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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 3, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
is a quirky little Pokémon that usually offers something
different to players from the usual run of the mill
attacks. This one is no different
. . . though the actual value of what it offers
is questionable.
For a Stage 2, Porygon-Z has
some unimpressive stats: low, low 110 HP, a nasty
Fighting Weakness (watch Donphan
OHKO this with ease), and an unnecessarily high Retreat
cost of two. It does have a Power though: Dimension
Transfer gives you a coin flip chance of getting a
Trainer out of your Discard pile and putting it on top
of your deck every turn.
Obviously, this could be generally useful (who wouldn’t
like to get back a Luxury Ball now and then?), but I
imagine its true purpose is to work in combination with
the Porygon-Z Promo that
needs Technical Machine cards to fuel its Overload
attack. If you look closely at the Power though, it is a
lot less useful than first appears. For one thing, it
only works 50% of the time, and for another, the Trainer
gets put on top of the deck, rather than going into the
hand. That wasn’t such a problem when
Claydol GE was in the format
and you could take advantage of its constant draw, but
now you either have to wait for it, or play something
like a draw Supporter or Pokedex
Handy to get the most out of it. Honestly, they could
easily have lost the flip, or sent the card to the hand,
and Porygon-Z would still
not be broken. As it is, you would almost certainly be
better off just using Junk Arm.
attack is nothing to get excited about either. At first
glance this too looks decent: Suspicious Beam β does 80
damage for the reasonable cost of [C][C][C],
but unfortunately there is a drawback: if
Porygon-Z does not have a
Rainbow Energy attached, it does 20 damage to itself and
becomes Confused. This is bad for two reasons: firstly,
Porygon-Z’s HP is poor
enough, without reducing it further with Rainbow Energy
or self-damage; secondly, Porygon-Z
decks really don’t want to be running Rainbow in the
first place: being Colourless, they thrive on their
ability to make the most of Double Colourless, Call, and
Upper Energy.
With its unreliable Power and self-defeating attack, I’m
not even sure I would play this in a
Porygon-Z deck. The
designers seem to have gone overboard with the drawbacks
in an attempt to balance the card, and the result is
that they have created something which simply isn’t very
Modified: 2 (possible tech in
Porygon-Z decks, but not really needed)
Limited: 1.25 (Only 1 Trainer in the set and no Rainbow
Energy . . . don’t bother setting up this Stage 2 here)
We end the week, perhaps appropriately
enough, with
The Pokémon whose name ends with
the last letter of the English alphabet
is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokémon.
Something of a mixed blessing,
with the evolution acceleration we
currently have, being a Stage 2 Pokémon
only has one real drawback, the amount
of slots required (and don’t forget to
count the slots eaten by the
Some good news is that there are
a few cards with Colorless Weakness that
are actually being regularly played, so
being Colorless is still pretty good
this format.
The 110 HP is a step below the
last version released, but still puts
Porygon-Z into the practical range
for Stage 2 Pokémon.
120 HP is roughly the average
amount for a card that isn’t
compensating with bad HP to offset good
abilities or
vice versa, and being 10 less is bad
but usually won’t matter a whole lot:
most major attackers still two-hit KO
you, and your Weakness will usually
score a OHKO.
Speaking of Weakness, you get the
most common Weakness for Colorless
Pokémon, Fighting x2.
It will make you vulnerable to
Donphan Prime and
Toxicroak G pulling off an easy
You’ll have to address that in
any deck you build with it, even if it
is as simple a
Porygon-Z (and it’s lower Stages)
being the only Fighting weak Pokémon in
your build.
You won’t get any Resistance to
compensate for this increased
vulnerability and slightly sub par HP,
and even though I expect it I still find
it disappointing.
At least the two Energy needed to
retreat is alright: especially with a
Double Colorless Energy, you can pay
it without crippling your set-up, but
that isn’t easy for most decks to shrug
off either.
Like so much of this card, it’s
the standard drill: don’t worry about
loading your deck down with cards to
change out your Active, but pack a few
for tight spots.
All in all,
Porygon-Z looks to have a mediocre
beginning: not bad, but not especially
We get a generic, universally
useful effect on the card in its Poké-Power
Dimension Transfer, which lets you top
deck a Trainer from your discard pile,
provided you get “heads” on a coin toss
Porygon-Z isn’t afflicted by a
Special Condition.
Under the old (and purportedly
pending) definition of Trainer, that’d
be pretty sweet, but under the current
rules it can’t snag Supporters or
Stadiums, and that will still apply
under the anticipated Black & White
rules changes.
Now, it is still pretty useful,
especially if you have the draw power to
get the Trainer back that turn.
There in lies the rub: you either
need to dedicate more slots and space in
play to a Pokémon that has non-shuffling
draw power so you don’t disturb the
order of your deck before you can draw
the recycled card right away, or you
take the chance that not only won’t you
get the card you just recycled
immediately, but you might bury it long
enough that it won’t be useful when you
do get it.
The attack is less useful.
For (CCC), you’ll score 80 points
of damage, but unless you waste a
Rainbow Energy, you’ll hit yourself
for 20 points of damage and Confusion!
Besides wasting what will either
be a really useful Special Energy card
or one your deck wouldn’t otherwise run,
you’ll also be dinging the HP of
Porygon-Z as
Rainbow Energy places a damage
counter on it, effectively turning the
maximum HP score for an attacking
Porygon-Z into 100 with the
Rainbow Energy or 110-20x, where “x”
is the number of turns you’ll want to
attack with it.
So 90 HP if you only attacked
once, 70 if you attacked twice, etc.
Is this card worth using?
For certain decks, yes it is: a
deck focused on abusing specific
Trainers springs to mind.
What specific Trainers?
Well the most obvious is
Luxury Ball; its first use can help
set up
Porygon-Z, and then top deck it from
the discard to use again and again.
Granted that is true of just
about any Trainer, but of course
Luxury Ball has that clause that
would prevent you from simply running
multiple copies since it can’t be played
if another is in your discard pile.
Poké Blower+,
Poké Drawer+, and
Poké Healer+ can be run in lower
counts but still get multiple uses of
the “play 2 [of this card]” second
As an added bonus, a single
Poke Drawer+ would at least let you
get a different Trainer you’d top-decked
in the same turn.
Many cards just end up being
useful because you’re able to re-use an
effect over and over again that, as the
one-and-done Trainer they are, are often
not quite worth the space.
VS Seeker, especially if you can get
one early in the game, is useful not
because Dimension Transfer makes it
better, but because it removes one of my
earlier complaints about the Poké-Power:
by recycling
VS Seeker you can effectively use
Dimension Transfer to indirectly recycle
Supporter cards.
You also may enjoy a variety of
Trainer (and with
VS Seeker, Supporter) TecH, and
“fake” having run that single card as a
maxed out set of four!
Don’t expect the other
Porygon-Z (a promo) to make this one
worth running: I didn’t even realize
there was a card to forcibly Level-Up
your own Pokémon!
Investing in a Stage 2 to help
you Level-Up cards with an attack, even
a zero Energy one, just isn’t cost (or
time) effective.
I am a bit intrigued with trying
to constantly recycle Technical Machines
and using them to fuel a big hit by
forcing them all onto Promo
Porygon-Z, but you’d have to burn
three a turn in order to hit good
damage, and even with the new
Porygon-Z to recycle them it just
sounds like too much work for not enough
Now, one of the characteristics of
Porygon-Z I began the review with
was its status as a Stage 2 Pokémon.
There is only one
Porygon2 and
Porygon legal to evolve from, so it
made more sense to discuss them as I
evaluated the card for Limited play: you
have no choice but to run them in
Porygon can heal itself completely
for (CC) and discarding an Energy: when
your maximum HP is 50, 4 damage counters
is all of it!
Sounds great until you remember
that you can’t heal then evolve before
your opponent smacks you.
The only other thing it can do is
Sharpen for 10.
It requires a single Energy, so
it is pretty underwhelming: I won’t be
Porygon for its own sake, even in
Poyrgon2 has a handy Poké-Power for
a few decks: when you play it from your
hand to Evolve one of your Pokémon, you
get to search your deck for a Stadium.
Too bad there is only a single
Stadium this set and it boosts Pokémon
LEGEND only.
I suppose if you are able to pull
one of the two Pokémon that get extra
damage from Stadiums this set, it could
be worthwhile.
Porygon2 also has a decent filler
attack: (CC) gives you three coin tosses
with 20 points of damage per “heads”.
Nothing remarkable, and at 80 HP
it is just barely big enough to function
as a Stage 1 Colorless filler Pokémon.
So, what about
Porygon-Z itself?
Stage 2 Colorless filler Pokémon,
I am afraid.
Its HP and damage output are
better, but this set only has two
Trainers in it:
Junk Arm and
Alph Lithograph.
The former can’t be used without
another Trainer, and the latter appears
to be some sort of Secret Rare and
doesn’t have an effect that is worth
using more than once.
You’re playing
Porygon-Z for its Suspicious Beam
attack, and since the set doesn’t have
Rainbow Energy, you’re hoping to KO
enough to offset this suicidal
has some cool tricks and could be used
in any deck, but not in a manner to
offset the investment.
It isn’t much of an attacker is
meant to recycle Trainers, which
unfortunately it does unreliably and in
a manner you have to burn another
resource if you want the Trainer back
right away.
There are some potent combos and
you certainly can build a functional
deck around the recycling aspect: indeed
that is the best way to run it, despite
it being “functional” in just about any
The real hard part is figuring
out what to have out front fighting.
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we end our COTD
week with a potentially useful Rare card from the new HS
Triumphant expansion. Today's Card of the Day is Porygon-Z.
Porygon-Z is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are excellent because they can use any type of
Energy, although this isn't necessarily the case for
Porygon-Z (we'll get to that later). 110 HP is a bit
disappointing for a Stage 2, but it's definitely better
than Jumpluff's abysmal 90. Weakness to Fighting is bad
for Machamp, Promocroak, and Donphan matchups, no
Resistance is also pretty bad, and a Retreat Cost of 2
isn't terrible, though you wouldn't want to pay it under
most circumstances.
Porygon-Z has a Poke-Power and an attack. Dimension
Transfer allows you to flip a coin, and if you get
heads, you can take a Trainer card from your discard
pile, show it to your opponent, and put it on the top of
your deck. This is actually a fairly decent power, and
there are very few ways of recurring Trainers in
Modified. However, there are a few drawbacks to this
Power. First of all, it is reliant on a coin-flip, so it
is unreliable. Second, the Trainer card only goes to the
top of your deck, not directly into your hand, so you
have to find some other way of drawing the Trainer.
Finally, with all of the Trainer lock that seems to be
currently in the metagame (Spiritomb, Vileplume), your
recurred Trainers may not be of use to you.
Porygon-Z's attack, Suspicious Beam β, deals a solid
80 damage for [CCC], but if Porygon-Z doesn't have a
Rainbow Energy attached to it, it will deal 20 damage
and Confuse itself. 80 damage for 3 Energy is actually
not too bad in this format, especially because it can
easily take down your opponent's Garchomp Cs and
non-Leveled Up SPs. However, the secondary effect, while
very original, really kills this attack. Requiring
Rainbow Energy to get rid of the bad effects is
unfortunate, as it effectively gives Porygon-Z an energy
requirement, and a rather difficult one at that. Even
still, adding the Rainbow to it is better than the
alternative, as dealing 20 damage and Confusing yourself
every turn will definitely not help Porygon-Z's
Modified: 2/5 Dimension Transfer may eventually have
a place as a support option, but probably not in this
current metagame, where there are generally better
options. Unfortunately, the attack has a lot of
problems, and will only really work in the right deck.
Low top and bottom stats certainly don't help, either.
Limited: 1/5 I think that Porygon-Z is actually worse
in Limited than in Modified. Rainbow Energy isn't
available in Limited, so Suspicious Beam β will always
have the negative drawback of dealing damage to yourself
and Confusion, and the only Trainer in the Triumphant
set is Junk Arm, which is totally useless in Limited,
since it can't get back itself. Despite the Colorless
Energy requirements, I would use something else.
Also, as a side note: Good luck to everyone that
still have City Championships this weekend!