and in the
right deck, and it could put a lot of
pressure on the opponent.
only attack is Vicious Claw, and it
costs [D][C]
to use. Usually, I am not fond of Basics
that don’t have a single Energy attack,
and it does count somewhat against
Nevertheless, Vicious Claw has a very
nice base damage of 70, making it viable
as an anti-Gengar
tech (OHKO on the Prime or LV X). The
(sort of) downside to
attack is that you need to send a
Pokémon to the Lost Zone in order to use
it. This may or may not be a problem:
most decks have
uneeded techs, starters or Stage
1s they can lose, but you won’t
necessarily have them in hand or want to
search them out. Generally you will want
to plan for using
Absol as a tech attacker rather
than your main offence.
Of course, seeing as there is no actual
downside to having Pokémon in the Lost
Zone (as long as we don’t ever get the
Lost World Stadium), you can make good
use of Absol
if you combine it with Mew Prime. Simply
use Absol’s
attack to Lost Zone Stage 2 Pokémon with
cheap attacks, and then use Mew Prime to
copy them. You would need to devote your
whole deck to making the strategy work,
but it would be an interesting one to
Modified: 3 (useful anti-Gengar
tech with some nasty tricks)
Limited: 4.25 (absol-utely
(sorry) bosses
Prereleases where there is always
plenty to discard for the attack)
Combos with . . .
Mew Prime
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Absol Prime (HS Triumphant)
Today is the start of Prime week here at Pojo! A lot
of good reviews for this week ahead, I’m really glad I
got reconnected in time!
First off is Absol Prime, and this guy seems to be
getting a mixed reception.
Let’s start, as always, with the stats. Absol is a
Dark Basic (warning: terrible computer pun!) with 80 HP,
1 retreat, Fighting weakness and Psychic resistance.
Nice HP, and the Fighting weakness is good too due to
the fact that Donphan and Machamp wouldn’t find it very
difficult to KO Absol anyway, while Psychic resistance
stops a lot of techs. Absol isn’t a tank, but it will
very hard to donk which is really all you need.
Now the abilities. Absol gets a Pokebody and an
attack, both of which can be effectively put into a
combo. The body is Eye of Disaster, and puts 2 damage
counters on any Pokémon your opponent plays onto their
Bench as long as Absol is your Active Pokémon.
What I like about this ability is that you can combo
it with Ampharos PT’s Damage Bind Pokebody to
effectively destroy your opponent’s ability to use
coming-into-play Pokepowers like Uxie’s Set Up, Azelf’s
Time Walk and Crobat G’s Flash Bite. While there are
certainly ways around this combo (Dialga G Lv X, KO
Absol and/or Ampharos, or just force a switch) it can be
abused to put your opponent behind in setup, as well as
make them susceptible to sniping/spread attacks for a
quick KO next turn. Even with Nidoqueen, you are still
denying many crucial power uses to your opponent for
only 4 cards (Absol, Mareep, Rare Candy and Ampharos).
Now I’ll talk about the attack, which isn’t half bad
either. Vicious Claw deals 70 damage for DC, which can
easily be boosted by Special Dark energy and Expert Belt
(as well as Pluspower and now Black Belt). The trade-off
is that you have to send a Pokémon from your hand to the
Lost Zone.
Of course, the potential for early kills with boosted
damage is good, but Absol is too fragile to risk more
than a single Special on and Expert Belt could cost you
more than it helps you, especially since there isn’t any
energy acceleration for Dark Pokémon at the moment
(forcing you to attack turn 2, if you survive that
long). Still, if you have multiple Absol you can Expert
Belt the first and then take advantage of Black Belt to
really bring the hurt with the second Absol.
The other problem is having to sacrifice a Pokémon to
the Lost Zone, since you can no longer use it. Even
worse, you can’t attack if you don’t have a Pokémon in
your hand to sacrifice which can lead to getting
completely mulched by your opponent. At least Lost World
isn’t in this set and isn’t likely to appear later, so
the risk of an opponent declaring victory with that
detestable stadium won’t be what stops Absol seeing
On that note, I hate the very idea of Lost World.
Stadiums are supposed to be double-edged swords that
take skill to play effectively. You shouldn’t be able to
drop one mid turn and declare yourself instantly the
winner! The text should read “if at the start of your
turn, this stadium is in play and there are at least 6
Pokémon in the Lost Zone, you may declare yourself the
winner” along with the other stadium text so that there
is a minor risk of your opponent using it themselves. I
All is not lost however. Mew Prime (reviewed last
week) provides another combo! If you place a few copies
of various 1-energy-killers in your deck without their
pre-evolutions, you can sacrifice them with Absol to
bring the pain then drop a Rainbow energy on Mew and
bring even more misery to your opponent, while hitting
for Psychic weakness instead! Viable sacrifices would
include single copies of Machamp SF, Donphan Prime,
Gengar SF, Jumpluff HGSS, Raticate PA and Shuppet PT all
seem like candidates, alongside any other large Pokémon
with a brutal single-energy attack and no useful support
abilities. Drop a DCE after the Rainbow energy if Mew
survives and really go to town! Alongside other
disruption (like Vileplume UD and Weavile UD) you can
totally ruin an opponent’s day.
Sadly, the problem remains that Mew is easily KOed
along with Absol, and Dialga G Lv X stops the Pokebodies
that make this combo function. You could really mess up
your opponent if you can get Absol to survive for a
second energy attachment to attack and then surprise
them later with Mew, but it is a fragile combo (due to
the low HP rather than the number of cards involved like
most other fragile uber-combos).
In the end, Absol has some possibilities and I hope
rogue deck builders get that rare sense of satisfaction
that comes from surprising and routing a top tier deck
with a combo the other player couldn’t see coming. Test
against this deck, you’ll be glad to know whether or not
you could take it on even if it never appears at
Modified: 3.5 (a big win for disruptors, if you can
solve the energy problem then we have a real contender!)
Limited: 4 (easy damage and plenty of filler to
sacrifice, just watch for Machamp and others)
Combos with: Mew Prime, Ampharos PT
Professor Six Feet Under Games League |
Hello Poke folks!! This is RocketProf making a
Triumphant return for a Prime Week of reviews (ok...
enough puns... if there is such a thing)!! Today's COTD
is Absol, a Basic Darkness type with 80HP (eh), a 2X
fighting weakness (ouch... put you'll more than likely
be otk'd by Machamp and Donphan anyway), a -20 Psychic
resistance (nice) and a retreat cost of one (tolerable).
Absol has a PokeBody, Eye Of Disaster, that says that as
long as Absol is your active Pokemon whenever your
opponent drops anything on their bench it takes 2 damage
counters... this can combo well with Miasma Valley which
has the same effect as EOD, but only if they're not P or
G, and Metagross SV's PokeBody that gives all pokemon in
play 20 less HP. This will make all of your opponent's
Pokemon come into play down 60HP... which ko's lots of
them instantly!! Absol's attack Vicious Claw hits for 70
for DC and requires a Pokemon from your hand to be
placed in the Lost Zone or the attack fails... which is
a great set up for Mew Prime's Lost Link PokeBody and if
the D is paid with a Special Darkness Energy you can
then be hitting for 80 which will make short work of
most SP Pokemon.
Modified 3.9/5 Playable but needs some good partners
Limited 2.5/5 Not the best but pretty splashable...
but i'm not too sure about sending too many Pokemon to
the Lost Zone...
conical |
11/8/10: Absol Prime(Triumphant)
Last week, we reviewed the Trainers of the set. This
week, we review the Primes that we haven't already
We start with Absol Prime, which huuurrrrrrrrrgggggh.
...See, I really want to rate this card well. I
really do. I mean, look at its Poke-Body! Eye of
Disaster puts two damage counters on any basic your
opponent plays, which is really really good. Vicious
Claw does 70 damage for 1D, with the only requirement
being having to move a Pokemon in your hand to the Lost
Zone, which, again, is really really good. And yet...
What does this card do? No seriously, what benefits
does this card give? Trying to abuse the Body? It has to
be active. Trying to abuse the attack? There are far
better attackers than Absol. Not only that, the attack
has zero synergy with the Body, which makes the Body
fairly superfluous.
Of course, there has been talk thrown around about
Absol being used to one-shot Gengar. It's a thought, but
I don't like it. To start, which Gengar are you
countering? Gengar SF? Vicious Claw doesn't OHKO, and if
it does, you're still going to run into Fainting Spell.
Yeah, it's been thrown around in Gyarados, where one
could avoid risking a Belted Gyarados to Fainting Spell,
but it seems like it'd be better not to attach Expert
Belt to Gyarados the instant you see the Gastly. Gengar
Prime? It probably won't see much play until if or when
Lost World finally makes it overseas, and when it does,
Absol actually helps Gengar towards its goal of getting
Pokemon in the Lost Zone with Vicious Claw. Gengar AR?
You likely won't be hitting Gengar AR, because it'll be
on the Bench, and it won't be OHKO'd. The other Gengar
AR and Gengar GL? No one plays those. I'd like for
someone to try and abuse this card, because it has some
interesting dynamics, but overall I don't think it's
worth it.
That said, use this in Limited if you pull it. You
likely won't get more than one, but the cheap attacks
and easy fodder in your hand to Lost Zone makes it
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: A better player than me should answer this.
Crazed Eeveelutionist |
Hello again as we start off HS Triumphant Prime week
#2, basically finishing off the rest of the interesting
set of Prime pokemon that we got. We start the week off
with a pokemon whom only saw a short spotlight period
back about three-ish formats ago. That Absol was known
for being a disruptive starter that sometimes made it
impossible to come back... that is until Claydol came
along and ruined its parade. The new Absol Prime in no
way comes close to copying that in any way, but its the
2nd legal Absol thus far (I'm counting Absol G and its
Lv X as one together). Will it too see some brief glory
in the Spotlight as its SW counterpart did?
Well, it is a bit hyped, and it's easy to see why.
The two-energy attack on a dark-type pokemon (special
dark energies, anyone?) is the main attraction.
Two energies for 70 damage (not including Expert belt or
special Dark energy
bonuses) is very nice, as it will one-shot Gengar Prime
when Lost World makes it to the scene. However, I think
that its hype isn't as justified as it's put up to be.
The nasty effect of sending a pokemon to the lost zone
is what kills it. Yes, it can one-shot Gengar Prime.
Yes, it's energy cost is cheap for the damage output,
but you're only assisting your opponent in meeting the
conditions for Lost World. In addition, your ammo relies
on Pokemon IN YOUR HAND, which Gengar Prime specifically
targets, mind you.
It's like holding a Halo Rocket Launcher when you have
no rockets left to fire. Therefore, it's not a true
counter. It's better to Black Belt/Expert Belt another
dark-type pokemon (even if it's Stage 1) and one-shot it
that way. Both Umbreons from UD, Honchcrow w/ Riot, and
Absol G Lv X are just a few examples of better suited
80 HP for an unevolving basic is slightly above
average, but this kind of "averagity" doesn't cut it in
a format spammed with Garchomp C Lv X and Blaziken FB Lv
X, as well as the other upcoming powerhouse decks out
there such as Machamp/Donphan Prime decks. To make
matters worse, fighting weakness makes it brittle with
all the fighting-type pokemon out there. At least a
psychic resistance saves it from a OHKO by an EB'd Uxie
Lv X.
As a starter in a format that isn't dealing with Lost
World yet, though, it's an appealing choice, as its
attasck, even with an EB or Special Darkness energy, is
sure to put some early pressure on them. However, that's
also the downside. You still have to provide the
"poke-ammo" for its attack, which can slow your setup
for other pokemon that you're trying to get out. Plus,
cards like Twins and Black Belt can turn your
early-pressure game tactic into one hellish nightmare.
Overall, this card is a bit underwhelming. It has its
perks in dishing out moderate damage for a cheap energy
cost, but it's too brittle to abuse its Poke-Body for
long. A combo with Mew Prime is intriguing, but I feel
that such a combo is better on paper than in testing. If
this card has any true chance to shine, now is the time
while Lost World isn't ruining your day.
Modified (before Lost World comes out): 3.5/5 (If
you're a die-hard Absol Prime fan, abuse its time to
"shine" while you can. Like Absol SW, its spotlight will
only last a very short while.)
Modified (after Lost World comes out): 2/5 (Very
risky choice with Gengar Prime AND Lost World
- Wes1234
Crazed Eeveelutionist
virusyosh |
Welcome back once again, Pojo readers! This week we
are covering 5 of the 8 Primes from the new HS
Triumphant expansion. Our week is kicking off with a
review of Absol Prime.
Absol is a Basic Darkness-type Pokemon. Dark types
see a fair amount of play in decks like Tyranitar, and
there are common Dark leads such as Sableye SF and
Spiritomb AR. Absol Prime as also received a lot of hype
for a Lost Zone deck. But will it see play?
First, its top and bottom stats. 80 HP is decent for
a non-evolving Basic, but still low enough to worry
about in the high-powered metagame that we have today.
Fighting Weakness is also unhelpful in this regard, as
Machamp is very common and will only become more
prevalent as more people get their hands on Machamp
Prime. Donphan Prime will also pose a problem. Psychic
Resistance is great against things like Gengar and the
pixies. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is perfectly fine:
Not too bad if you have to pay it.
For the abilities, Absol Prime has a Poke-Body and a
single attack. The body, Eye of Disaster, puts two
damage counters on your opponent's Basic Pokemon when
they play them from their hand to the Bench while Absol
is active. This is important against all decks (as all
decks need Basic Pokemon), however it is especially
important against SPs because many commonly played SPs
start with 80 HP or less, and putting them on the bench
with 2 damage counters puts them within snipe-KO range
of many Pokemon, such as Gengar SF. Other support
Pokemon, such as Uxie, Azelf, Spiritomb, Sableye, and
others will also be taken out fairly easily with 20
extra damage. The only real drawback here is that Absol
must be active in order for this Body to be in effect,
but its attack isn't so bad.
Speaking of the attack, Vicious Claw costs [DC] and
does 70 damage, but has the additional cost of taking a
Pokemon card from your hand and putting it into the Lost
Zone. 70 damage for 2 energy is pretty good, especially
when Absol can make sure of Special Darkness Energy to
further increase its damage output. However, removing
the Pokemon from your hand to the Lost Zone can easily
kill your hand advantage or leave you unable to attack,
so in some ways Absol needs special consideration when
being put into a deck, if not just having an entire deck
built around it. Mew Prime can make use of the removed
Pokemon's attacks, but its low HP is a massive problem.
Modified: 3/5 I feel like Absol has a lot of
potential, but it doesn't have a home yet. It doesn't
fit terribly well into many of the current deck
archetypes we have today, and the very hyped Gengar
Prime/Absol/Palkia G type Lost World decks will have to
wait until Lost World is finally released in the US (if
ever). However, this is no reason to not use Absol:
simply try it and see what works for you. Maybe as a
secondary attacker in a Tyranitar deck? Who knows.
Limited: 3.5/5 Absol is pretty good here. Eye of
Disaster puts a lot of pressure on your opponent, and
Vicious Claw is great in a slow format. Just make sure
that you have enough Pokemon in your deck to be able to
make sure you have lots of Pokemon in your hand for the
Lost Zone requirement!
Combos With: Mew Prime

Otaku |
I expected this to be a very short
To be blunt,
Absol Prime looked great at first,
then like junk, and now I keep seeing
combo after combo for it.
Especially after I talked to
Bondiborg; he contributed a lot of ideas
on how to use
Absol and for that I thank him.
To begin, it will be hurt if/when we get
Lost World because
Absol only has one attack and it
requires you send a Pokémon from your
hand to the Lost Zone to use it.
Lost World allows either player to
declare his/herself the winner if
his/her opponent has six Pokémon in the
Lost Zone.
Then I started seeing combos.
So many that this is my second
draft: the first followed my normal
protocols and I was running out of room!
To break down the actual card in
short order, being a Basic Pokémon with
a single Energy Retreat Cost is good.
Being a Darkness Type Pokémon
with Psychic Resistance -20 is great!
80 HP and Fighting Weakness are
somewhat bad (but not catastrophic).
The Poké-Body is great except for
Absol be Active and the attack is
good but a bit slow since it needs two
Energy and can fail if you have no
Pokémon in hand to send to the Lost
The Poké-Body, which if you
missed it places two damage counters on
a Basic Pokémon your opponent plays from
hand, is what makes this card so
The basic, easy to implement combos for
this card are next.
Call Energy allows you to attack and
aid your own set-up with a single
grants two more damage counters for a
total of four with
Absol, unless the Pokémon are Grass
or Psychic.
Twins and
Black Belt can be used with a
passive open to give your opponent a
false lead: you have a killer set-up
while all their Pokémon are damaged and
all you’re out is a
Call Energy and
As you are spreading damage, you
might even risk doing a “stupid” move by
slapping an
Expert Belt on
Absol: again, give them a false lead
or go aggressive: 90 points of damage on
your second (and later) turns against
Pokémon you’ve already done 20 or 40
points of damage to means you might be
able to afford it.
A clutch
Seeker just makes it sting more,
thinning their Bench and/or bouncing a
now Benched
Absol that has served its purpose if
they try to be passive as well.
The next step for this card is selecting
the rest of the deck.
The above might be interesting,
but I realize it isn’t enough for most
decks to bother with.
we start looking at semi-specific uses.
Damage spreading decks should
consider this as an opener; especially
Darkness-Type focused ones like
Using the above generic combos
Absol can set-up for at least one
Tyranitar, maybe more.
That little bit should allow you
to quickly go from a Prize deficit to a
Prize lead, taking multiple Pokémon out
at once.
Now for the really specific
decks/partners for
Absol: first is
Use both the Supreme Victors
version that lowers max HP by 20, and
since that Poké-Body doesn’t stack use
the other one from Legends Awakened to
enjoy its Poké-Power that acts as a
free, once-per-turn
Pokémon Reversal.
Option two is again a tag team of
the same Pokémon:
The Platinum version has a Poké-Body
that shuts off Poké-Powers on Pokémon
with at least one damage counter on
them, adding control (and protection)
Again it doesn’t stack so you
should run one or two
Ampharos Prime (from HeartGold
SoulSilver): its Conductivity Poké-Power
puts a damage counter on your opponent’s
Pokémon each time your opponent attaches
an Energy card to it from hand.
I’ll finally hit something my fellow
CotD reviewers didn’t: attacking around
your own
Several Pokémon have attacks that
allow you to switch said Pokémon with
one of your Benched Pokémon.
Absol isn’t much of a meat shield:
it may not survive even a single attack.
Either the rest of the deck needs
to cripple your opponent’s offensive, or
your strategy shouldn’t require
Absol survive long: opening the game
and spreading damage those first few
turns, then taking one more attack for
the team (and your true main attacker).
If your opponent doesn’t or can’t
Absol, then its low Retreat Cost
should be easy enough to pay.
Forretress (HS – Undaunted),
Gengar (Arceus),
Gliscor Lv.X (Legends Awakened),
Magnezone (Stormfront),
Ninjask (Supreme Victors),
Octillery (HS – Unleashed),
Quagsire GL,
Seviper (Platinum),
Yanmega (Legends Awakened) and
Yanmega (54/102, HS – Triumphant)
all can attack then jump to the Bench,
and all possess a second desirable trait
as well as solid damage-to-Energy
You clearly can’t combine everything
into a single deck, but you might be
able to mix a few together.
For example, running a single
Beldum and
Metagross with Gravitation would be
difficult but not impossible to squeeze
into an
Prime deck that tries to open with
Absol and
If you could cram it all together
and get it to run reasonably smooth,
you’d enjoy your opponent’s earliest
Pokémon being shorted 60 HP (unless
Grass or Psychic) and having their Poké-Powers
shut off, plus getting hit for one or
two damage counters (from one or two
Ampharos Prime) for each Energy
attached from hand.
2/5 – General rating; if used in a deck
tailored for it, bump it up one to two
When/if we get
Lost World, watch it plummet to one
for general play or two in a dedicated
4/5 – Big basic in a format of lower HP
scores with ample fodder in your hand
for the attack.
Opening is amazing and
mid-to-late game it is still good.
Just mind the Weakness.
What is left to say?
I’ve gushed on this card and
rated it quite highly, because with a
proper set-up you have a control-spread
deck that can deal a sound beating for
two Energy.
There are a lot of popular decks
can still push through and wreck
Absol, and with the threat of
Lost World hanging over it, I don’t
know if it is worth trying to find the
ideal build I theorize.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)