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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Palkia & Dialga Legend
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 27, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND (Triumphant)
You know how to win a game of Pokémon don’t you? Just
take six Prizes and the game is yours right?
Not necessarily.
Triumphant brings us a Pokémon that tramples all over
one of the game’s fundamental principles.
Palkia and Dialga LEGEND (PDL from now on) is one of
those two-Pokémon Legend cards that come with quite a
few drawbacks before we even begin to look at the card:
they are tough to get into play, they give up two
Prizes, have two Weaknesses and they are vulnerable to
OHKOs from Machamp. Like most Legend cards, PDL is very
Energy-hungry and has big HP (160).
You would expect a beast like this to do some pretty
big damage, but the fact is that it does none. Nothing
at all. Instead it has two attacks which are all about
the effects.
The first, Sudden Delete, costs [W][C][C] and
requires your opponent to put a Benched Pokémon of your
choice and all cards attached back into their hand.
Obviously, this has some uses: it can temporarily get
rid of a threatening attacker which your opponent is
building, or an annoying tech like Vileplume with its
Trainer Locking Body. The effect IS only temporary,
however and ultimately of little use, especially if the
opponent is playing an all-Basics deck, or has Broken
Time-Space to let them play everything right back down
The unique selling point of PDL is its second attack,
Time Control. This costs [M][M][C] and has the startling
effect of taking the top two cards from your opponent’s
deck and making them Prize cards. It has been ruled that
there is no limit to the number of Prize cards you can
give your opponent in this way, so provided PDL
survives, and you can keep fulfilling the cost of
discarding all Metal Energy from PDL when you use it (Heatran
LV X anyone?), you can put them in an impossible
situation. Sure, you aren’t knocking anything out, but
when time is called, you will certainly be ahead.
Amazing huh? And proof that Pokémon can still come up
with interesting new attacks and mechanics even after 10
years. I have my doubts as to whether this is a viable
strategy for a tournament deck. The attacks are slow,
PDL is by no means immune to being knocked out quickly,
and giving up two Prizes when it goes could put you and
your opponent right back where you started. The combo
with Heatran LV X is very difficult to pull off in
actual games, since you are trying to use two Pokémon
that are very slow and clumsy to get into play. That
said, PDL would be a hilarious way to win in sudden
death . . . 3-1 on Prizes!
It’s very tempting to try and build something with
this card. Although I don’t see it winning too many
tournaments, I can see it being a lot of fun.
Modified: 2.5 (Bonus points for originality,
potential, and the ability to scare opponents)
Limited: 1.25 (chances of pulling both halves are so
remote, it’s not worth discussing)
Combos with . . .
Heatran LV X
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojoers! Today's Card of the Day is
one of the new LEGENDs from the new HS Triumphant
expansion. Today's COTD is Palkia and Dialga LEGEND.
Palkia and Dialga LEGEND is a Pokemon LEGEND: It is
composed of two cards, and both must be played onto the
Bench at the same time for the Pokemon to come into
play. It is Water and Metal, corresponding to Palkia and
Dialga's non-Dragon typing in the video game. 160 HP is
a fitting amount for this legendary behemoth, meaning
that it should definitely take a hit or two from
opponents. Unfortunately, it is weak to Fire and
Lightning, two of the more common types and also the
typing of the sometimes seen Entei and Raikou LEGEND.
This means that Entei and Raikou can hit Palkia and
Dialga for x4 damage! No Resistance is unfortunate, and
a Retreat Cost of 3 is rather large, if not unexpected.
Also, since this is a two-Pokemon LEGEND, keep in mind
that if your opponent knocks this out, they take two
LEGEND cards generally have pretty big effects and
attacks, and Palkia and Dialga certainly live up to
expectations. The first attack, Sudden Delete, costs
[WCC] and bounces one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon
with all cards attached to their hand. Some annoying
support Pokemon bothering you? Is your opponent
constantly switching between two Pokemon? Get rid of one
of them temporarily with Sudden Delete. This works even
better if you have some kind of way to Trainer lock,
like Dialga G Lv. X, Spiritomb AR, or Vileplume UD. This
attack can even easily be paid for with Feraligatr
Prime's Rain Dance. However, there are a few downsides:
First of all, if there is a Broken Time-Space in play,
your opponent will most likely just simply replay all of
the evolution cards on the bounced Pokemon again next
turn (This can be slightly more difficult if the
opposing Pokemon was a Lv. X, though). Also, the new
Seeker Supporter card from Triumphant has a similar
effect, and doesn't cost 3 Energy or an attack to
perform. Therefore, using that may be a better option.
The second attack, Time Control, is where the hype
exists for this card. For the decent price of [MMC], you
can discard all Metal Energy attached to Palkia and
Dialga LEGEND in order to take the top two cards of your
opponent's deck and add them to their Prize cards. This
attack's effect is crazy, as it can really set your
opponent back with minimal effort on your part. The best
part is a potential combo with this attack and Heatran
Lv. X. Heatran Lv. X's Poke-Power allows you to return
up to two basic Fire or Metal Energy cards that you
discarded during an attack to that Pokemon at the end of
your turn. So, if you have two basic Metals attached to
Palkia and Dialga and another Energy of another type,
you can effectively keep using this attack every turn,
building up your opponent's Prizes until they get rid of
this card, Heatran, or the energy attached. A very
original and potentially very powerful attack.
Modified: 3.5/5 Yes, it's a LEGEND, meaning it's very
difficult to get out. Yes, it dies fairly easily to
Luxray and Magnezone. Yes, the attack takes three
Energy. Even still, I feel as if this card may actually
be a very playable LEGEND. Sudden Delete is nice, but
Time Control can really screw your opponent up,
especially if they don't have a good answer for Palkia
and Dialga and/or you're using both this and Heatran Lv.
X. It may be a bit too slow to see widespread play, but
I'm sure that someone will find a great way to abuse
this to make a killer rogue deck.
Limited: 1.75/5 If you can manage to get both pieces of
the LEGEND in Limited, there will be not much to stop
you from putting a great majority of your opponent's
cards in their Prizes or bouncing their Bench, however
getting both pieces is a ridiculous feat and is
generally really tough to do.
Combos With: Heatran Lv. X
Wes1234 |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today, we'll be
discussing one of the new LEGENDS that the new set has
brought us. In the past, LEGENDS have, for the
most part, not brought us any true competitive value
with the exception of a few Entei&Raikou LEGENDS roaming
about. Will the deities of space and time join
them, or will Palkia&Dialga LEGEND join the many whiffed
LEGENDS in their eternal sleep in the binder?
As with all post-HGSS LEGEND cards, two come with the
nasty 2-prize value should they be KOd. 160 HP is
on the high side for LEGEND pokemon, but this HP total
is virtually halved by what is perhaps the worst
weakness combination in the existence of the format
currently: electric and fire weaknesses. Luxray GL
Lv X and Blaziken FB Lv X, anyone? To make matters
worse, the new Magnezone Prime will likely revive
Magnezone decks from last format, and that's another
group of electric-type hitters (some were known to run
Entei&Raikou LEGEND, too, which hits P&D LEGEND for 4x
Charizard decks are also still around with the Ninetales
draw engine, even if they aren't tier 1 competitive, but
enough about shunning its disastrous weakness. Its
typing combination of water and metal are virtually made
irrelevant due to no attacks with damage effects, but it
does make itself searchable via Magnezone SF's Magnetic
Search power. Finally, the horrendous retreat Cost
of three is going to hurt its chances of beating a hasty
retreat when needed.
As mentioned before, P&D LEGEND's attacks deal no
damage, so their effects will need to be top notch if it
wishes to see any competitive play.
The first one is Sudden Delete, which costs [WCC] in
order to bounce one of the opponent's benched pokemon of
your choosing and all cards attached to it to their
hand. This may be a small annoyance, but that's as
much as it'll ever be, as many pokemon use low-cost
energy attacks, thus letting them easily recharge it.
It CAN be useful against tanking pokemon or pokemon that
require many energy to accomplish its job.
Examples include T-Tar Prime, Steelix Prime, and Dialga
G Lv X just to name a few. Even if they're in the
Active slot, a Warp Point or Pokemon Circulator can
force it to the bench and allow you to thus target it.
Still, this is nothing more than a stall tactic that may
set your opponent back a single turn at best, and you
gain nothing in return.
The second attack uses a new intriguing and unique
mechanic. Costing [MMC], Time Control adds the top
two cards of your opponent's deck to their prizes.
This has never been seen before and is definitely an
interesting twist to the game, but there are two
problems. For one, this requires you to discard
all Metal energies attached to it, meaning that unless
you have Magnezone SF with Super Conductivity for some
energy acceleration, you'll be dedicating your energy
resources to an every other two effect that doesn't
touch your opponent's field. You'll have to use it
once just to break even, and twice to surpass that
before it dies.
Palkia&Dialga brings a fun new mechanic to the table,
but sadly, I doubt that this pair of god pokemon will be
all that godly in competitive play, despite Twins making
LEGENDS in general a bit more playable. Sudden
Delete only buys one turn at best, and Time Control is
too costly to use. Even if both of these obstacles
could be overcome, its horrific weakness combination
kills any chance that it has of being competitive right
now. On top of that, once Lost World comes out,
Gengar Prime won't even break a sweat getting six
pokemon into the opponent's Lost Zone and winning via
Lost World.
Modified: 1.5/5 A fun deck at best, but nowhere
close to competitive. Too energy intensive and the
weakness combination ruins this card's future.
Limited: 2/5 Bronzong makes this a little more
playable, but it'll still be slow to get out Bronzong
AND this LEGEND to begin with compared to the many other
Stage 1 pokemon in the set. If you get it out
somehow, it'll stick around for a while, but be advised,
Magnezone Prime will ruin your day with that weakness.
Combos with: Both Magnezone SF cards, Warp Point/Pokemon
- Wes1234
Crazed Eeveelutionist
conical |
10/27/10:Palkia & Dialga Legend
Hey kids! It's the first Legend card of the set! Hooray!
Anyways, it's Palkia/Dialga Legend, hereafter shortened
to PDL. We're just going to cut to the chase and discuss
the main feature of the card, Control Time. For 1MM, you
discard all Metal energies attached to PDL and your
opponent must make the top 2 cards of his deck prizes.
The attack seems so ridiculous, so seemingly broken,
there's gotta be a way to abuse it...right?
Like, it's part Metal-type, right? So you could tank
with it, using Control Time to add so many prizes that
your opponent has no chance of recovering? Well, the
problem is that you have to discard Metal energies to
use the attack, meaning that any tanking strategy will
be short-lived. You could try to tank with it until near
the time limit, then Control Time to give yourself a
lead in prizes, but in today's format, it's nearly
impossible to keep one Pokemon alive for an entire game
without KO'ing your opponent's Pokemon before they can
do the same.
And while we're at it, we'll discuss Sudden Delete,
which...doesn't do much. You get to send a Benched
Pokemon to your opponent's hand, which can be helpful in
some situations, but what PDL desperately needs is a
damaging attack(though that could make it broken).
Personally, I don't see a may to abuse Control Time to
justify using it. It may make a nice tech because, as
mentioned, it can be useful end-game, when the prize
count is close. Otherwise, I don't see this being used.
Modified: 2.5/5
Combos With: ???

Otaku |
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND
Set ID:
HS – Triumphant 101/102 (LEGEND) and HS
– Triumphant 102/102 (LEGEND)
Pokémon LEGEND (Unevolved Pokémon)
Put this card from your hand onto your
Bench only with the other half of Palkia
& Dialga LEGEND.
When this Pokémon has been Knocked Out,
your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Lighting/Fire x2
(WCC) Sudden Delete
Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched
Put that Pokémon and all cards
attached to it back into your opponent’s
(MMC) Time Control
Discard all Metal Energy
attached to Palkia &
Dialga LEGEND.
Add the top 2
cards of your opponent’s
deck to his or her Prize
First and foremost, this is a Pokémon
I listed this aspect under Stage
for simplicity, though it is a bit more
complicated than that.
Many cards effects care about
this aspect: there are a select few
pieces of
LEGEND support available, like
Legend Box.
I haven’t seen any specific
counter cards, but they are possible.
You need both halves of a Pokémon
LEGEND card in order to play it, and
even if you have both halves you cannot
put it into play during set up: Pokémon
LEGEND count neither as Evolved
Pokémon nor as Basic Pokémon.
Instead they are designated as “Unevolved
Pokémon” in the Pokémon Rulings
Compendium LVX.
This means cards that specific
either Basic or Evolved can’t target
them (like
Pokémon Collector) but a card that
just states it looks for a Pokémon (like
Poké Ball) can.
halves share the same name, and thus you
can run four copies of one half and zero
of another (which makes you unable to
play it), three of a half and one of the
other, or two of each half.
Pokémon Legend still only occupy
one Bench space (or Active space when
This is a dual Pokémon
LEGEND: it has two different Pokémon
in its name and depicts those two in its
art. There is also text explaining that
it is worth two Prizes when KO’d (like
the old Pokémon
I see a mild rulings conflict
where one ruling states that a Pokémon
LEGEND isn’t considered “a Pokémon”
while in the discard pile.
They count as “a Pokémon card”,
but while
Primeape’s Top Down attack can’t use
either half as a reference for HP,
Garchomp Lv.X is only unable to
revive a Pokémon
LEGEND with Restore because it could
only, theoretically target one half, and
you cannot put a single half into play
(as opposed to be unable to target it at
all like Top Down).
Quite a bit to take in, but you do get
some perks for all the mess.
First and foremost, a sturdy 160
HP, one of the highest scores in the
game, both with the current card pool
and those that have rotated out.
Water/Colorless is an okay type
Will you hit double Weakness?
If you can, it’s a card I missed.
Will you hit one type or the
other at least?
Yes, but Colorless Weakness isn’t
especially common (many of the cards I
found were members of the same line,
even alternate versions of the same
What is a bit irritating is that
Colorless Resistance is about twice as
common as Colorless Weakness.
Water Resistance is about as
common as Colorless Resistance, but
Water Weakness is three to five times as
common as Colorless Weakness, at a quick
Speaking of Resistance, this card
has none which is a major
disappointment: given the nightmare with
dual Weakness, at least a single
Resistance would be nice (duel would be
even better).
I should also clarify that I was
complaining about the lack of Colorless
Weakness earlier, and not the abundance
of Colorless or Water Resistance.
I’ll polish off these cards'
attributes with the Retreat Cost of
three: hefty, but it makes sense in
terms of game “flavor” (two Pokémon in
one) and quite frankly, Pokémon
LEGENDS tend to be designed to go
down swinging and be the focus of a
Given that 160 HP for two Prizes is only
“good” and not “great”, especially given
the occasional hassle of getting this
card into play, the attacks had better
be stellar.
The first is Sudden Delete.
For (WCC) you can bounce an
opponent’s Benched Pokémon back to their
This is only really effective if
your opponent has an Active about to be
KO’d by Poison or Burned, or you can
consistently force their best Pokémon to
the Bench… best Pokémon that require a
significant set up (e.g. Stage 2 Pokémon
and/or a lot of Energy).
If your opponent is over-relying
Rare Candy it can be great, though.
Decks with
Broken Time Space will shrug it off,
especially if they are low Energy
attackers (Donphan
What really caught my eye was the second
attack: Time Control allows this dynamic
duo to take the top two cards of your
opponent’s deck and turn them into two
additional Prizes.
There is no limit (save your
opponent running out of potential cards)
to how many Prize Cards your opponent
can have.
The attack requires (MMC) and
discards all
Metal Energy attached to
Palkia & Dialga
LEGEND, so it’s hard to get it off
rapid fire.
It’s a good attack though.
The attacks reflect the source
material okay but really aren’t so hot
Be different if the first
top-decked the Benched Pokémon or
discarded all attached cards.
Uses and
There is still hope for this card.
In a dedicated deck, you have two
options as far as I can see.
Magnezone from Stormfront let’s you
attach a
Metal Energy (or
Lightning Energy) to your Active
Pokémon, but then you have to put a
damage counter on it.
Thus you’d need to run some
healing as well.
If you do, though, you might have
a viable stall deck… yeah, a viable
stall deck!
Throw in some of yesterday’s card
Energy) and it doesn’t matter that
you’re opponent is going to KO this card
every few turns… they’ll never catch up
and eventually their deck will be gone.
you run some cards that let you discard
Metal Energy early game, you might
even be able to make the deck
surprisingly fast, dropping
Rescue Energy and attaching to
Metal Energy all in one turn.
them to the Bench could let you bounce
anything big to the hand as well,
further allowing you to build up a Prize
Two attacks from Time Control
will net a two Prize lead after
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND gets KO’d.
Plus, you can always periodically
switch out with some sort of attacker
when you know you can outpace your
opponent in taking Prizes.
Option number two is
Heatran Lv.X.
The downside is no Energy
acceleration, but once you’re set up
you’ll be able to constantly recycle two
copies of basic
Metal Energy and won’t inflict self
It might give you a better
back-up attacker and would also work
with some other cards that are useful
back-up attackers as well.
All in all, this looks to be the
more reliable and easier to use deck.
Note you’ll still want to pack
healing (and or protective) cards.
There is one other card I am thinking
should be combined with
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND:
Driftblim (HS – Undaunted #12/90).
Anytime your opponent gets
something big enough to threaten
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND, especially
if you have a
Switch handy or they’ve already KO’d
it and you’re going to be rebuilding,
Driftblim comes out and sends it
away into the deck.
If you’re lucky, you might even
send part of it to the Prizes.
This is also might be the one
thing that helps
Magnezone based builds: it’s clunky
but you can run
Driftblim in there and as long as
you did what I said and included some
Supporters or other effects to discard
“extra” copies of basic
Metal Energy, slap them on
Driftblim to power it up in one
The damage won’t matter since it
is going to the deck, and if it’s
working like designed next turn you’ll
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND ready to
start setting Prizes again while your
opponent can only peck at them.
Wrapping this section up, in Limited
play this isn’t that good.
Even if you manage to pull both
halves, remember this card doesn’t
actually do damage.
A perfect open, where you start
with something you can get out of the
Active slot while still powering
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND up means it
won’t be attacking until your third
Unless your opponent wastes time
building something on the Bench you’ll
be doing good to get three attacks off
with it.
Your opponent KOs it quickly, and
the best case scenario is you netted
four Prizes added and are facing off
against something huge and well
developed with three Energy attachments
lost because they were on
Palkia & Dialga LEGEND.
That’s the best case.
3/5 – Dedicated deck score.
It won’t work in just anything,
and even in a deck built for it, it will
probably just be functional and not a
tournament winner.
1.5/5 – If you’re lucky, you’ll dazzle
them with opulence and make them panic.
Combos with:
Magnezone (Stormfront #6/100),
Heatran Lv.X,
Driftblim (HS – Undaunted #12/90)
This is a bold experiment in Pokémon
design, not just in being a
LEGEND (that actually is the new fad
mechanic) but in adding Prizes.
For that the designers are to be
I think they overcompensated for
the potential power of it.
The best case scenario is that
it’s the focus of a rogue deck that will
probably never win a tournament but will
be infamous for knocking other decks
that won’t be able to handle it… or
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)