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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Hariyama #14/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 4, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hariyama (Undaunted)
Hello, and welcome to the start of another week of
Pojo’s CotD.
We kick off with Hariyama from Undaunted. You pretty
much always know what you are going to get with Hariyama
– relatively big attacks for a relatively big cost. Will
this one live up to expectations, and will it be the
first playable Hariyama for a long, long time? Let’s
find out.
Hariyama is a Fighting-type Stage 1 with a decent 100
HP, Psychic Weakness, no Resistance, and a horrible
Retreat cost of three. Fighting is a reasonably good
typing to have, given that the ever-popular Luxray is
Weak to it.
But that only matter if Hariyama has the attacks to take
advantage. Its first offering, Hammer In, does a
straight 60 damage, which will easily one-shot that
Luxray, but unfortunately, it costs [F][C][C] to use.
Even with the possibility of using Double Colourless to
speed things up, it’s too slow. Consider Donphan Prime
as the benchmark . . . a Fighting Stage 1 that does the
same amount of damage for only one Energy.
Add yet another Fighting Energy to Hariyama and you can
do Backwards Belt Throw for 80. This attack is slightly
more interesting in that it gives you the option to do
another 20 damage with the drawback of having Hariyama
do 20 to itself. 100 for four Energy is no more
than decent, and the backlash really hurts Hariyama. It
certainly isn’t enough reward for risking so much Energy
on a Pokémon that is now reduced to 80 HP.
. . . and that’s the problem with Hariyama, and an
awful lot of Stage 1 Pokémon. They lack the sheer speed
(and support) of Basic attackers, and don’t have the
hitting power and durability of a Stage 2. This is made
even worse when they have big Energy costs (like
Hariyama), as even the slight speed advantage they have
over Stage 2s is eroded by the need to pile 3-4 Energy
on them.
All this leaves Hariyama as a Pokémon which, compared to
the rest of the format, is both weak and slow . . . and
those are the two worst things that an attacking Pokémon
can be.
Modified: 1.25 (we have several Fighting Stage 1s that
are a lot better – never mind anything else)
Limited: 2.75 (not so bad in a slow, low-damage format)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! This week we are
continuing with more Undaunted reviews. Today we are
looking at a non-holo rare from the set: Hariyama.
Hariyama is a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon. Fighting types
aren't commonly seen in the metagame today, with the
exception of Donphan Prime, Machamp SF, and a few other
cards generally used as techs (Relicanth SV and Promo
Toxicroak G come to mind). 100 HP is fairly good for a
Stage 1, so it should probably survive a hit or two.
Psychic Weakness isn't great, as there are still a
decent number of Psychics still played, even if they
aren't necessarily main attackers. No Resistance and a
Retreat Cost of 3 are both pretty bad.
Hariyama has two attacks. The first, Hammer In, does 60
damage for [FCC]. Nowadays, 60 damage for 3 energy is
really expensive, especially if there is no secondary
effect involved. The second attack, Backward Belt Throw,
starts off at 80 damage for [FFCC], but can do 20 more
damage if Hariyama deals 20 damage to itself. Having the
choice to be able to do more damage is great, however 4
energy is probably a bit too costly and the recoil
damage can add up quickly if you decide to add damage to
Backward Belt Throw.
Modified: 1.75/5 The attacks are too expensive and don't
do enough. If you really want to use a bulky Stage 1
Fighting Pokemon, use Donphan Prime.
Limited: 2.5/5 Hariyama could totally work in Limited,
despite its shortcomings in Modified. There are Darkness
types all over Undaunted, so you may run into a few
Fighting Weaknesses to Hammer In for the KO. 100 HP is
also a nice big body for this format, too. Just don't
get recoil-happy and you should easily be able to get a
few KOs.
RocketProf |
Hello all!! The first COTD for this week is Hariyama for
the Undaunted Expansion, a Stage 1 Fighting type with a
2X Psychic weakness (sad face), no Resistance (sad face)
and a Retreat Cost of 3 (sadder face). All in all
this card isn't one I can find a logical use for, the
stats leave a lot to be desired and the attacks are
expensive at FCC for 60 and FFCC for 80 or 100 and 20 to
yourself, and only having 100HP this isn't a hit worth
taking, especially considering the hefty Energy cost...
poor Hariyama... another sub par card...
Limited-2.5/5 (the colorless costs make it a little more
versatile... a little) |
Otaku |
As someone with a mild interest in sumo
wrestling, I had to review this card.
Sadly, that and striving to fully
review the set are the only real reasons
I see for looking at
He is a Stage 1 and lately that
doesn’t bode well.
Theoretically, all Pokémon Stages
should be equal.
Basic Pokémon are fast but either
limited in strength to compensate, or
rely on an evolved form for more
Stage 2 Pokémon are supposed to
have the best abilities and attributes
but are slower to get into play and
sometimes can have really poor lower
Stages to compensate.
1 Pokémon are supposed to be a nice
compromise: faster than Stage 2 Pokémon
but with more to them than Stage 1
Realistically, they should the
stage of evolution most likely to be
overpowered, not underpowered.
Yet when the game first began,
the problem was several Basic Pokémon
were too fast and powerful for most
evolved Pokémon to compete.
In modern times, it is usually
the opposite: we have so many evolution
short cuts that running evolutions means
two extra cards but no extra time… and
in a game with this TCG’s level of draw
and search power, two more cards is
Rare Candy and
Broken Time Space can and do help
Stage 1 Pokémon, but especially
Rare Candy is just too good for
Stage 2 Pokémon.
The fact I had room and time to insert
that mini-rant shows how fast the rest
of the review will go.
100 HP in general is good for a
Stage 1 Pokémon but given the idea of a
“sumo wrestling Pokémon”, feels light.
Double weakness to Psychic
Pokémon is not good, though it is
Lack of Resistance is bad but
A retreat cost of three is
appropriate (again, big guy here)…except
he isn’t that big, is he?
You have to pack some cards to
get it out of the Active slot.
Hammer In requires (FCC) and does
60 damage straight.
Thanks to
Double Colorless Energy this isn’t a
slow attack, but compared to many of its
contemporaries it isn’t a fast attack
either and ultimately it only exists to
use before you can use its big attack.
Being the “beginning” filler
attack, it truly fails, even leaving out
competition from
Donphan from HeartGold & SoulSilver.
The card’s big attack, Backward Belt
Throw has a cool sounding name (well, if
you have even my limited knowledge of
sumo wrestling) but a fat cost and low
For (FFCC) you only hit for base
80 damage.
You can bump it up to 100 points
of damage but only by doing 20 more
damage to yourself.
The large Energy cost means a
slow start, which in turn means you
won’t be hitting hard until it fails to
If it isn’t a OHKO, then the 20
damage isn’t worth it, since a fully
Hariyama will barely survive a hit
from most mainstream attackers.
With all the little damage adding
tricks, even the smaller attackers that
Backward Belt Throw could OHKO without
the self damage will be able to take
Hariyama out in one blow.
Simply put, don’t use him.
The best idea I can come up with
is to slap an
Expert Belt and pack healing cards.
With a solid deck behind it, you
should be able to pop out
Hariyama attacking turn two (through
Double Colorless Energy) and the
damage boost from
Expert Belt will mean 80 damage at a
time when it still matters.
Next turn a
Energy lets you start bringing 100
or 120 damage hits.
A few
Plus Power and just about anything
can be OHKO’d.
It just is so inefficient
compared to
Donphan Prime and the other popular
At least in Limited it becomes a simple,
solid attacker that can be easily mixed
with one or two other Colors.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. I had a complicated
weekend so expect a lot to be added
midweek. Just a reminder, Pojo is
in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough
to let me mention the auctions here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Hariyama (HS Undaunted)
Everybody knows this guy. Hariyama never seems to get
any love from the TCG and this version is no exception.
On the plus side, we get the usual high HP (100) in the
upper end of the Stage 1 spectrum, but that is usually
the only good thing about Hariyama cards. The usual
negatives are also present, with a high retreat cost of
3 (workable, but pack Switch), Psychic weakness (not as
popular anymore but still common) and 2 completely
terrible attacks.
Hariyama here gets Hammer In (FCC for 60), which is at
least 2 turns to power and far too little damage, and
Backwards Belt Throw, a cool name for a truly terrible
main attack. For the cost of FFCC, you deal 80 damage or
increase to 100 at the cost of 20 recoil damage.
Obviously, the cost makes it too slow (you’ll be KOed
before then) but even then, the damage is sub par and
the recoil is worthless, helping your opponent as much
as it helps you.
I will admit, I like recoil attacks in general, and the
Mamoswine from Legends Awakened is a favourite card in
my collection (though I admit, it is at the bottom end
of playable, if it even fits into the playable group at
all). However, the recoil attack on Mamoswine dealt 100
damage and 40 damage to one of the opponent’s benched
Pokemon, and it had the health to absorb the 40 recoil
damage. If a future Hariyama is to be playable, it needs
to follow this example and deal more damage than it
Modified: 1.25 (Donphan Prime is the benchmark for Stage
1 Pokemon, this card fails to match it)
Limited: 3 (If you use Fighting Pokemon, Hariyama could
take a few hits and give as good as it gets)
Combos with: A stern letter to the designers, demanding
better treatment for this noble Pokemon. |