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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Jolteon #28/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 18, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.40
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Jolteon (Undaunted)
Hello and welcome to another week of Pojo’s CotD. This
week we will carry on mopping up some of the cards from
Undaunted ahead of the much anticipated release of HGSS:
Triumphant. Is that the sound of a barrel being scraped,
I hear you ask? Let’s hope not.
We kick off with Jolteon, one of the ever-popular
Eeveelutions cards. Stats-wise, it delivers pretty much
what you would expect: it’s a low-HP Stage 1 (which is a
bad thing in itself). Fighting Weakness isn’t going to
help much with Donphan, Toxicroak G Promo, and Machamp
still a big part of the metagame, but it does come with
a semi-useful Metal Resistance and an always-good free
Jolteon’s first attack, Agility, seems to have been
around in the VG and the TCG forever. This version does
20 for [C] (not bad) and gives you a coin flip to give
Jolteon immunity from damage and attack effects next
turn. That at least gives you a way of keeping Jolteon
from being KO’d (unless you run into a Fastwave or Swift
type attack) if you are lucky with the flip. The real
question is, what are you keeping it alive for?
The answer (presumably) is to get the [L][L][C] Energy
that Jolteon needs in order to use Mach Bolt, a vanilla
attack that hits for 70. Obviously, this isn’t going to
make Jolteon an effective main attacker, but
Eeveelutions differ from most Pokémon in that you have
to consider their worth as a tech in a
toolbox/hitting-for-Weakness type of deck.
Whether or not Eeveelutions needs a tech that hits for
Lightning Weakness is questionable. The only Water
Pokémon that sees much play at the moment is Kingdra, so
if you run into that deck a lot, a Jolteon tech might be
worthwhile. Is this the one you should go for? It’s
close, but I would opt for the MD version, with it’s +20
Weakness and ability to hit for 90 if required. Until
Water decks rise in popularity again though, you could
probably use the deck slot better.
Modified: 1.75 (Energy-intensive situational tech . . .
for a deck that struggles to be competitive)
Limited: 3.5 (pretty good: it can stall and hit
relatively hard)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Jolteon UD
The game of Pokémon has always been kind to Jolteon. I
think it’s a mixture of the blinding speed of Lightning
and the fact that Jolteon is the only Eeveelution that
doesn’t have a hint of cuteness about it. It’s rare to
find a Jolteon card that looks bad or isn’t good for at
least a pre-release.
As always we start with the stats. Jolteon gets the
usual low-HP Stage 1 treatment, but that doesn’t mean I
like him any less. This time around we get 80 HP, which
is better than the usual. The Fighting weakness, Metal
resistance and free retreat are all standard on Jolteon
cards, and in this Meta it makes for an average set of
The weakness is terrible because it makes sure that
Machamp and Donphan will get the OHKO, but they probably
would have anyway considering Expert Belt and DCE are
mandatory in the decks that play them. The resistance is
better than nothing, and the retreat cost is brilliant
as free retreat always is.
Now the abilities. Jolteon gets 2 attacks, both of which
scream “PRERELEASE!”. Agility is the first, and is an
old standard of flip-for-immunity with a little damage
thrown in. This time around it is just C for the flip
and 20 damage. Of course, just forcing Jolteon to switch
out, sniping and/or using attacks that ignore defence
effects (Tyranitar Prime with Power Claw comes to mind)
will make this attack effectively useless (stalling is
never terribly effective in Pokemon) but for the cost
I’m not going to complain.
The next attack is Mach Bolt, and I’m tempted to score
it higher than it deserves simply because it is so close
to being playable. It even could become playable, if a
future Jolteon or other Eeveelution tech comes in that
allows the building of a new Lightning archetype. For
the cost of LLC, you get 70 damage, which is currently a
magic number as against Lightning weak Pokemon with x2
weakness for the OHKO. What stops it is that it can’t
use DCE, but historically a lot of Lightning decks have
used energy acceleration from the discard so that might
be as much of a downer as you would think.
Still, at the moment Jolteon is a lovely looking Pokemon
card that will do wonders for your Pre-release deck if
you pull it in sufficient quantities, or will look
pretty in your binder while you pass it over for better
cards but still think “If only it were slightly
Modified: 2.75 (I’m being generous, but I like Jolteon
and it could become a better card in the future)
Limited: 4 (splash it, or build around it, it will hurt
anything in its path!)
Combos with: an as yet unprinted Jolteon that will
demand swarming and take the game by storm! (pun

Otaku |
is a Stage 1 Pokémon and member of the fairly popular
Eevee family
of Pokémon.
as they are called enjoy a certain flexibility lacking
in other Pokémon lines due to so many potential Stage 1
Pokémon being able to evolve from the same Basic.
Being a Lightning-Type Pokémon makes this a pain for
many Water Pokémon, but will probably fall prey to its
own damage doubling Fighting Weakness more than it will
successfully type match against others.
only has 80 HP, which is low for a Stage 1 Pokémon that
cannot further evolve.
Many Fighting Pokémon will be able to do 40
damage quickly and score a OHKO against
Jolteon, and
the infamous
Donphan Prime saves itself two copies of
Plus Power.
Even without the Weakness, anything that isn’t
Fighting or Metal and is supposed to be its deck’s main
attacker will have a good chance of taking it out in one
hit. The
Metal Resistance -20 will foul that up for most Metal
Pokémon, and any Resistance is greatly appreciated.
Finishing off the cards attributes, we see that
it has the best retreat cost: zero!
You still might want something to change out your
Active in case of other card effects, but when you do
have to retreat manually it’ll be painless.
has two decent attacks.
Agility is easy to pay, requiring only (C), and
hits for a modest 20 points of damage.
You get to flip a coin and if it is heads,
Jolteon is
protected from all effects of attacks done to it during
your opponent’s next turn, including damage.
While not especially reliable, as long as your
luck isn’t especially bad it should buy a turn or two of
stalling, and give you a prayer against anything that
can’t bypass these kinds of effects.
The second attack, Mach Bolt is just pure damage:
70 for (LLC).
It isn’t exceptional, but it’s a solid deal.
Unfortunately, the two only combo with each other
on the most basic level, with Agility hopefully working
twice in a row so you can be fully powered for Mach
Bolt. It is
a real shame that Mach Bolt wasn’t priced at (LCC) so
you could slap a
Double Colorless Energy in there for speed; even if
it only hit for 60 it would have improved the cards
chances as a supporting Pokémon in
builds. You
still might use this one only because the other two
versions of
Jolteon that are Modified Legal aren’t clearly
better. The
version from Rising Rivals has a useful but risky Poké-Power,
but none have stellar attacks.
In Limited Play, this card can shine bright.
The HP is still a concern, but your opponent is
going to be seriously lacking in methods to play around
a successful Agility use, and once you get Mach Bolt
powered you might be able to string together a few
OHKOs. The
free retreat is also much more useful here, since you
probably won’t have any retreat alternatives.
The downside is that there aren’t a lot of other
Lightning Pokémon in the set, so you might be forced to
run the card just for Agility or else work in
Lightning Energy
only for Jolteon.
Lastly, Weakness might be a big issue: the set
doesn’t have a lot of Fighting Pokémon, but what it does
have includes
Hitmonchan and
Hitmonlee as
3/5 (Eeveelution decks)
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a
reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough to let me
mention the auctions here. ;)
conical |
10/18/10: Jolteon(Undaunted)
Remember what I said last week about the Eeveelutions in
this set being Limited warriors? Well, Jolteon is
certainly a better example than Vaporeon last week.
First, though, allow me to explain why this will likely
be unimportant in Modified play. Agility is cheap, but
doesn't do a lot of damage, and Mach Bolt is possibly
the biggest misnomer of a name; at 1LL for 70 damage,
the attack is anything but fast. Add to that the
sub-optimal HP, and the Fighting weakness...yeah, this
won't be used much.
In Limited, though, this thing is incredible. Agility
can wreck an opponent with a few flips, but the best
part is the free retreat. When I reviewed Vaporeon last
week, I mentioned how its retreat cost of two hindered
its playability. I said that because the Eeveelutions,
in my opinion, are best used to improve type coverage
without stretching one's energy types. Then, once
whatever threat is taken care of, the Eeveelution in
question can retreat for a stronger attacker. While
Vaporeon would have trouble with that strategy, Jolteon
performs it quite well.
Sure, Jolteon has some problems. Hitmonlee UD wrecks it,
and Mach Bolt is still somewhat slow(but then, you
shouldn't really be trying to build up Mach Bolt).
However, in some ways, Jolteon performs in Limited like
what Base Electabuzz did in ye olde Base Set days, only
it now has free retreat. That's pretty scary.
Combos With: All Jolteon needs is a Hitmonlee counter
for Limited. That said, Drifblim UD is an excellent
choice, provided you pull one.
P.S. I'd like to briefly mention Flareon UD, since it
was reviewed before I became Conical, Superstar
Reviewer. I'll just say that Flareon might be better in
Limited than Jolteon, if only because it seems like half
the set is Fire-weak. Happy Monday, everyone!