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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Raichu #33/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 11, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Raichu (Undaunted)
Hello, and welcome to a brand new week of Pojo’s
CotD. For a change of pace, I’m going to start each
review this week with a question, and today’s is . . .
How many Raichu (including SP and LV X) do you think
there are in the MD-on Modified Format?
If you answered ‘a lot’ or ‘too many’, I’ll give you
that one. If you answered ‘nine’, then you have it spot
on. Nine! When we don’t even have a single legal Celebi
(until the next set)! Why do they keep giving us Raichu?
It’s not as if any of them ever see play.
There’s a good reason for that too. Almost all
Raichu have low HP combined with expensive, high damage
attacks . . . and that is not a successful combination.
If I am going to invest 3-4 Energy on a Pokémon, I need
it to hang around for more than just a turn.
This Raichu is a bit different though. Yeah, it has
the worrying 80 HP and Fighting Weakness, coupled with
semi-useful Metal Resistance and handy free retreat.
What it doesn’t have are huge, Energy Intensive attacks.
Is this a good thing? Well . . . yes and no.
Yes, because Pain-full Punch gives a good value 30
damage for just one Energy of any Colour. Yes because
Spark is another nicely-costed attack, doing 40 damage,
plus 20 to a benched Pokémon.
No, because even though they are bargain-priced,
those attacks just aren’t going to do enough damage in
Modified to be worth even that small investment. You
also don’t have to look very far to find even cheaper
attacks that do even more damage (hello Donphan
In Limited, though, it’s a different story. Here
Raichu’s damage output is at least adequate, and has the
advantage of being relatively fast. Being able to damage
the bench is also a big advantage as, in a four-Prize
prerelease tournament, Players will usually bench
heavily-damaged Pokémon to deny Prizes.
At least this Raichu got a brief moment to shine .
. .
Modified: 1.75 (underpowered, low HP)
Limited: 4 (very fast and very effective here)
Combos with . . .
Prerelease tournaments
virusyosh |
Happy Monday, Pojo readers! Today we are continuing
our reviews of the HS Undaunted expansion by reviewing
the newest version of a Pokemon that The Pokemon Company
loves to print. Today's Card of the Day is Raichu.
Raichu is a Stage 1 Lightning Pokemon. Aside from Luxray
GL Lv. X, Lightning types are generally fairly
underrepresented in the Pokemon metagame right now.
Let's take a look at Raichu's top and bottom stats. 80
HP is low for a final stage Pokemon, definitely putting
a dent into Raichu's survivability. Fighting Weakness
isn't terrible, but this will make Raichu fall to common
Fighting type threats like Donphan and Machamp. Metal
Resistance is handy against Dialga and any other random
Metal types you may run into, like Steelix or Scizor
Prime. Finally, free retreat is the best a Pokemon can
Raichu, like many other Pokemon in the HGSS expansions,
has two attacks. The first, Pain-full Punch, does a
vanilla 30 damage for a single Colorless Energy. 30 for
1 is fine as an early game attack, but keep in mind that
Raichu SF can do 30 for free (even though it can only do
so every other turn). It isn't something you'd want to
use as a primary attack, though.
The second attack, Spark, does 40 damage for [LC] and 20
damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. Having
the ability to spread is really nice, but the damage
output is low and there are generally better options.
Modified: 1/5 In this format, things typically need
either very good supporting options, powerful attacks,
or some combination of the two. Sadly, this Raichu has
neither. If you really want to use a Raichu, I'd use
either Raichu HGSS, SF, and the Lv. X.
Limited: 2.5/5 Not bad here. 30 for 1 is good in
Limited, and having the ability to spread is also nice.
Just keep it away from Hitmonlee and Gliscor!
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Raichu (HS Undaunted)
This is a fresh take on an old standard. So far we have
the Stormfront, Platinum: Arceus and HeartGold/SoulSilver
versions with the Prime from Undaunted and the Lv X from
Stormfront in Modified which are all based on discarding
lots of energy to hit for around 100 damage. A lot of
versions long since rotated out have done the same
thing, but this one is different.
This Raichu gets 80 HP (most get 90 or 100, so not a
good thing) with Fighting weakness (Machamp and Donphan
could OHKO Raichu pretty easily without weakness, but
still not a good thing)), Metal resistance (not
brilliant, but resistance is never a bad thing) and free
Now, like most recent incarnations, we get 2 attacks,
and, unlike most recent incarnations, both are
low-damage cheap shots. The amusingly named Pain-full
Punch deals 30 damage for C, which on a Stage 1 is
somewhere between good-but-not-good-enough and great,
depending on the ability and/or second attack of the
card. A brilliant but expensive attack or excellent
search/draw Pokepower makes a cheap first attack a big
bonus (all other options make a cheap first attack only
a small plus but not enough to make the card playable).
Sadly, Raichu's second attack does not help the card
reach the ranks of the playable. Spark is an old
satndard, which deals a little damage to an active
Pokemon and even less damage to a Benched Pokemon. This
time around it costs LC for 40 damage with a 20 damage
snipe, which is great value-for-energy (even considering
resistance), but the lack of damage means that anyone
who wants to play a Raichu deck is going to skip right
over this card.
In the end, the reson the old Raichus from Base set and
Fossil never got played is because a lack of damage
combined with low HP, and this latest edition follows on
in that sad tradition.
Modified: 2.5 (it is cheap and a nicely built card, but
the damage output is not even close to competitive)
Limited: 4 (here Raichu has a chance to shine, starting
quick and hitting multiple targets with very few
Fighting types to stand in the way. If you can run
multiple copies you will own the prerelease!)
conical |
10/11/10: Raichu(Undaunted)
Yeah, yeah, it's Monday. Struggle out of bed, go to
school, do your homework, eat your vegetables, and I'll
try to review Pokemon cards for your benefit as
painlessly as possible.
Today's card, Raichu, isn't helping out on the
'painless' part, however; as the card states, Raichu is
trying to be rather 'Pain-full.” Which brings me to my
next tangent: Why is it called Pain-full instead of
'painful'? I think they were going for some sort of pun,
but it doesn't really make sense when the pun has the
exact same meaning of the original word. This is
unfortunate, because puns are awesome and more cards
need pun-based attack names.
By the way, the card itself isn't very playable. It's
got cheap attacks that do fairly decent damage, (And
really, 1L for 40 and bench damage is good value. Just
not 'playable' value.) and I think it's the first Raichu
in a while that can attack without discarding energy(Raichu
SV doesn't count, because it's bad, and I said so), AND
it can be leveled up via Raichu Lv. X, but it just
doesn't do enough damage to be really successful.
But, as with all cheap attackers(with free retreat, no
less), this card is pretty good in Limited. Did I say
good? I mean really good. Besides the solid attacks and
the free retreat cost, it's an uncommon, and it resists
Metal, and there might be a few Metal-types that people
would play in a second's notice. Just a few, though.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 3.75/5
Combos with: none

Otaku |
D’awwww… it’s so cute!
I mean we open our week with
Raichu, an
Uncommon from Undaunted.
Our big-small mouse is just that: an 80 HP Stage
1 (a bit low) with a doubling Fighting Weakness (matters
because it saves
Donphan Prime two copies of
Plus Power),
Metal Resistance -20 (a welcome addition), and a free
Retreat Cost (the best possible).
Even with the Resistance and Retreat Cost, it’ll
take something special for this card to see play.
Pain-full Punch, its first attack, isn’t special
enough: it’s a straightforward 30 damage for (C) Energy.
As this is a Stage 2 Pokémon that can’t further
Evolve, that is low-to-average in terms of performance
(though a bit better than what many actual cards would
have). The
next attack, Spark, fairs a bit worse.
Spark isn’t a bad attack: (LC) does 40 points of
damage to the Defending Pokémon and another 20 points of
damage to one of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon (your
choice). In
terms of Energy paid, that is actually a decent deal,
but then you remember this is a Stage 1 Evolution card
and the end of the line: decent doesn’t cut it.
To explain what I mean, let me tell you how this card
could have gone: Spark costs (CC), even if that necessitates
dropping the base damage to 30 points.
This allows
Double Colorless Energy to provide a quick hit, and
leaves room for a killer Poké-Power, Poké-Body, or
another attack.
At least in Limited play, it has some nice options:
while you’ll have to watch the Weakness and will only
rarely enjoy the Resistance, the lower damage has less
HP to drain, making the attacks more effective.
Second, Bench damage is more important in this
format, where retreating an injured Pokémon is a common
method of Prize denial and players will often build
their real attacker on their Bench.
Lastly, the ability to theoretically be run sans
Lightning Energy and still have an attack, or more practically
splash just a few
Lightning Energy into another color deck and have
access to both attacks.
Modified: 1.75/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Art: 4/5
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough to let me
mention the auctions here. ;)