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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Togetic #39/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 22, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Togetic (Undaunted)
For our final card this week, we are back in
evolving Stage 1 territory. Will Togetic be one of those
very rare Stage 1s that are used for something other
than being skipped by Rare Candy? Let’s take a look and
find out.
Togetic has a decent 80 HP, coupled with the worst
Weakness in the game (Lightning), a handy Fighting
Resistance, and a manageable Retreat cost. Its main
selling point, however, is its first attack, which is
really a watered-down version of Furret SW’s Keen Eye.
Chase Up only costs [C] and allows you to search
your deck for any one card. You can definitely make good
use of this if you were forced to use it (though beware
of cards like Judge), but considering the amount of draw
and search Pokémon decks have, it is nowhere near enough
to consider actually using this card except as part of a
Togekiss line. Remember that the vastly superior Furret
SW, though popular for a short while, soon disappeared
from the metagame in favour of better cards like Uxie LA
and Claydol GE. Togekiss’s second attack, Fly, is fairly
mediocre. Yes, it’s easily powered up for [C][C] (or a
single DCE), but 30 damage and a flip for damage and
effect immunity next turn is only really useful as a
fairly desperate stalling tactic.
Despite this, Togetic is a lot better than the
average evolving Stage 1, and would certainly see play
if it had a tournament viable evolution. Unfortunately,
there’s only one modified legal Togekiss at the moment
and it is not a very good card. Should that change in
future sets, I expect this Togetic to get some table
time, as it can be at least semi-useful when called
Until that day comes, though . . . the binder
Modified: 2 (not a bad pre-evo for a card that
doesn’t see play)
Limited: 3 (probably worth it for Chase Up alone)
conical |
10/22/10: Togetic (Undaunted)
It's the end of the
week, and we may end up finishing reviewing evolving
basics and Stage 1s for a time. Togetic's the name of
the game today.
Unlike the rest of
this week's cards, Togetic has an attack that fulfills a
support purpose: Chase Up, which for 1 energy lets you
search your deck for any card. This could come in handy,
especially for a card meant to evolve further into
Togekiss. Use Chase Up to search for Togekiss, and
evolve it next turn! Fly can also give Togetic a turn
longer to survive, which is handy, but in most
situations, getting out Togekiss is more important.
Togetic is clearly
the best Togetic in the format because, well, it's the
only Togetic. Judging by the only other Togetic printed
in the DP-era(when Togetic got an evolution), this
Togetic will likely be superior to any Togetic that gets
printed after it, however.
Togetic is fine,
however, the only Togekiss in the format is rarely seen.
It does have a nice healing ability, but it will not
likely see play. Still, should there ever be a usable
Togetic, you need look no further than this here card.
This could be a
potentially nasty threat in Limited, too. Card search is
always awesome, and enough coin flips on Fly could set
up all the offense you'll need for a game.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combos With: All
Togekiss forever.(Except Togekiss C.)

Otaku |
is a Stage 1 Pokémon, evolving from
Togepi and evolves into
Togetic has just 80 HP, which is a
hair low for a Stage 1 Pokémon in my
experience, even if it is a pretty
typical score.
This is small enough to be
vulnerable to OHKOs, but only from your
Weakness and or from big attacks by a
serious attacker;
Togetic should be able to soak a
single blow from just about anyone else.
That Lightning Weakness is really
does hurt: besides
Luxray being assured a OHKO,
Lightning (alongside Fighting and Fire)
Pokémon are the “big fast damage” crowd.
They may often have drawbacks to
try and balance it out, but even a
supporting Lightning Pokémon is probably
a lucky coin toss, Energy discard, or
bit of self-inflicted damage away from a
Fighting Resistance -20 won’t do
much, but with that HP score it bumps
Togetic just out of OHKO range for
cards like
Donphan Prime.
The Retreat Cost of one is pretty
good: you rarely be unable to afford it.
has two attacks, which is a bad sign
when it comes to the playability of
Stage 1 Pokémon.
The first attack is Chase Up: for
a single Energy you can search your deck
for any one card and add it to your
So you get to sneak a peak at
your deck while getting the exact one
card you need most.
Still as an attack that makes the
effect a bit slow: by the time you get
to use the card (your next turn) your
opponent has had a whole turn to make
whatever you got worthless.
Fly is risky, but a decent
stalling attack.
It is all or nothing: tails fails
but a result of “heads” means 30 points
of damage and prevents all effects of
attacks done to
Togetic, including damage!
As you can use two of any Energy
type, and thus
Double Colorless Energy to power up
in a single turn, it is a solid attack.
isn’t worth playing on its own, but it
is the only Modified legal version of
How does it stack up when
compared to its other Stages?
Togepi isn’t going to help: the only
Modified legal copy has just 40 HP and
for a single Energy possesses an attack
that does either 20 points of damage or
lets you draw two cards.
Even if that was enough
damage/draw power to matter, the
decision is your opponent’s and they’ll
choose whatever benefits you least.
Togekiss is iffy: its first attack
for (CC) removes all damage counters
from everything you have in play.
In a serious tanking deck that
excels at soaking damage and/or
spreading it out, it might just barely
be worth the three slots it’d take to
run this line to sacrifice the
occasional turn for such complete and
thorough healing.
fact that
Togekiss shuffles itself away is
actually good: while it makes it so you
want to include
Togetic so you don’t burn up all
Rare Candy, you still have the
option to use said shortcut and
shuffling the full line back allows you
to re-use it again and again.
It even means you don’t really
waste a
Double Colorless Energy on the card.
So this gives you a reason to run
Togetic and in a deck where you
would either be willing to use either
attack (desperate set-up or stall).
Limited is another matter entirely.
As long as you get at least one
Togepi, you run this card; the first
attack is incredible in a format where
you’ll often have a single potent
Pokémon line with all or at least the
latter stages at single copies, and all
your non-Pokémon pulls are similarly
scant and desirable.
Togepi and
Togekiss are also much more useful,
Togekiss second attack that I did
not cover.
Air Cutter, requires three Energy
of any type, does 80 damage on a heads
but 0 on tails.
While still a poor attack, using
it for a few turns before using the
first attack to shuffle it (and
everything’s damage) away.
2/5 – General rating: you can use it in
just about any deck as a slow search
It isn’t especially good at it,
but search is search.
It looks fairly important to
decks that want to use
4.5/5 – Search is so huge here.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)