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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Electrode Prime
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 29, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.55
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Electrode Prime (Triumphant)
Like yesterday’s card, Electrode Prime has certain
similarities with a previous version. In this case, the
art even looks very like the old Electrode EX,
though I’m not sure how much room there is to be
artistic with a Pokémon like Electrode.
Like Electrode EX, Electrode Prime will be played
(if it is played at all) for its ability to blow itself
up (and hand the opponent a Prize) in order to
accelerate Energy on to your Pokémon. Because of this,
its stats and attack are almost irrelevant. It has a
reasonable 90 HP and single Retreat cost, a poor
Weakness to Fighting, and an underwhelming attack that
does 30 damage plus 10 to two benched Pokémon for
[L][C]. Why they named it Gigashock is beyond me: there
isn’t very much that is ‘giga’ about it.
The real attraction, such as it is, is Electrode’s
Energymite Power. To use this, you KO your Pokémon in
order to look at the top seven cards of your deck. You
attach any energy you find there to your Pokémon and
discard any remaining cards. Manipulating your deck to
get the best out of this is difficult. You could run a
ton of Energy, or you could use Delcatty PL to try and
make sure you get at least two Energy from the Power.
The downsides and risks of using Energymite are huge
though. You could get Power Sprayed and give your
opponent a Prize for nothing (ruling pending!); you
could end up discarding needed cards; or you could just
whiff totally on the Power. Couple this with the fact
that very few of today’s Pokémon need the kind of Energy
acceleration that a successful Energymite would provide
and you have a card which is not going to find its way
into very many decks.
In fact, what you have here is a massively inferior
version of the much more reliable Electrode EX, which is
kind of odd given the way that most Pokémon have been
given increased power over time. This is definitely one
of those Primes you would rather trade away than look to
Modified: 1.5 (someone, somewhere will try to get it
to work – I wish them luck!)
Limited: 1.75 (Giving away a free Prize is a bad
idea in Limited)
virusyosh |
Hello yet again, Pojo readers! I apologize for not
reviewing so much lately, but grad school has been quite
busy. Anyway, we are going to end our COTD week this
week by reviewing one of the many new Primes from the
new HS Triumphant expansion. Today's Card of the Day is
Electrode Prime.
Electrode Prime is a Stage 1 Lightning Pokemon. Being a
Lightning Pokemon is nice right now, as Fighting decks
aren't super common (yet) and a few Lightning Pokemon
that receive play tend to be rather feared (Luxray GL
Lv. X, Magnezone, etc). 90 HP is about average for a
Stage 1, and does hurt the survivability of the card
(not like Electrode really should be worrying about that
anyway). Fighting Weakness is bad, as Donphan Prime and
Machamp SF can pretty easily get rid of you. Metal
Resistance is nice, allowing Electrode to take less
damage from Dialga G or even Scizor or Steelix Prime.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is thoroughly payable: it
won't set you back too much.
Electrode Prime has a Poke-Power and an attack. The
power, Energymite, allows you to KO Electrode once per
turn to look at the top 7 cards of your deck, choose all
of the energy found there, and attach it wherever you
want. This attack works in a very similar way to the
Supporter card Interviewer's Questions, which can be
both good and bad. Getting all of that energy at once is
really good for whatever type of setup you need at any
given time, however you lose Electrode, giving your
opponent a prize. Also, most decks nowadays run very
little Energy, so Energymite's potential is squandered.
Generally, you'll be KOing Electrode for one or two
Energy. Is a KO worth two extra energy? It depends on
the situation, but probably not. It is important to note
though that Electrode works very nicely with the new
Supporters in Triumphant. If you and your opponent are
tied, use Energymite to attach energy, then KO Electrode
and play either Twins or Black Belt. This is a pretty
good play, even though your opponent gets a Prize.
The single attack, Gigashock, costs [LC] and does 30
damage to the Defending Pokemon as well as 10 damage to
two of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. Not terrible by
any means, but you'd generally expect more out of a
Prime, especially since this is its only attack.
Modified: 2/5 Electrode Prime is rather interesting, but
I don't know if it's very good. It may end up finding a
role as a support Pokemon in a deck (Magnezone?) but
there are usually better options. Giving up an evolved
Pokemon and a Prize card to your opponent for a Power so
random generally isn't worth it in most cases.
Limited: 4/5 A bomb here (pun slightly intended). Most
decks in Limited run about 40% Energy, so using
Energymite will probably net you somewhere around 3-4
Energy most of the time, which will probably be enough
to get a huge jump on your opponent. Just make sure not
to mess yourself up by KOing yourself when your opponent
can easily have the game in hand.
Combos With: Twins, Black Belt, cards that can put
Energy on the top of your deck
conical |
10/29/10: Electrode Prime(Triumphant)
It's Electrode! Boogie-woogie-woogie!
*ahem* Sorry about that.
Anyways, yeah, today we got Electrode Prime, one of the
Primes with heavier hype. The hype wholly centers around
the Power, Energymite, which instantly KOs Electrode.
...OK, there's benefits to having Electrode explode,
namely sweet, sweet energy attachment. You get to look
at the top 7 cards of your deck, take whatever energy
you find, and attach them however you like. This can
some in handy, and since most cards with heavy energy
costs are simply unplayable these days, Electrode could
help these decks. A couple of problems, though.
First, you always run the risk of not revealing any
energy. This is the big drawback to this Electrode
compared with other Electrodes that exploded for energy:
you some way of guaranteeing that you would get energy.
This card is somewhat more risky, and the risk is
further amplified when one considers the dangers of
Power Spray versus the Power. Basically, If you get
Power Sprayed while using Energymite, you don't get any
energy...but Electrode is KO'd anyway. When one also
considers that SP is dominant, has been dominant, and
will likely be dominant for a long time, and how much
energy one might run to abuse Electrode's Power,
Electrode could be facing some hard times, or people
might not play him.
Electrode is not having a hard time in Limited, however.
Its attack, Gigashock, is cheap and useful in this
format, and with 90 HP, it can take a few hits, and then
Energymite, and in a 40-card format, there's a far
better chance of getting energy.
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: Well, what heavy attacker do you have in
mind? |

Otaku |
Set ID:
HS – Triumphant 93/102 Rare Prime
1 (Evolves from Voltorb)
Fighting x2
Metal -20
Retreat Cost:
Once during your turn (before your
attack), you may use this power.
If you do, Electrode is Knocked
Look at the top 7 cards of your
Choose as many Energy cards as
you like and attach them to your Pokémon
in any way you like.
Discard the other cards.
This power can’t be used if
Electrode is affected by a Special
(LC) Gigashock [30]
Does 10 damage to 2 of
your opponent’s Benched
Pokémon. (Don’t apply
Weakness and Resistance
for Benched Pokémon.)
We end the week with
Electrode Prime.
Hopefully I picked something that
lets us end on a high note.
Being a Stage 1 Pokémon bodes ill: it
seems like they are less hit and more
miss. Then
again, if it is good
Broken Time Space would make it
pretty easy to field it fast and in
I am going to be honest, that’s about
the only attribute on this card that
will matter.
For posterity’s sake, I will
comment on the rest.
a Lightning Pokémon at the moment is
fairly good. 90 HP is just about as low
as I want to see on an Active Stage 1
(though I don’t think it shall be Active
very often).
Fighting Weakness x2 is fairly
Donphan Prime and friends score an
easy OHKO.
Metal Resistance -20 is nice, as
is a single Energy retreat cost.
The Poké-Power is why you’d play this
card, so I am going to skip to the
attack: Gigashock let’s you hit the
active while spreading damage, but is a
bit underpowered and shouldn’t be used
unless you’re type matching or otherwise
Energymite is why you play this card.
You have to KO your own Electrode
(via this Poké-Power), but when you do
you get to look at the top seven cards
of your deck, take any Energy there then
spread it out amongst your Pokémon as
you wish, and discard the rest.
Energy acceleration is always
powerful in Pokémon, and while it’s a
steep price (running a Stage 1 Pokémon,
KOing it, and one way or another losing
seven cards from your deck), the pay off
can be tremendous.
Let me point out that it doesn’t
restrict you to Basic Pokémon: if you
hit any Special Energy cards, they are
fair game!
Uses and
I can see two ways to use this card.
The most obvious is you run your
deck to maximize the Energy pulls and
hope to hit mostly Energy cards.
Even the most Energy intensive
Pokémon could be powered with a single
“good” Energymite.
In this case, “good” is four or
more Energy.
You still have your normal Energy
attachment, that’s five whole Energy
cards played in a single turn, and only
one from hand.
Assuming such a pull, you could
power up multiple main attackers all in
one shot.
As long as you can hit at least
two Energy, you can power up most
Pokémon in a single turn (though some
will require an Energy card from hand).
There is another possible use: you have
to discard the cards that aren’t Energy.
At first that seems awful: what
about Trainers and Pokémon?
Then I remembered there are some
effects that want non-Energy cards in
the discard pile.
Let’s flash back to
Honchkrow with Vengeance (HS –
Undaunted 16/90).
Vengeance is a pretty poor attack
until you can discard about six Darkness
Type Pokémon, and you need another two
or three for it to actually be good.
Electrode provides a deck built
around the bird a way to build fast.
A single turn can see both
Honchkrow and
Electrode hit the field, completely
power up
Honchkrow, and dump two or three
Darkness-Type Pokémon.
A second means a two Prize
deficit but by then you should actually
be able to hit for some serious damage
with the
Honchkrow and have a spare ready to
There are also a few cards that
benefit from you being behind in Prizes.
I’ll just name the newest one,
Black Belt.
It’d eat up your Supporter for
the term, but you get a fat bonus 40
points of damage on top of your attack.
You might even consider using it just
because, with the right stacking cards,
you could really enjoy attaching
multiple Special Energy cards in a
single turn.
Rainbow Energy without damaging the
Pokémon it is being attached to, even if
you hit all four!
Full tank out a Metal-Type
Pokémon or watch a Darkness-Type Pokémon
enjoy a fat damage bonus.
With how impressive that can be,
I almost neglected the simple benefit of
stockpiling a Pokémon with high Energy
discard costs.
In Limited Play, the Attributes actually
matter and are good, and the attack
isn’t bad either.
If your opponent isn’t in a
position to OHKO it, you might even
consider sending it up to attack for at
least a turn before using its Poké-Power
to KO it.
It is very risky since you only
have four Prizes to begin with, but
Limited decks tend to run higher on
Energy counts and have trickier Energy
requirements (due to the difficulty of
not running a multi-type deck).
It is a risky card, especially in
Limited, but the scope of the potential
pay off is well worth it for the right
You won’t see it everywhere, but
even a TecH 1-1 line is tempting for
Metal and Darkness-Type decks, or any
deck that runs a lot of Energy cards.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)