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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Vs. System
Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Celebi (Prime)
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 9, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
If you have ever played any of the video games, you will
know that Celebi is a very
very difficult Pokémon to
obtain. The designers of the TCG seem to think the same
thing should apply to the card game, as this is the
first Celebi that has been
printed since Mysterious Treasures. That’s about 23
Raichus ago!
Was it worth the wait?
There’s no point in sugarcoating
it . . . no, it wasn’t.
clocks in with a very low 60 HP, a not-too-disastrous
Fire Weakness, and the usual acceptable Retreat cost of
one. Not a promising start, but if it had some kind of
amazing Power or attack . . .
Well, the Power is ok, at least. If
Celebi is active, it can use Forest Breath, which
allows you to attach a Grass Energy from your hand to
one of your Pokémon. Energy acceleration is never bad,
exactly, but needing a weak Pokémon out front to do it
isn’t ideal. It might have been a reasonable addition to
the old Energy-hungry Torterra
decks, but the competitive Grass Pokémon these days (Jumpluff
. . . ummmm . . .
?) have cheap attacks that don’t call for this
kind of Power, and Leafeon/Roserade
decks get the job done better with
Leafeon LV X.
Where Celebi really fails
though is Time Circle. Remember how I criticised
Absol yesterday for being a
Basic that needed two Energy?
Well Celebi needs THREE! Not
just any old three either: it needs two different types
(Grass and Psychic). ‘What do you get for that
ridiculous cost?’ I hear you ask. Sadly the answer is
30 damage. ‘But surely there
must be an effect?’ Yes there is: during your opponent’s
next turn, Celebi is immune
to damage from Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokémon.
O . . . K . . . I guess we should ignore the fact that
this leaves Celebi open to
attack from the wildly popular SP Basics. It does
provide some protection against Evolution decks that
don’t run Sableye SF or have
any Basics with a reasonable damage attack (note: it
doesn’t prevent damage counter placement, so
Gengar SF would OHKO it with
Shadow Room), buthe fact is,
Celebi is going to be KO’d
long before it got the chance to use Time Circle.
For such a long-awaited Prime,
Celebi is a huge disappointment. Its Power is
decent, but not very relevant at the moment. As for the
attack . . . the least said, the better.
Modified: 1.75 (deserves something for the Power, but
everything else is shocking)
Limited: 2 (too weak, even here)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Celebi Prime (HS Triumphant)
This is the only Prime I’m not even remotely excited
about from the new set. I’ve never liked the little elf
reject, and this card doesn’t change my mind.
Sorry to be so negative, I just had to get that out
of my system. Celebi Prime is a Grass Basic with 60 HP
(what? No Prime boost?), Fire Weakness (irrelevant) and
a retreat cost of 1. There is absolutely bucketloads of
support for the little fairy time-traveller from health
boost to weakness removal, so it isn’t as squishy as it
looks but it is still fairly easy to take out (anyone
hearing the pun?). I say the Fire weakness is irrelevant
because 60 HP is too low for Weakness to matter in more
than 1% of cases (most main attackers nowadays can
managed that amount from a single energy and a little
assistance) while the support (if you get set up) means
Celebi will have no weakness anyway.
Celebi has a Pokepower and an attack, so let’s see
what they are. The power is Forest Breath, and allows
you to attach an extra Grass energy form your hand to
one of your Pokemon in play once per turn if Celebi is
Active at the time. This can be useful acceleration, as
Shaymin Lv X (Ground form) and Leafeon (RR and the Lv X)
have proven. However, Celebi is susceptible to many
things while Active and only Grass energy can be used,
so I am forced to wonder what use Celebi is in a
competitive deck, especially as the power doesn’t
synergise well with the attack.
The attack is the well named Time Circle, which for
the cost of GPC (that’s right, multiple specific energy
requirements!) will deal a measly 30 damage. The extra
effect is that Celebi is protected from damage dealt by
Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokemon, but not from effects of
This means that Machamp SF and Gengar SF can still
get a OHKO even if Time Circle is powered up in time,
while SP Pokemon like Luxray and Garchomp will be
completely unaffected, even if they weren’t so good at
getting around those exact effects.
In the end, Celebi is a quick route to energy
acceleration as a Basic Pokemon, but it will probably
cost you a prize. That’s a good thing if you like the
Twins, but Grass decks are usually slow enough to begin
with, or else suffer from multiple Pokemon with low HP
and can’t afford another. Another Prime for the Lost
World of the binder (though, to be fair, most Primes
have been good to brilliant and if there aren’t any bad
ones the game would get unbalanced)
Modified: 2.5 (can be used as a starter, but I don’t
expect to see it around)
Limited: 2 (good for rarity, but otherwise useless)
Combos with: Roserade UD or Yanmega SV?
conical |
11/9/10: Celebi Prime (Triumphant)
It's another Prime! And it's...bad. Eh...
Yeah, it looks I'm gonna have to be Negative Conical
for another card. But yeah, here's Celebi Prime, which
has a handy Power, Breath of the Forest, which lets you
attach an extra Grass energy to any Pokemon. Now, this
is actually a better Power than I thought it was when I
started the review(I mistakenly assumed that it only
allowed you to attach to Celebi), but I'm not sure what
it does for Grass-types. Last format, we had Sceptile
GE, which had a technically superior Power, and no one
used it. Celebi has the benefit of being a basic, but
I'm not convinced that it will particularly help any
deck that didn't already have massive issues.
And that brings us to its attack, Time Circle, which
has a cost of...1GP. And it does...30 damage. Did anyone
else feel a time warp just now? Because this is Base Set
damage. Yeah, it has one major effect, preventing all
attacks by Stage 1s or Stage 2s. Which would be handy,
if the best becks weren't composed of basics. Or if
evolution decks couldn't just use their basic's attacks,
or switch out. Maybe I'm being unnecessarily harsh, but
I don't see how this can be usable. Maybe in another
format, but not this one.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 1.5/5
Combos With: Something in another format, or the binder.

Otaku |
I’ll open by thanking
Bondiborg for his
assistance with this
He’s an older
player I am trying to
get to write again: he’s
a busy guy but he knows
Prime is our card for
It is a Basic
Pokémon, which gives it
speed and makes it
efficient in terms of
deck space.
As a Grass
Celebi is pretty
much in neutral
territory, unless your
local metagame is skewed
It does have some
very direct support
available, but nothing
as easy as running
Special Energy
Darkness Energy and
most types have
something comparable.
The 60 HP does
not help
Celebi: any serious
deck will be able to
OHKO, even ones that
rely more on secondary
attack effects.
Fire Weakness is
better than Psychic
Weakness: even if Fire
is common in your
metagame, we all know a
certain Psychic Pokémon
that is popular for
many, many decks.
With the HP,
neither Weakness is apt
to come into play often.
The lack of
Resistance is lame and
the Single Energy
Retreat Cost is either
too high or not high
enough: as we’ll see,
the normally good single
Energy Retreat Cost is
high enough to prevent
easy use of the card’s
You’d still need
to run something like
Switch alongside it
to really make use of
this card’s best
might as well have had a
higher Retreat Cost so
long as it was used to
justify a higher HP
Forest Breath is the
main reason you should
even think of running
this card.
Once a turn, so
long as
Celebi is your
Active Pokémon, you may
attach a Grass Energy
card from your hand to
one of your Pokémon.
Celebi is afflicted
by a Special Condition,
the Poké-Power won’t
acceleration is always
nice, but having a small
sprout like this upfront
in order to use it
isn’t, so in the end it
is passable.
The attack – Time
Circle - is similar: it
requires three Energy
and only does 30 damage,
but it blocks all damage
done to
Celebi from attacks
by your opponent’s Stage
1 and 2 Pokémon.
While the damage
is low, at least the
protective effect can be
There are three
major flaws that prevent
this from being
practical and useful.
First, it doesn’t
block effects.
Stage 1 and 2
Pokémon will be able to
by pass it.
Second, Basic
heavily played in this
The third and
most obvious is that it
requires three Energy,
and one is off-type.
To use this
you’ll need to run
Energy Forest Breath
can’t use, and even with
Forest Breath it will
take two turns to power
Grass has a lot going
for it, including other
forms of Energy
acceleration and some
solid opening Basic
Celebi might
actually work for decks
that need to combine the
How so?
To open, drop
Celebi and
preferably one other
Pokémon you’ll want to
Call Energy onto
Celebi with your
manual attachment and
use its Forest Breath to
power something that can
make use of Grass
Now use the
effect of
Call Energy so
Celebi can actually
attack for something.
If we stop here,
it is still a waste:
sadly the power creep in
the game is bad enough
that a 60 HP Basic isn’t
safe for even one turn.
Celebi lasts a
second turn, then it’s
good: keep getting extra
Energy and fetching
Basic Pokémon from your
deck as long as it helps
If your opponent
looks prone to evolving
their Pokémon and
attacking, you can
always use Forest Breath
and a manual Energy
attachment to enable
Time Circle.
What if your opponent
decides to simply crush
Then enjoy using
your copy of
Twins or
Black Belt to punish
Yes, that is a
lot of specific cards,
but surprisingly so far
they’ve been pretty
general in use.
The main
restriction would be
Grass Energy and
Pokémon that can use it
for decent effect, and
Psychic Energy or
Rainbow Energy to
enable Time Circle.
Just the threat
of it might be enough to
throw an opponent off,
Psychic and Grass
decks probably have the
strongest reason to
consider this card.
As should Limited decks:
Energy acceleration,
like most things that
are good for the normal
playing format, is extra
amazing in a Limited
You should be
able to pull enough
Pokémon that can make
decent use of Grass
Energy, and late game
Time Circle can be
annoyingly effective.
It isn’t a must
run, since you might
honestly not have room
for enough
Grass Energy or you
may simply be unable to
give up a Prize (which
you will almost
certainly have to do
2/5 – This is a general
Celebi Prime can
function in many decks:
you can use it for some
effect since so many
cards can use the
Grass Energy for
Colorless requirements.
To use it
optimally will require a
much more specialized
build, but still one
that is feasible: bump
the score by roughly a
point for such decks.
Even there, it
may not be the best
3.75/5 – Potent, but
there is a decent chance
you won't be able to
safely use
With only four
Prize cards, this may be
a more common exclusion
than you’d think.
I am still selling my
former collectables on
eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the
years, so at various
times I’ll have comic
books, manga, action
figures, and video games
on the auction block.
You can take a look at
what’s up for bids
here. Just a
reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for any
transactions and was
merely kind enough to
let me mention the
auctions here. ;)