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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Vaporeon #41/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 15, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.42
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Vaporeon (Undaunted)
Which is the only Eeveelution that isn’t sickeningly
That’s right, it’s the one that’s half-fish,
half-dog (or whatever it is that Eevee looks like) . . .
today’s card is a Vaporeon!
(Actually the Unseen Forces Vaporeon is pretty cute,
but that’s an exception!)
(The Majestic Dawn one is ok too . . . aaargh! Let’s
leave it there and get on with the review)
Vaporeon has the typical Eeveelution 90 HP, which
always seems wrong as it is a bulky/healing type Pokémon
in the video games. It also has the worst-case-scenario
x2 Lightning Weakness which makes it ridiculously easy
prey for all those Luxrays which infest the Modified
format. Combine that with no Resistance and a Retreat
cost of two (oh, so NOW they decide it’s bulky!), and
what you have is a very unpromising start to this
At least it has a cheap first attack. Spiral Drain
costs [C], does 20 damage, and heals 20 from Vaporeon.
If it didn’t have such low HP and a terrible Weakness,
this might have kept it alive for a turn or too.
Assuming it does survive long enough for you to attach
[W][W][C], you now have access to Dual Splash (that’s
right, the same attack as on Empoleon MD), which hits
any two of your opponent’s Pokémon for 30 damage each.
Dual Splash is a nice enough attack, but for that kind
of cost on a Pokémon that is unlikely to stay on the
Field long enough to use it? No thanks. Things would
have been slightly better if it could have used Double
Colourless Energy, but even that would leave it well
short of playable.
Vaporeon doesn’t tend to see much play, even in
Eeveelution decks, and of the three legal ones we have,
this is probably the worst. Like a lot of this week’s
cards though, it seems designed to work best in Limited
play. In a low-damage format, it can be an effective
wall and survive long enough to use Dual Splash, which
is an excellent attack in that environment. For that
reason, I don’t mind this card at all . . . it’s nice to
have some good cards to use in a Prerelease.
Modified: 1.5 (there are better Vaporeons, and
Eeveelutions doesn’t need them either)
Limited: 3.75 (great attacker and a decent wall – as
long as your opponent isn’t playing Raichu)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we are ending our
COTD week by reviewing a Pokemon that has been around
since the original 151. Today's Card of the Day is
Vaporeon from HS Undaunted.
Vaporeon is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Water Pokemon are
seeing a lot of play right now, between Kingdra LA,
Gyarados SF, Palkia G, and even the random Rain Dance
deck or Quagsire GL. Vaporeon would also see some play
in an Eeveelutions deck, as it evolves from Eevee. 90 HP
is fairly good for a Stage 1, allowing Vaporeon to take
a hit or two, although the double Lightning Weakness is
definitely a problem in the current metagame, as Luxray
will eat it alive. No Resistance and a Retreat Cost of 2
are both rather disappointing, though the Retreat Cost
can be paid if you absolutely must.
Vaporeon has two attacks. The first, Spiral Drain, does
20 damage for a single Colorless Energy and allows you
to remove 2 damage counters from Vaporeon. This attack
also goes well with Espeon Prime, as it can use the
attack for a Colorless Energy with its Poke-Body.
Outside of that, this attack is really only good as an
early-game move (if even then), because there are
several other Pokemon that can hit a lot harder for the
same price.
The second attack, Dual Splash, allows you to choose 2
of your opponent's Pokemon and deal 30 damage to each of
them for [WWC]. The Energy cost is a bit expensive for
the effect, but this is a rather decent spreading
attack. Still can't help but think there are better
spreading options, though (Gengar SF, and even Tyranitar
Prime come to mind).
Modified: 2/5 Vaporeon will only really be used in an
Eeveelution deck, where it provides a decent way to
spread damage. However, since that deck isn't very
common (or very good, at least in the current metagame),
it will probably see little play.
Limited: 3.75/5 Vaporeon is excellent here. Spiral Drain
works with any type of Energy, and provides a reliable
way to heal. Dual Splash is a bit expensive, but can be
absolutely killer in Limited, where the pace is much
slower and 30 damage to 2 of your opponent's Pokemon
will actually have a significant effect on gameplay.
Having 90 HP as a Stage 1 is also really good.
Combos With: Espeon Prime
conical |
10/15/10: Vaporeon(Undaunted)
Even though the new Eeveelutions probably won't make
much of an impact in Modified play(Leafeon would
probably be the most likely to do so), they are all
generally good options for Limited play, except maybe
Espeon Prime...and Vaporeon.
What makes all of the Eeveelutions so playable in
Limited is that each of the original 3 has a colorless
attack that does a solid amount of damage, and a bonus
effect, making them easy to splash with other types. In
Vaporeon's case, it can use Spiral Drain, which does 20
damage and heals 20. It doesn't do enough for Modified,
obviously, but it's decent for Limited. The second
attack, for 1WW, does 30 to two Pokemon...wait, doesn't
Empoleon MD have the same attack? Yes, it does, for W
less, at that. Besides that, nowadays we have Manectric
PL, which does 30 to any of your opponent's Pokemon with
Powers, making Vaporeon's spread attack look slow in
comparison, which it is.
In Limited, you wouldn't have to worry about powering up
Dual Splash and just use Spiral Drain in a deck of some
other typing, but Vaporeon has one other flaw: its
retreat cost of 2. If you plan on putting Vaporeon
active, you better be prepared to keep it there for a
while. The healing helps it live longer, but I would
prefer having, say, Jolteon UD's attack, which prevents
all damage done to it.(It also has free retreat!) Not
only that, but there's only three Fire-type Pokemon in
the set, so it won't be hitting for weakness very often.
Therefore, if you're using Vaporeon, you might want to
use a lot of them rather than as a tech, and try to
spread damage with Dual Splash. It's a slower option,
but Limited doesn't really give out anti-spread
options(Unless you somehow pulled Garchomp C Lv. X,
which is impossible because it's the wrong set).
Regardless, it's probably the weakest of the
Eeveelutions in the set.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.75/5
Combos With: Regular Espeon UD could be an interesting
combo to work with. In Limited, of course. |

Otaku |
Today we look at the uncommon version of
Vaporeon from
HS – Undaunted.
It is a stage 1 Water Pokémon.
Being a Stage 1 is of course a concern: they
should be on at least equal footing with Basics and
Stage 2 Pokémon with the real potential of becoming
overpowered since they have access to better abilities
than Basics and are faster than Stage 2 Pokémon.
As anyone who isn’t a novice knows, that just
isn’t the case as Stage 2 Pokémon have some extremely
potent shortcuts that rob Stage 1 Pokémon of their speed
advantage, and often they don’t get access to attacks
and abilities that are any better than what the Basic
Pokémon get.
Being a Water Pokémon wouldn’t be a concern if it wasn’t
for the Lightning Weakness that often goes alongside the
type: as far as I know,
Luxray is still a considerable presence in the format.
No Resistance is disappointing as always and the
two Energy required to retreat is manageable but almost
seems high given that this is a Stage 1 Pokémon, and a
Vaporeon at
that: none of the
Eeveelutions seem especially “slow”.
Due to the correlation between Type and Weakness,
I skipped the HP score, which is a good 90: outside of
that Weakness this isn’t an easy OHKO.
Stage 1 Pokémon really need to clock in at 90,
but higher scores tend to be reserved for cards known
for high HP scores in the games.
All in all, decent attribute scores for the card.
As long as both attacks are at least solid, we
can have another useful
Alas, denied!
Spiral Drain is a solid attack, but Dual Splash is not.
Spiral Drain needs one of any Energy and hits for
20 damage while removing two damage counters from
Vaporeon. As the small,
quick attack it can irritate the opponent and
occasionally blow the number crunching your opponent is
doing to try and figure out when they’ll KO this card.
Dual Splash is extremely expensive at (WWC).
While I don’t expect every Stage 1 Pokémon to
have a Donphan
Prime level of return for energy, with this attack it
feels like they forgot to print the base damage: you get
to select two of your opponent’s Pokémon and do 30
points of damage to them.
That just isn’t enough: a total of 60 points of
damage for three Energy is too low a return for the
modern format.
Maybe if you had the option of doing it all at
once to the Defending Pokémon, it could be passable, but
probably not.
This is one of those attacks where even if the
damage-to-energy ratio worked out on paper, it fails in
practicality since
Vaporeon will quickly be KO’d before it can spread a
lot of damage.
The energy cost makes it hard to do the normal
Rainbow Eevee
deck and prevents it from using
Double Colorless
Energy as well.
The 90 HP and Spiral Drain are just good enough Limited
that you might run it in, if you have two or three
copies of Eevee.
If you do have an actual Water using deck, then
you can enjoy the Bench sniping: in this format it is
common to retreat an injured Pokémon to avoid giving up
a Prize.
Except the only other Water Pokémon in this set are the
two Kyogre &
Groudon Legend cards,
Slowbro, and
doesn’t even require
Water Energy.
So the only reason to use this card is if you
pull several copies of
and don’t
have anything better to fill the slot.
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions here. ;)
Professor Six Feet Under Games League |
Happy Friday everyone!!
Today we're taking a
look at another
Eeveelution from
Undaunted, Vaporeon.
Vaporeon is a Stage 1
Water type with 90HP
(eh), a 2X Lighting
Weakness (ouch) and a
Retreat cost of 2 (to be
expected for most Water
Types). The first
attack from Vaporeon is
Spiral Drain, for C you
hit for 20 and remove 2
damage counters, a
balanced attack
considering its
versatility and low
cost/low output... but
still a really low
output... The second
attack is Dual Splash,
Empoleon MD's little
brother, for WWC you get
to choose 2 of your
opponent's Pokémon and
then this attack does 30
damage to each of them,
and as usual don't apply
Weakness and Resistance
for Benched Pokémon. So
pretty much in
Prerelease this card has
lots of potential for
quick hits and recovery,
not to mention how well
it combos with Umbreon P
and Espeon P, but if an
Eeveelution deck is
something you're
considering and Vaporeon
seems like a necessary
tech it'd go with this
The attacks feel a
little better, lower
cost, and more
versatility with
Eeveelutions with its
Undevelop PokePower and
a more tolerable
Modified 1.5/5
Limited 3.4/5
P.S. If any of you
PokePeople have a deck
list you're working on I
am taking submissions
for my Deck Garage, all
I need is a title, if
you have one, a complete
60 count list (with set
numbers for Pokemon just
to help disambiguate
them) and a brief
synopsis of the strategy
you want the deck to
follow (stall, spread,
trainer lock, etc.). You
can e-mail all of that
info to me at
!! I look forward to
helping out the best I