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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Hitmonchan #51/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 8, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.30
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hitmonchan (Undaunted)
Our last card this week is another of the ‘Hitmons’.
Apparently they are called after martial arts legends
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Not sure what was going on
when they named Hitmontop . . . I suppose the fact that
it spins round was seen as more important . . .
Hitmonchan is an unevolving Basic with only 70
HP, Psychic Weakness and a Retreat cost of one.
Certainly nothing to get excited about there.
The first attack, Detect, is a coin flip for
protection from all damage and effects and costs a
reasonable one energy of any Colour. In the video games
hax moves like Detect and Protect can be incredibly
annoying (or useful, depending on which side of things
you are on). In the TCG they are really only a minor
inconvenience, thanks to the many ways of simply sniping
the Bench, or switching out the Defending Pokémon, that
a lot of the top decks have. Presumably, the intention
is to protect Hitmonchan long enough to use its second
attack . . . except that doesn’t make sense as Sky
Uppercut doesn’t take much Energy to use – just [F][C] –
and is pretty ineffectual anyway. It may be able to
ignore Resistance, but when it can only do 30 damage,
it’s not exactly causing a lot of pain anyway.
Like its cousin, Hitmonchan doesn’t seem designed
for competitive play. The low damage output and the poor
synergy between attacks (why put a purely Defensive move
on a reasonably fast unevolving Basic?) make it a bad
choice for a tournament deck. In Limited play, it’s not
too bad due to its ability to wall somewhat, but still .
. . that attack is close to pointless.
Modified: 1.25 (useless)
Limited: 1.75 (could be annoying, but underpowered
even here)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! Today we are ending our
COTD week by reviewing Hitmonchan from the Undaunted
Hitmonchan is a Basic Fighting Pokemon that doesn't
evolve. In order to be used in today's metagame, most
things either need a very good evolution or amazing
abilities. Does Hitmonchan stack up? 70 HP is rather
so-so for a non-evolving Basic, maybe even a bit on the
low side. Psychic Weakness isn't very good, given the
amount of Psychic support and a few random decks that
can be seen. No Resistance is unfortunate. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 1 is totally payable if necessary.
Hitmonchan has two attacks. The first, Detect, costs [C]
prevents all effects of attacks including damage done to
Hitmonchan during your opponent's next turn if you flip
heads. This attack is really just a stall tactic, and
not a very good one at that, considering that it doesn't
do any damage and only has a 50% chance of working.
The second attack, Sky Uppercut, deals 30 damage that
isn't affected by Resistance for [FC]. This is a fairly
average attack, and is definitely a bit disappointing
for the strongest attack of a non-evolving Pokemon.
Modified: 1/5 Low HP and bad attacks mean that
Hitmonchan won't see play here. This is a perfect
example of a filler card in a set.
Limited: 2/5 Detect can actually work for a bit here if
you're feeling lucky, and Sky Uppercut's bypassing can
be helpful at times. Still nothing spectacular, however
if you are running Fighting anyway, you might as well
use it.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst
League Australia |
Hitmonchan (HS Undaunted)
Here is the brother to Hitmonlee, with about the same
level of playability.
Hitmonchan gets 70 HP, Psychic weakness (not as bad as
it once was, but the low HP might let a Psychic tech
take a KO if you aren’t careful) and a retreat cost of
1. The stats say Hitmonchan must be a quick cheap
attacker or tech to stand any chance of making it since
survivability is not his strong point.
Sadly, the attacks don’t fit that bill. Detect is the
first attack and cost C for a coin flip. On Heads, you
are completely immune to all effects of attacks (Tails
means the attack does nothing) which is nice, but too
easy to play around. Stalling is rarely a viable
strategy in Pokemon, and the ability to stall is a minor
plus rather than a deal maker.
Sky Uppercut is the second attack, and at 30 damage for
FC you just know it is a bad idea. Even the fact that
the attack ignores resistance is a useless gimmick, the
damage is just too low.
Modified: 1.5 (nowhere near as good as the reprint from
Limited: 2 (stalling is good here, and it will take out
Dark Pokemon nicely)
Combos with: The binder
RocketProf |
Happy Friday all!! We'll be closing out the COTDs this
week with Hitmonchan, a Fighting Basic from Undaunted
with 70HP (eh), a 2X Psychic Weakness (ouch) and a
Retreat Cost of one (eh). The top and bottom stats
are all ok for a non-evolving Basic, but just ok.
For C you can attack with Detect which offers a 50/50
chance to be immune to attacks the next turn and for FC
you can use Sky Uppercut, which hits for 30 and ignores
Resistance. Both attacks are meh at best and I'm
sorry to say it but this card just doesn't carry its
weight. I'm not going to pull any punches (HaHa!! Get
it?? Hitmonchan... Punches!! Lol!), so much is left to
be desired from this card... Sorry Hitmonchan...
Limited-1.5/5 It could be a decent wall if you're lucky
with your coin flips.
Conical |
10/8/10: Hitmonchan(Undaunted)
Well, it's Friday.
To be honest, I
like Hitmonchan the best of the 3 Hitmon-s. Possibly
because it's the most straightforward; Hitmonlee has
stretchy limbs, and Hitmontop spins on its head, but
Hitmonchan's like, forget that, punch that fool!*Mr. T
This Hitmonchan,
though, is pretty weak, as they have been since its Base
Set glory days. Detect does 1 for attack prevention on a
coin flip, which is...decent, I guess. It's not going to
hold back anything terribly significant, though. The
other attack is Sky Uppercut, which is 1F for 30, and no
resistance. All in all, it's pretty weak, and was
clearly not intended for Modified play.
In contrast, this
card might as well scream that it was created purely for
Limited play. In that format, it's a solid choice;
Detect is a good defensive option, and Sky Uppercut is
cheap damage. Plus, it's a common, has above-average HP
for the set, and it doesn't need an evolution to be
effective. In that sense, it resembles Hitmonlee UD,
reviewed earlier this week. In fact, I'd say it's fair
to give them the same grade.
Combos With: Hitmonlee UD, because why not.

Otaku |
Friday’s CotD will be short but not sweet, sadly.
This version of
Hitmonchan has
a passable 70 HP, painful but expected Psychic Weakness,
and good Retreat Cost of just one Energy.
It also has the potential to stall via Detect,
but that’s only if you get “heads” on a coin toss.
Sky Uppercut is just a sad version of a decent
attack: this time around it only does 30 points of
damage while still bypassing Resistance.
Even requiring just (FC) to use, that’s not
enough: this is the only big attack on the card and
since it doesn’t evolve it should see a much better
return on Energy investment.
Due to being a big Basic and easy on Energy, you
should still run it in Limited events to exploit
Fighting Weakness unless you have something better or
simply no room for it.
I guess this time around
Hitmonlee was
the lucky one this time around.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 3.75/5
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible for any
transactions and was merely kind enough to let me
mention the auctions here. ;)