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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mamoswine #5/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 1, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
One look at a Mamoswine
should be enough to tell you that you are not going to
get a one Energy attack free retreater here. This
Mamoswine, like all the
others, is appropriately big and bulky.
The good side to this is that you get very nice HP, even
for a Stage 2 (140). Couple this with
Mamoswine’s Metal Weakness
(if a Pokémon must have a Weakness, this is probably the
best one), and you have a Pokémon that isn’t getting
KO’d easily. The bad side, of course, is one of those
Retreat costs that are so large the Pokémon almost looks
as if it has Colourless Resistance, plus some very
expensive attacks.
The first of these, Icy Wind, costs [W][C][C], so at
least you can try and offset some of that cost with a
Double Colourless Energy. Even so,
40 damage is a poor reward for your investment,
even if you do get auto-Sleep. If you are lucky, this
might cause your opponent some inconvenience if they
can’t evolve, retreat, or Warp their active back to the
Up the Energy to [W][W][C][C]
and things get slightly more interesting. Snowstorm’s
damage output of 70 might be unimpressive for the cost,
but it does come with the nice bonus of doing 20 to each
of your opponent’s already-damaged benched Pokémon. Of
course, the issue here is how to get that damage spread
started. One possibility might be
Abomasnow from Stormfront.
For a Double Colourless, he spreads 20 to all non-Water
or Grass Pokémon, and has a PokeBody which lets him hang
around too. Combine this with
Mamoswine and you potentially have a spread deck
that’s slow to set up, but very difficult to stop. Throw
in Solrock TM and
Lunatone SV and you can even
stop your opponent from countering your spread with
cards like Nidoqueen RR and
Garchomp C LV X with its
Healing Breath Power.
It’s not quite a real competitive deck: being slow is a
very bad thing in this format, spread is a lot less
effective than you would like, and of course
Dialga G LV X would be a
nightmare to face. Nevertheless, if you are looking for
something fun, with a different type of strategy to most
popular decks, then you could give this a go at League.
Modified: 2.25 (not totally horrible, and spread may
even be viable again someday)
Limited: 2.5 (very hard to take down, but still slow and
it’s a Stage 2 after all . . . )
Combos with . . .
conical |
12/1/10: Mamoswine(Triumphant)
The saddest thing about this card is that the weather
where I live looks to soon resemble the card art on
Mamoswine. Le sigh.
Actually, now that I think about it, all the ice around
Mamoswine might explain why this card is so painfully
slow. Well, probably not, but work with me here. Both of
its attacks can abuse DCE at least, but even with that
bonus, the attacks are rather weak. Icy Wind does 40,
plus sleep, which again, is the most mediocre status
effect. Snowstorm is a better attack, dealing 70, plus
20 to everything on the bench. It's a decent attack, but
I'd prefer something like Abomasnow, a Stage 1 who does
20 to the bench and active for a DCE, rather than WWCC.
Mamoswine could be a possible partner for Feraligatr
Prime, but then again, Gyarados HGSS is a Stage 1 with
10 less HP, and for WWCC does more damage to the active
and discards energy, so Mamoswine's still stuck in the
cold there.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 2.5/5

Otaku |
is a Water Type Pokémon, but owing to it being a
Ice-Type in the video games it "enjoys" taking double
damage from a Metal Weakness and not, say, a Lightning
or Grass. I
haven’t caught up with the results of Cities, but it'd
take a radical shift to make Lightning Weakness "okay":
our elephantine swine got off good. 140 HP is good for a
Stage 2: most playable Stage 2 Pokémon clock in at about
that. Outside of Weakness, most decks will need two or
three shots to take Mamoswine down. The lack of a
Resistance is disappointing: besides feeling like the
game is over-simplified, it also robs Mamoswine
of a potentially solid match-up. Mamoswine has an
expected but no less troubling four energy Retreat Cost.
You either pack some cards to change it out, heal it, or
preferably both.
Mamoswine has two attacks, and chunky Energy
costs are somewhat mitigated by Double Colorless
Energy usage: you won't be able to use Rare Candy
or Broken Time Space to jump to Mamoswine
in a single turn and still be able to attack without
help. If you
take at least two turns to build it, you won't have to
sit without attacking a turn (at least because of
Icy Wind for (WCC) isn't brilliant, but its passable: 40
damage is a bit low and automatic Sleep is alright. That
gives you a 50% chance of your opponent's Active being
unable to attack… if your opponent can't evolve,
Level-Up, or simply use an effect to heal/change out
their Active. In short, even if they don't naturally
wake up you shouldn't count on it. Ultimately, it isn't
a horrible attack and it will be a decent "still
powering up" attack for Mamoswine, and when Sleep
does work it tends to be a nearly universal combo
opener: if the Defending Pokémon can’t find back, all
your attacks seem better!
The second attack is Snowstorm for (WWCC) and hits for
70 damage to the Defending Pokémon and 20 point to each
of your opponent's Benched Pokémon that already have any
damage counters on them. A solid attack, but it needs a
lot of support to be more than a vanilla 70: most
players will be able to avoid getting any damage on
Benched Pokémon unless you force the issue.
Getting damage spread fast can take some doing. You
could run this in a Rain Dance deck, which would
certainly speed it up, but there are so many other
options that would serve you better: you need to spread
damage before this really becomes good. If you actually
felt you could risk running an even split of the
Modified Legal versions of Feraligatr, it could be quite
nasty: neither is Lightning Weak and besides the Prime
version's Rain Dance the other has Spinning Tail for
(WCC) and doing an adequate 20 damage to everyone of
your opponent's Pokémon, or 80 for (WWCC). If you can
squeeze in Double Colorless Energy as well, you
might even be able to cope with Power denial strategies.
Personally, I am thinking you are better looking for
non-Water dance partners for this porcine pachyderm. An
untested idea just for this review: open with Absol
Prime. Drop a Call Energy on it so you don't
waste your first term, and if it isn't getting pounded
drop a Darkness Energy and start taking 70-a-pop
pot shots. Build up Mamoswine after Absol
Prime's Poke-Body has made sure everything your opponent
plays already has two damage counters on it, and bring
up Mamoswine to slam, slam, slam for multiple
Prizes. We could also use Crobat G to drop
counters fairly quick - is it possible to build a
Pokémon SP deck with this as the non-SP splash?
For Limited play, Mamoswine is great! The attacks
make it not easy to work into an off-type deck, but
feasible. If you have enough Water Pokémon to make sure
it is one of the types that go into your average
triple-typed Limited deck, it’s pretty handy to need
only two of your Type of Energy. The bad news is that
you'll be stuck up front once you get Mamoswine
there, without access to Trainers to easily Bench it,
but your opponent won't be able to use that to get
around Sleep as easily. Plus, retreating an injured
Pokémon is a common Prize denial strategy in this
format, so Snowstorm stands to net multiple Prizes.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
I think this card has some potential, but mostly for
clever League decks or one-time tournament showings that
rely on the element of surprise.