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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lairon #29/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 19, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Lairon (Undaunted)
Just like the Gloom we reviewed last week, this is
Lairon’s debut in Pojo’s CotD! It only had to wait 12
printings though, so it can’t complain.
It probably hasn’t had any attention for exactly the
same reason as Glom too. 99.9% of all evolving Stage 1s
are just a means to an end (getting a Stage 2 in play).
Most of the time they aren’t even a necessary means, as
you would prefer just to evolve faster via Rare Candy.
As a Stage 1, Lairon isn’t completely horrible. It
has a good 90 HP, an Energy accelerating attack (even if
it is a coin flip one), a very mediocre damage attack,
and it resists Psychic. Fire Weakness isn’t the worst
and, although the retreat cost is nasty, it’s not often
going to be relevant.
Really, it’s the Stage 2 that decides whether or not
Lairon will see play, and at the moment the only legal
Aggron in the format (which isn’t even in the same set!)
says ‘no’, thanks to its relatively weak and overcosted
attacks. That may change in future of course, if better
versions of the Stage 2 are released.
In limited, not having an Aggron in the set does
limit Lairon’s usefulness, but even so, the decent HP
and the reasonable-for-limited attacks mean that he’s
not a bad choice if you pull some other Metal types
(like the Metagross line and/or Skarmory).For the time
being, that’s where Lairon belongs.
Modified: 1.5 (still waiting for something good to
evolve into)
Limited: 3 (solid tank in a Metal deck)
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo viewers! Today's Card of the Day is
a Stage 1 Pokemon from the Undaunted expansion that
doesn't have its evolution in the set. Today's Card of
the Day is Lairon.
Lairon, as stated before, is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. It
evolves from Aron, and into Aggron. I can't think of a
playable Aggron off of the top of my head, so that may
hurt its playability somewhat. 90 HP is great for an
evolving Stage 1, as it matches many final form Stage 1s
and should be able to survive at least two hits, unless
your opponent is fully powered or they are hitting for
Weakness. Speaking of Weakness, Fire Weakness is kind of
bad, getting hit by Blaziken FB, Charizard, and even
Entei/Raikou LEGEND for super effective x2 damage.
Psychic Resistance is nice, keeping the pixies and other
random Psychic attackers at bay. Finally, a Retreat Cost
of 3 is terrible, so you should be switching Lairon
through something like Switch or Warp Point.
Lairon has two attacks. The first, Scrap Attack, does 20
damage for [M] and allows you to attach another [M] from
your discard pile to Lairon if you flip heads. It's a
nice set up attack, but probably won't ever be used
outside of Limited or if you're really in trouble. The
second attack, Tackle, deals a very vanilla 60 damage
for [MMC]. Don't use it outside of Limited.
Modified: 1/5 Right now Aggron RR is the only available
Aggron in Modified, and that isn't worth using. The new
Aggron from Triumphant (Japanese Clash at the Summit if
it doesn't get released here) isn't that great either.
Lairon doesn't do enough on its own to warrant a deck
slot, so you're better off using other options.
Limited: 2.5/5 Lairon is pretty solid in Limited. High
HP, energy searchability, steady damage, and being able
to get the benefits of Special Metal Energy make Lairon
a decent pick. Plus, there aren't too many Fire types in
Undaunted, so you shouldn't have to worry about Weakness
so much.
conical |
10/19/10: Lairon(Undaunted)
After Jolteon yesterday, it looks like the rest of the
week will focus on evolving basics and Stage 1s, aka the
unsung heroes of Pokemon. We start with Lairon, who
sadly suffers from a curse known as 'Aggron generally
aren't very playable'.
The important attack is the first one, Scrap Attack,
which for M does 20 and a coin flip for attaching a M
energy from the discard pile(Note that it does not
specify basic metal. Theoretically, you could attach a
special metal with the attack, unless there's an errata
I'm not aware of). Since the odds of Aggron not having
high-energy attacks are roughly the same as TPCi
printing a playable Rapidash*, which is to say, slim.
Tackle is 1MM for 60; you really shouldn't be using
*Theoretically, Rapidash AR is playable. It's a shame
that the way the rotation is working, its purpose will
most likely remain overshadowed by Mewtwo Lv. X. A
shame, really.
In terms of whether or not Lairon is best option for
using Aggron, it's no question; this is the best choice.
The other option is Lairon RR, which has 10 less HP,
higher-costed attacks, and no energy acceleration. There
may also be another Lairon in Triumphant, but it's worse
than either of the other two.
Which brings us to the big conundrum: Lairon is a good
option for anyone using Aggron, but Aggron itself is
unplayable. When rating a card used for evolving, do you
have to take into consideration how good the fully
evolved card is, provided the pre-evolution isn't a
functioning archetype itself, such as Blaine's
Charmander or perhaps Combee UD?
Personally, I feel that the pre-evolution should be
rated as if there is a playable card it evolves into in
the format(while it's a bonus if such a card exists), if
only because there might be one printed in the future.
Sure, I may end up overrating cards, but ultimately,
most ratings end up being incorrect anyways by virtue of
the reviewers' inability to predict the future(MAGIC
Oh yeah, Limited. I used this in a prerelease. The
attacks are good, but because of the retreat cost of
three, I had a bit of trouble trying to retreat it when
I wanted to bring something else up. You could do worse,
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 2.75/5
Combos With: Sage's Training is a good way to get metal
energies to the discard. You might as well, really.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Lairon (HS Undaunted)
Here we have a card we have never reviewed before:
introducing Lairon!
It seems we are doing the usual tail-end of the set with
HS Triumphant soon to be released, but don’t despair:
there are still several cards worth looking at in this
set (why are we not reviewing Sneasel UD yet?)
But I digress. Lairon is an evolving Stage 1, which
means that Rare Candy is the reason this card will
rarely see play. Unless you fear trainer lock and/or
have another reason to favour Broken Time Space, you
won’t look at any Lairon much.
However, this one isn’t all bad. The first attack is
worth a look, and the HP is quite good for an evolving
Stage 1 (though the retreat cost is terrible, as you
would expect).
90 HP, 3 retreat cost and the expected Fire weakness
(with the also expected and much more appealing Psychic
resistance) round out the bottom stats of this Pokémon,
and they do give some survival options seeing as Lairon
is a Metal type. With all of the Charizards running
around the weakness is bad but otherwise Lairon should
survive long enough to evolve manually if you have to
(though I haven’t seen a playable Aggron around
anywhere, a shame about that).
The attacks support the survival theory. The first is
the well-named Scrap Attack, dealing 20 damage for the
cost of M. The bonus is that you flip and on heads you
search your deck for a Metal energy (any type) to attach
to Lairon. Obviously the best use (if you are lucky) is
to help stack on those Special Metal energy for tanking
purposes, though the damage is fair for the cost and
evolution stage.
Tackle is far less useful (though it is good for the
pre-release), dealing 60 for MMC. As usual I will
complain that DCE cannot be used to accelerate the
attack, but then this is a tank so you really want to
focus on the Special Metal anyway. By now Aggron should
be on the table anyway, so this attack is only for a
last resort (at which point you are probably stuffed,
tied and baked anyway).
In the final analysis, you can do far worse than this
version of Lairon (especially since the MT version is
out) but you won’t need this card until a decent Aggron
comes along.
Modified: 2.25 (no Aggron means no Lairon and there is
absolutely no reason to play it by itself)
Limited: 3.5 (if you pull multiples and a Special Metal
or 2, this card is brilliant! If you pull an Aggron,
even better)
Combos with: an Aggron worth playing

Otaku |
Today we review a
Lairon for the first time.
Well, that isn’t entirely true: I
believe I covered a few past versions of
Lairon while reviewing last
Aggron (its end stage) but that was
when I had time to type a text spoiler
and basically write a short CotD for at
least the lower evolutionary stages that
were set-mates to the true CotD.
is a Stage 1 Pokémon that can further
evolve into
It enjoys a solid 90 HP, which is
appropriate given that it is fairly
beefy but isn’t the last stage of a
As a Metal-Type Pokémon, it can
enjoy stretching that HP with
Metal Energy (Special Energy
version, of course).
Fire Weakness will allow Fire
Pokémon to leave him a pile of slag,
sadly, but at least it has Psychic
Resistance -20; when combined with a few
of that Special Energy version of
Metal Energy
Lairon will be able to soak quite a
few early hits.
It is saddled with an (again)
appropriate three Energy to retreat, so
make sure you run some cards to change
it out in the deck.
The only other
Lairon legal for Modified doesn’t
have the greatest of attacks anyone, so
this one basically is in as long as it
isn’t bad.
First attack for only (M) hits
for 20 and has a 50% chance of snagging
Metal Energy from the discard and
attaching it to
Lairon: a solid attack.
The second attack is a straight
up 60 points of damage for (MMC).
This is a bit low: it’d be nicer
if it could use a
Double Colorless Energy to speed
itself up in case the coin toss for the
first attack failed a turn ago.
Still, it’s functional.
So compared with the two attacks
on the Rising Rivals version, I’d take
this one: the chance to get Special
Energy copies of
Metal Energy back from the Graveyard
has often been important to Metal decks.
The straight reliable damage is
better than the uncertain damage or
lower damage with minimum defensive
protection provided by its Rising Rivals
In Modified, this is still going to be a
stopgap between
Aron and
I feel it is a bit more important
to run the Stage 1 Pokémon in a Pokémon
that is meant to tank than one that is
just an attacker or there for a Poké-Power
or Poké-Body: the risk of being devolved
is extra nasty when you’ve invested so
much in setting up a big Stage 2 with
multiple Special Energy.
In Limited play, you should
really consider running
Lairon just for what it is: 90 HP is
nothing to scoff at,
recovering lost Energy makes sure it is
useful mid-to-late game, and 60 points
of damage is strong enough to be a
significant threat when dealing with
such restricted card pools.
There are
only Fire Pokémon in this set:
Flareon (Uncommon), and
Magcargo (Rare).
Flareon is easy to splash into a
variety of decks and
are both worth using if you pull: this
makes it hard to predict how much Fire
you’ll actually see run as it would be
hard to dedicate a single deck to it but
quite rewarding due to abundant Fire
Weakness this set.
At least there
are plenty of
Metal Pokémon to flesh out a
Lairon using deck: 11 different
Pokémon spanning all rarities, spanning
six different lines and two of those
lines have two versions of the same
Stage 1 Pokémon.
decks only)
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)