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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Combee #44/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 7, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Combee (Undaunted)
If the other cards this week are a bit dull, then
today’s offering should go a long way towards making up
for that. This Combee is a little gem of a card. Weak
like a Magikarp, but with a punch like a Gyarados.
Yep, it’s weak because of that terrible
begging-to-be-donked 30 HP. The fact that it has Fire
Weakness isn’t even relevant – that’s how low its HP is.
The Retreat cost isn’t really a big deal either, even
though I can’t help feeling the card designers could
have been a bit more generous with that one.
Combee has just one attack – Enraged Assault. This
has a base damage of 20 for just one Energy of any
Colour. That’s decent, but not special . . . until we
read the effect text . . . For if you have a Vespiquen
on your Bench with any damage on it, Combee swings into
vengeful action and its attack now does 60 more
damage AND inflicts Poison: all for the same cost!
That’s 90 damage (taking the Poison into account) for
just [C] . . . and from a Basic! Not even SP Pokémon can
match that.
It’s not as if it’s hard to get a damaged Vespiquen
either. Unown P or Rainbow Energy will do the job
nicely. Meanwhile, the two legal Vespiquens we have in
the Format have plenty of tricks of their own including
Bench Protection (Vespiquen UD) and attack boosting and
healing (Vespiquen SF). Of course, being a Grass
Pokémon, a Combee/Vespiquen deck can also take advantage
of all the Grass Support that’s out there from Sunflora
GS to Shaymin LV X.
I know what you’re thinking: Combee may be able to
hit hard, but what’s the point when it will only give
your opponent an easy Prize next turn? Well the answer
is simple: evolve it into a Vespiquen and use Memory
Berry to give you access to Enraged Assault.
Don’t worry, I haven’t gone mad, and I’m not kidding
myself that Combee decks are going to be sweeping
tournaments and demolishing Luxchomps any time soon.
However, if you are looking for something a little bit
different to run at League or even a Battle Road, why
not give Combee a try? It’s surprisingly effective, and
the look on your opponent’s face when this little guy
starts taking out their big monsters will be priceless!
From an attack point of view, this is quite possibly
the best evolving Basic ever printed.
Modified: 3.25 (the card just makes me smile!)
Limited: 3 (can’t use the Memory Berry trick here,
but if you pull some Vespiquens, you can make it work)
Combos with . . .
Memory Berry
RocketProf |
Welcome back PokePeople to today's COTD, Combee from
Undaunted. This seemingly weak Basic, with only
30HP (ouch), a 2X Fire Weakness (depending on the Meta
ouch) and a Retreat Cost of 1, may not seem like much at
first... Until you look at its attack... Enraged
Assault, costing only C, hits for 20 on its own, but
watch out if you have a Vespiquen on your Bench with any
damage (that's right, even if it's just one damage
counter) EA is now swinging for 80 and inflicting
Poison!! This is unbelievable!! The potential here is
great!! Look at it this way, you start with a Combee
active, and have one on your bench, use BTS to evolve
the benched one to Vespiquen, use either Rainbow Energy
or Unown P's PokePower Put to place one damage counter
on one of your Pokemon to get damage on Vespiquen and
then BAM! Combee is hitting for 80 with Poison to start
the game... pretty fierce to combat against... Not to
mention being able to work around the low HP with either
Expert Belt, Snowpoint Temple or Shaymin Lv.X's PokeBody
Thankfulness, you can even Evolve and attach a Memory
Berry to keep using EA for all kinds of damage!! This
deck may not be to tier but it is definitely a solid
Modified-4/5 Quick, Deadly and funny to beat people
Limited-4/5 Still quick deadly and fun, plus it's a lot
of damage to have to answer to every turn in this format |
conical |
10/7/10: Combee
Oh ho ho, this
I actually ran
Vespiquen UD at the local Battle Roads tournament last
weekend. I didn't do well, possibly because I only ran
one of these Combee here and the rest were Combee of a
different set.(Those who can't do, write, right?) My
failings aside, the obvious selling point here is
Enraged Assault,* a one-energy attack for 80 damage plus
poison...if you have a damaged Vespiquen on your bench.
That's value matched only by an un-Belted Gyarados SF
with 3 Magikarp in the discard, factoring in the poison
damage between turns.
*I seem to
remember, before Undaunted was released, that one
translator interpreted Combee's attack name as “Virtuous
Conduct of Rage.” I can't say whether or not that name
is better than the actual name, but it's
Of course, there
are downsides to the card, most notably the Magikarpean
(totally a word now) 30 HP, but then, Combee by itself
is likely not the play. Most likely, if Combee is to be
a competitive card, it'll likely be as an evolution to
Vespiquen, using Memory Berry for an attack. It's a
little less straightforward, but likely a lot more
practical. And hey, Pojo's own MOTL listed Combee as an
honorable mention in his Undaunted review, and he likely
knows his stuff better than I do.
In limited, 30 HP's
more of a problem without Memory Berry, and setting up a
damaged and benched Vespiquen is harder to do. Still, it
does do 1 for 20, so it's not all bad.
Modified: 3.25/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: Vespiquen UD is likely the better play
because of its body, though Vespiquen SF could be a nice

Otaku |
Today we look at
Combee, the little Bug-Type that could… or should I
say can? In
the TCG it is a Grass-Type Pokémon, so I might as well
drop it. ;)
We don’t often look at the Basic stage of a Pokémon that
can evolve, but
Combee here is pretty exceptional.
Not with its horrible 30 HP: that is the minimum
you find on a Pokémon that is actually a Pokémon and not
a Trainer that counts as a Pokémon.
This makes the Fire Weakness almost pointless:
Fire Pokémon that hit for 10 can OHKO you with a
Plus Power and
those that hit for 20 damage can OHKO you period.
Everything else would OHKO you anyway!
The lack of Resistance is a bummer, but at as
you’ll see for once it might be justified by the potency
of another part of the card.
The single Energy Retreat Cost isn’t great, but
it isn’t bad.
What should get this card played, though, is the
attack: for a single Energy of any Type,
Combee hits for 20 damage… unless you have a
Vespiquen in play with any damage counters on it.
If you do, then our Dear Little Friend here hits
for extra 60 points of damage and Poisons the Defending
That’s 80 total points of damage plus a damage counter
placed between turns, meaning any 90 HP Pokémon without
some form of protection is toast!
If you don’t ditch the poison or heal the damage,
a 100 HP Pokémon won’t survive until the
player’s next turn.
Both eligible
Vespiquen for Modified should be able to play
cleaner or opener for
Combee and we have enough for a deck.
In fact, the real challenge is getting
damage during your first turn (if you go second) or
during your second turn (if you go first).
Two copies of
Energy Link would allow you to drop a
Rainbow Energy onto Vespiquen,
and then shunt it to
Combee; that
seems kind of
Galactic HQ
would let you hurt your
Vespiquen by
simply evolving into it.
Energy Pick
Up could allow you to get ahead on Energy… important
since it is hard to build a
Vespiquen when each turn a
Combee is getting an Energy attachment, and then
KO’d. I
suddenly miss old cards like
I do feel like I am missing something, but even as is
Combee could
make for a fierce OHKO deck.
With the right supporting Trainers and Pokémon,
you could have a fast deck that basically trades Prizes
while ruining your opponent’s set up.
In Limited play, the score is an average: you
need to pull multiple copies of
Combee and at
least one
Vespiquen, in which case it is okay.
If you pull only one
Combee and no
Vespiquen, don’t run it.
If you pull just a 1-1 line, you still might run it just
to get to
If you pull a whole mess of
Combee and at
least one
Vespiquen, it is awesome.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3/5
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough to let me
mention the auctions here. ;)
Combos with: the binder |