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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gligar #49/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 20, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 2.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Gligar (Undaunted)
Gligar doesn’t suffer the same problems that
yesterday’s card (Lairon) does. It has an Evolution (and
a LV X!) that is at least somewhat playable. Although
the old Gliscor/Spiritomb Status lock decks are nowhere
near as popular as they were (now that most players know
how to play around them), you still see them
occasionally at tournaments.
Assuming that someone wanted to give this deck a
revival, is this Gligar the Basic that they should be
using? Well, it does have a few things going for it. 70
HP is very substantial for an evolving Basic, the Water
Weakness isn’t horrible, and the Retreat cost is
reasonable (I guess). You also get a Lightning
Resistance, which may very well be the best Resistance
of all in the current format. Mind you, the other
modified legal Gligar resist Fighting, which is pretty
good too.
You also get an ok attack. Stun Poison only does 20
damage, but you get a coin flip for Poison AND Paralysis
(the very best Status Condition in the game!).
Unfortunately it costs [F][C]. In terms of value, it
isn’t a disaster, but the mere fact that it costs two
Energy is a very serious drawback. By the time you have
had two turns and two Energy attachments, you really
need to have an evolved Gliscor in play. This means
that, if your deck is working properly, this attack will
never be used. I suppose it isn’t the worst attack to
have to use if you get a terrible start, but it isn’t
exactly going to turn things around for you at that
point either.
So, how does it compare to the other available
Gligar? It does have 10 more HP to offset the double
Weakness and it’s not as if the other Gligars have
stunning low cost attacks to boast about either (just
flips for Poison). There isn’t a lot to choose between
them, but I just find that two Energy attack a little
off-putting to be honest.
Modified: 1.5 (Not special . . . just another Gligar
you will want to evolve fast)
Limited: 2.5 (the attack is viable here and could be
super annoying. This Gliscor in the set is decent too)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo! Today we are reviewing Gligar
from the HS Undaunted set.
Gligar is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. The only commonly
seen Fighting Pokemon right now in Modified are Machamp
SF, Donphan Prime, Promo Toxicroak G, and the random
Relicanth SV tech. There was, however, a deck that used
Gliscor Lv. X for in a Flygon stall variant, but that
deck isn't seen quite as much anymore. Could this Gligar
be used in such a deck if it were to make a comeback? 70
HP is very good for an evolving Basic, meaning that
Gligar should be able to survive for a turn or two in
most cases early game (unless your opponent has an
incredibly fast or lucky setup at the beginning of the
game, for instance). Water Weakness kind of sucks with
the prevalence of Kingdra and Gyarados. Lightning
Resistance is excellent, because resisting Luxray GL Lv.
X is always a good thing. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1
is perfectly decent: not too expensive to pay if you
have to.
Gligar just has one attack. Stun Poison does 20 damage
for [FC] and both Paralyzes and Poisons the Defending
Pokemon if you flip heads. Not an attack to build a deck
around by any means, but this can be incredibly
disruptive for your opponent if you are lucky with
flipping, especially in Limited.
Modified: 2/5 Obviously only use this if you're going to
be using a Gliscor, but as far as Gligars go, this one
is pretty decent. 70 HP is good for a Basic, and the
ability to Paralyze and Poison in the same attack is
quite nice.
Limited: 2.5/5 Even if you don't draft a Gliscor, it may
be worth using Gligar for the potential Paralysis/Poison
combo, especially because there are many Fighting weak
Dark-types in the set.
conical |
10/20/10: Gligar(Undaunted)
Here we go, on the
road again. There I am, up on the stage. We got Gligar
Funny thing, I
believe that I still have the Gligar from Neo Destiny,
which in fact is very similar to today's card. It has
the same attack: Stun Poison, which for 1F does 20
damage, plus paralysis and poison on a flip. Of course,
the newest version of the card has some major
improvements over the old version. For one, it has 70
HP, compared with 50 HP for the Destiny Gligar. Most
importantly, though, back in the Neo sets, Gligar was an
unevolving basic; now, Gligar can evolve into Gliscor,
giving it a different purpose than before.
Gligar doesn't have
the same problems that Lairon did yesterday; Gliscor may
very well see play in something similar to the Glisctomb
decks last format. What this Gligar doesn't have,
however, is a clear advantage over other Gligars.
Legends Awakened has two Gligars, and both of them have
cheaper attacks than Gligar UD. They also have a +10
weakness to water, rather than a x2 weakness. However,
Gligar UD has more HP, and when powered up, Stun Poison
is far superior to any attack either Gligar LA can
muster. Overall, it's unclear whether any Gligar is
superior to the rest, and if one is, its advantages are
slight. Therefore, your choice in Gligar is up to
preference(or whatever is available).
This card is pretty
good in Limited. 70 HP is really good, the cost of Stun
Poison is more negligible, and the Gliscor in the set
has cheap status-inducing attacks, too.
Limited: 3.25/5

Otaku |
Today we look at
Gligar, the oxymoronic Pokémon.
I mean, it is a Flying/Ground type in the video
games, which sounds like such a contradiction that it
shouldn’t exist.
Then again, it’s a Pokémon, so I guess
technically it doesn’t really exist anyway.
is a Basic Fighting Pokémon, which is actually a pretty
good thing to be: Fighting Weakness is abundant and thus
any good Fighting Pokémon with an inexpensive attack
that can be tossed into just about any deck has a chance
of being played as Fighting TecH.
If said card actually has another useful ability,
it becomes even more likely.
Sadly, that doesn’t describe this card.
It starts out amazingly well: 70 HP is still
great on a Basic Pokémon, just like it was back in the
old days.
However, 70 HP is no longer enough to ensure surviving a
big attack, at least it is still good for soaking
several smaller ones.
Water Weakness x2 guarantees
Gligar is
hosed if he faces any serious or even half serious Water
Pokémon in battle.
It does get to enjoy Lightning Resistance -20
(due to its Ground half in the video games) and that
will let it annoy some popular cards I think.
Additionally, Lightning Pokémon are often
Fighting Weak, allowing
Gligar to
enjoy a significant advantage against most of them.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is low and easy to
The card has a single attack for (FC), Stun Poison.
It does 20 points of damage and on a successful
coin toss, Paralysis and Poison.
Those two Special Conditions are nice and nasty
together, but the sum is less than its parts.
You are paying for something along the lines of
30 or 40 damage and giving that up to get a potentially
useful Special Condition combination, so that’s
relatively fair.
Unfortunately since it isn’t (CC) you can’t use
Double Colorless
Energy and that means two turns of powering up.
Especially for a Basic Pokémon, two turns to
power up is a turn too slow.
Special Conditions are a mild annoyance, but
useful: timed properly (before being too far into the
game, after the target has finished evolving) you can
force your opponent to waste their support cards, so
they can’t use a clutch
Switch or the
like later on.
Now in Limited play it is still a little slow, but your
opponent will have few ways to deal with Special
Conditions and that bumps them up from annoyance to
Stun Poison will simultaneously protect
Gligar and
bump up its damage yield.
Fighting Weakness is as common as ever this set
though Resistance is also plentiful.
Since you have the Special Conditions to bypass
it, Gligar
remains a good pick as long as you can make room for
Fighting Energy
in your deck.
2/5 (Gliscor
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions here. ;)