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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gloom #27/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 14, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Gloom (Undaunted)
When was the last time Pojo reviewed a Gloom?
The shameful truth is that in 10 years and 1700+
reviews . . . none of the 13 Gloom that have been
printed have ever been looked at. I think it’s time we
put that right.
To be honest, it’s easy to see why Gloom has slipped
through the net. Evolving Stage 1s don’t usually make
for interesting or relevant reviews, simply because most
decks only use them as a means of getting the Stage 2
out when they don’t have a Rare Candy. There are
exceptions to this like Vibrava RR and Dark Dragonair
TRR, but they are very few and far between.
Gloom UD does not fall into that category of rare
Stage 1s. It has a decent HP, a bad Psychic Weakness,
and a bleh attack that does 30 for [G][C] and gives you
a flip for the Status Condition of your choice (go
Paralysis!). It’s not horrible, but it’s also not
something you want to go aggro with either.
Really, this card is just there as a means of
getting out Vileplume UD in Trainer Lock decks. Does it
do a better job than the other Modified-legal Gloom
(both from LA)? To be honest, there is little to choose
between them. The older ones at least have the benefit
of a +20 rather than a x2 Weakness, but it’s not a
decision you should agonise over too much.
Modified: 1.75 (evolve and forget)
Limited: 2.75 (attack could be nasty here)
virusyosh |
Today for our Card of the Day, we're going to review
a Pokemon that we've never had a chance to review
before. Today's Card of the Day is Gloom from HS
Gloom is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. Gloom will see play in
decks that use Vileplume, however Gloom will probably be
in a limited role since most decks will want to get to
Vileplume and its Trainer locking ability as fast as
possible. However, in the slim chance that you will be
using Gloom on its own, let's look at its stats. 80 HP
is fairly standard for an evolving Stage 1, and this
value is low enough that you wouldn't want it up against
the metagame's top threats for too long. Psychic
Weakness is decent, and probably slightly better to have
than Fire Weakness. No Resistance is unfortunate.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is pretty good and easily
payable if necessary.
Gloom UD only has one attack: [GC] gets you Miracle
Powder, which does 30 damage and a Special Condition of
your choice if you flip heads. Not bad given the cost,
though this attack is only something you'd want to use
early game if at all, as the damage output is a bit low
and Special Conditions aren't that big of a factor in
the metagame, even if you can choose which one your
opponent gets hit with.
Modified: 2/5 If you're using Vileplume, you should run
Gloom. If not, don't.
Limited: 2.5/5 Gloom is actually pretty good even
without Vileplume here. The ability to inflict any
Special Condition is pretty nice, and 30 damage is
decent, especially when paired with Poison, Burn, or
Paralysis. If you happen to pull a Vileplume, even
Professor Six Feet Under Games League |
Happy Thursday PokePeople!! Today we're looking at
Gloom UD, and I imagine many of you are thinking to
yourselves "Now why would they review Gloom, it won't
fare well at all..." and honestly I thought that myself
at first, too. That is until I figured that Gloom
is a necessity if you want to use Vileplume, and so many
of us out there do! So I figured for this review
since it wouldn't be fair to compare Gloom to say,
Garchomp C Lv. X, I would compare the Glooms that are
currently Modified legal. As far as top stats go
this Gloom is tied with one of the options from LA with
80HP, the bottom stats are bittersweet, the Weakness is
X2, unlike the other two choices with +20 of either Fire
or Psychic, depending on the type of the card, none of
them are Resistant, and tied with the Grass Gloom from
LA Gloom UD has one Retreat cost. None of the
Attacks on any of the Glooms are that impressive, most
inflicting status and one healing. So it seems like some
have an edge where others don't, but that edge is met
with another dull spot in comparison to its
counterpart... mediocre... but this mediocrity leads to
morale of this story...
Keep it Benched...
No more worries...
Modified 2.5/5 Like I said, you can wrack your brain
trying to pick the better one, but in the end the only
purpose it serves it to become Vileplume
Limited 3/5 Special Conditions are always fun in this
conical |
10/14/10: Gloom(Undaunted)
So, this is the first Gloom card ever reviewed for COTD.
Oh well, I've never been a fan of Gloom anyway. That
doesn't make it a bad card, however.
Now, Gloom probably wouldn't be all that important,
except that Undaunted revealed the new Trainer-locking
Vileplume that's all the rage these days. Therefore, the
only important quality Gloom really needs is that it
should be better than any other Gloom in the format.
This Gloom does have an interesting attack in Select
Powder: 1G for 30 damage and the Condition of your
choice! Conditions aren't as powerful as they were, but
being able to select any condition is handy(Though
generally, you'd pick paralysis).
This Gloom has two other Glooms to compete with for
viability, both from Legends Awakened. The Psychic-type
Gloom isn't worth considering; generally you'd want to
use the same type as Vileplume. The other Gloom does G
for 20 and sleep, and a 30 snipe attack for 1G. This
Gloom has only slightly better attacks than Gloom, in my
opinion, but I would still pick Gloom UD because it has
higher HP, and Select Powder, because paralysis is
better than sleep, could prevent an attack for a turn
while you evolve into Vileplume, which is the ultimate
This card is pretty decent in Limited, too. Inflicting
status is far more viable here, and the HP and retreat
of one aren't that bad. Not to mention, this thing could
become unstoppable, provided you pull Leafeon UD, or, of
course, Vileplume.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: Vileplume UD, Leafeon UD for Limited

Otaku |
Rectifying another card we’ve never reviewed any version
of, today we will examine
Gloom from HS
– Undaunted.
Now, regular readers and players will know why we have
never reviewed
Gloom before: it is a Stage 1 Pokémon and I can
think of only one copy worth running for its own sake.
That would be
Dark Gloom
from all the way back in the original Team Rocket set.
It had a Pokémon Power (back then, they weren’t
split into Poké-Bodies and Poké-Powers) that let you
flip a coin, and on “Heads” Confused the Defending
Pokémon but on “Tails” confused your Active Pokémon.
It had a minor moment of fame in a deck designed
to show off Jungle
Snorlax (who
was protected from Special Conditions through Thick
However, as someone who ran the deck it quickly became
apparent it needed
Dark Vileplume
anyway, because without a Trainer lock your opponent
would obliterate your careful set up.
The newest Gloom
at least clocks in with 80 HP.
This is low for a Stage 1, but at least it is
meant to further evolve into
Bellossom or
making it much less problematic than yesterday’s CotD.
Being a Grass Pokémon opens up a lot of support
options, but isn’t especially important in terms of type
matching at the moment.
The damage doubling Psychic Weakness is a bit
worse than the other probable Weakness (Fire) would have
been: there are potent, established decks for both but
the Psychic ones seem stronger, at least for now.
The lack of Resistance is disappointing but
expected given how rare it is becoming.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is nice: if you
have to pay to retreat it is fairly easy.
has one attack, and that is Miracle Powder.
Miracle Powder has been with the game for years
now, and while this version is fortunate enough to do 30
points of damage, the big deal is that you get to select
a Special Condition and inflict that on the Defending
Unfortunately, this only happens on a successful coin
toss, which really hurts the move.
Factor in that it requires (GC) so it can’t be
sped up with
Double Colorless Energy.
All in all, it isn’t a very good attack, even in
Limited where Special Conditions are much stronger.
None of the currently legal versions of
Gloom are
very impressive, but at least the other versions have
less expensive attacks.
It really doesn’t matter too much, since you’ll
be playing this card just to get to one of its possible
evolved forms.
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions here. ;)