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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rescue Energy
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 26, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Rescue Energy (Triumphant)
With every set we always get a bunch of new Pokémon
cards, new Trainers, new Supporters . . . but we very
rarely ever see a new Special Energy. Yeah, we get
reprints (DCE, Warp, Cyclone), but hardly ever anything
new. The last one was Upper Energy, I think. The last
really playable one was Call Energy way back in Majestic
So, getting a new Special Energy card that is
actually really good is cause for celebration in the TCG
Rescue Energy may only provide [C] but it comes with
a really nice effect. If the Pokémon it is attached to
is knocked out, then you can return that Pokémon to your
hand instead of putting it in the Discard, though you do
have to discard any cards that are attached to it (such
as Tools and Energy). Although we haven’t had an
official ruling on this, it seems that in Japan, Rescue
Energy does save any Basics or Stage 1s that are
under an Evolved or Levelled Up Pokémon, so I expect the
same will apply elsewhere.
This is very important as it means that even evolved
Pokémon, provided they have low Energy costs, can make
great use of this card as a means of recovery. With
Broken Time-Space in play you can get your Gyarados,
Donphan, or Kingdra back up and attacking the turn after
it was KO’d. This is not only much more efficient than
using multiple Pokémon Rescues or cards like Palmer’s
Contribution, it is also impossible for your opponent to
stop (with Trainer Lock) and doesn’t use up a Supporter
for the turn.
There are a few potentially important rulings
questions that this card will throw up (how does it
interact with attacks/effects that send Pokémon to the
Lost Zone?), and it won’t save your Pokémon if it is
knocked out by damage counter placement or a Status
Condition like Poison. Nevertheless, it is a legitimate
recovery option for any deck which can use Colourless
Energy or which just has single Energy attacks.
This card will be a staple in Gyarados and you will
likely see it elsewhere too.
Modified: 3.75 (Not for every deck, but amazing for
those that can use it)
conical |
10/26/10: Rescue Energy(Triumphant)
It's odd, I've never had to review an energy before.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've reviewed any
trainers before either. I guess it's time to learn!
Rescue Energy is more or less an energy version of the
card Pokemon Rescue; whenever the Pokemon it's attached
to is KO'd, it goes back to your hand. It sounds handy,
but realistically, you don't want to waste tempo setting
up a Pokemon that just got KO'd. Therefore, in most
decks, Rescue Energy is superfluous, a big word meaning
'unnecessary.' If you need to get Pokemon back from the
discard, Palmer's Contribution is a better choice.
Then again, most decks aren't Gyarados, who likes this
card a lot. With trainer lock, disruption, and bench
sniping, Gyarados has had trouble finding a way to
consistently recover after Gyarados gets KO'd. For now,
Rescue Energy solves these problems. Rescue Energy is
not a trainer, and therefore cannot be locked by
Vileplume/Spiritomb, and is not a Pokemon, and therefore
can't lead to a prize for Garchomp, and because it can
be attached at any time while Gyarados is alive, it
doesn't need to stay in the hand until Gyarados is KO'd,
like Pokemon Rescue or Combee SF. While most decks will
never use this card, it will definitely see play in
I think this card has potential in Limited, too. In a
format where one probably only has 3-4 Pokemon one would
really like to attack with, this card could be used to
recycle some of the best options in the deck.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: Gyarados SF |

Otaku |
I normally like to review non-Pokémon
Pokémon cards right away when we get to
a set but between some really
interesting looking Pokémon and
potential rulings issues, I decided to
hold off.
I made an exception for this one card,
Rescue Energy.
Rescue Energy only provides a single
Colorless Energy, but when the Pokémon
it is attached to is Knocked Out by
damage from an attack, you get to put
that Pokémon back into your hand.
The tentative ruling I heard was
that you do get to not just highest or
lowest evolutionary Stage, but all of
So a Stage 2 Level X would be the
Level X card as well as the Basic, Stage
1, and Stage 2.
Well, unless you used a card
effect to skip one of those Stages.
As long as the ruling I received is
correct this becomes a handy little
card, allowing you one more use of a
Pokémon you’re running, even if you
technically start from scratch.
This card can become a “variable”
copy of a Pokémon: if you have two
different pieces of Pokémon TecH, this
becomes a variable copy of either (but
not both) of them.
Yes, you are still out a Prize
because the Pokémon was Knocked Out, but
you can rebuild it.
In fact, decks running
Broken Time Space and Stage 1 and/or
2 Pokémon with inexpensive attacks (or
ways to power up quickly) will find this
As an example, if I am running a
Donphan Prime/Machamp
Prime deck with
Broken Time Space you have a good
of being Energy ahead, you can slap this
on a
Machamp, have it go down fighting,
promote something that was built up at
least half decently on the Bench, then
next turn
Broken Time Space will allow you to
speed right back into
Machamp and its Fighting Tag Poké-Power
will let you suck the Energy in play
onto it and shunt
Machamp into the Active slot.
This is a pretty specific use,
but also pretty potent.
Another specific but probably good use
would be when dealing with cards like
Pokémon Level X and Pokémon
Due to how those cards names are
treated, you often can run anywhere near
as many as you’d like, even in a
dedicated deck.
Rescue Energy will act like an extra
copy of those cards for your deck.
LEGEND cards should really like it:
they still require their allies to
set-up, but now that Pokémon
LEGEND can be dropped back into play
If that seems unimpressive, think
about what I just said: you should still
have your set-up (like Energy
Accerlation) ready to go!
In Limited play I would think this card
Firstly, when designing a good
Limited deck you should be favoring
Pokémon with Colorless Energy costs as
your deck is more than likely at least
three colored.
This lessens the impact of the
card only providing (C) Energy.
Then you factor in how often
you’ll only pull a single copy of a
really powerful Pokémon, and how awesome
recycling that Pokémon will be, and you
realize this is a must run unless you
are running a deck with ample copies of
all Pokémon or that can’t use Colorless
Energy for anything but retreating:
highly improbable.
So we have a card that can generally go
into any Modified deck, and will be
great in a few select ones and most
Limited decks.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)