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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Umbreon Prime
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
October 1, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Umbreon Prime (Undaunted)
Oh no! It’s an Eeveelution! And I’m about to give it
a bad review, so I will have to hide from all the
Eeveelution fans as soon as I finish!
Well, it’s a very cool-looking card (like all
Umbreons tend to be), I’ll give it that. It also has a
nice PokePower (basically the same one as Toxicroak G
Promo’s Leap Away). Cloud-Covered Moon states that once
per turn, you can flip a coin and, if heads, return
Umbreon and all cards attached to your hand.
The reason that Power was so good on Promocroak (as
it is called) is that Promocroak is a quick SP tech,
used for getting a revenge KO on a Fighting Weak Pokémon
and then getting out of the way for a main attacker
without wasting Poke Turns. Umbreon doesn’t really seem
designed to function in that way (it appears to be more
of a support-hungry main attacker), so the Power isn’t
quite as useful.
Umbeon Prime has a low 100 HP, a troubling Fighting
Weakness (easy meat for Donphans and that Promocroak),
and a nice Psychic Resistance. The Retreat cost of one
is decent and if you flip heads on the Power, it won’t
be relevant anyway. So far, so meh . . . let’s see what
the attack does . . .
Evoblast costs [D][C][C] and has an unimpressive
base damage of 50. Luckily for Umbreon, the attack also
has some effect text which states that Evoblast does 10
more damage for each Pokémon you have out that evolves
from Eevee. Remember that Umbreon does count for this so
the minimum base damage is actually 60 and the maximum
90. Now even 90 for three is nothing special, but
Umbreon can at least use Special Dark for another 10
damage. It can even use DCE to power up faster . . . but
that’s where the problem lies . . . in order to do
serious-ish damage you are going to need all four of
your Eeveelutions in play and that is not always going
to happen very quickly. Even when it does, the reward
you get for a big set up isn’t really enough . . . not
to mention the fact that a 100 HP Fighting Weak Pokémon
is not going to hang around long enough to capitalise on
Yes, there are ways you can address most of these
issues- Espeon MD can boost the HP, Umbreon MD can
remove Weakness-but that just adds to the card’s
over-dependence on themed support. Even as a Darkness
tech in an Eeveelution deck (to counter Gengar), it is
outshone by its non-Prime UD counterpart.
And that says it all really . . . when you have a
Prime that is worse than its normal version, it’s time
to reach for the binder.
Modified: 1.5 (one of the more useless Primes – I
know that’s saying something)
Limited: 2.75 (Eeveelutions are pretty easy to pull
in this set)
Combos with . . .
Needs the full range of Eeveelution support
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Umbreon Prime (HS Undaunted)
This is a big one for the Eeveelution fans, let's hope
it doesn't disappoint!
Umbreon comes with a mixture of good and bad stats,
balancing a decent 100 HP and good Dark typing against a
high attack cost with mediocre damage. To round out the
bottom stats we have a Fighting weakness (bad but
fixable), Psychic resistance (almost always a plus) and
a retreat cost of 2 (again it’s bad but fixable).
Before I mention any combos for fixing the stats problem
(hint: Umbreon MD) I will discuss the Pokepower and
attack. The Pokepower is the strangely named
Cloud-covered Moon, which allows you to flip a coin if
Umbreon Prime is active. On Heads, you return Umbreon
and all cards attached to it to your hand.
I have to debate the usefulness of this power. Sure,
with Broken Time Space you can put it straight back into
play but you lose the energy investment you made to
attack. Far more likely, you’ll return Umbreon to your
hand to evolve into a different Eeveelution, but if that
is the idea then the RR versions of Flareon, Jolteon and
Vaporeon are all vastly superior in terms of playability
There is no need to have any of them active, and since
it is only 1 stage of devolution then you can
evolve again in the same turn without BTS. Furthermore
the 3 originals have cheaper/more effective attacks and
don’t lose any of their precious energy attachments.
Now the attack. For the cost of DCC, Evoblast deals 50
damage plus 10 more damage for each of your Pokemon in
play that evolves from Eevee, as well as any extra
damage from Special Dark energy and Expert Belt. The
math works out that the maximum continual boost is 20
(expert Belt) + 40 (Umbreon and 3 other Eeveelutions) +
40 (4 Special Dark energy), giving a total damage of 150
which is very hard to survive. The major obstacle is the
level of setup this requires, involving 8 Pokemon to be
played and evolved and 4 separate unsearchable energy
attachments (thankfully the Expert Belt is easy enough
to search and play). What this means is that you will
more likely hit no more than 100 damage per Evoblast
attack, and will be KOed before getting the monstrous
damage you imagine you can field.
Even if you overcome all of the obstacles to max out the
damage, Umbreon is fragile. Umbreon MD does remove the
weakness and the retreat cost, while Espeon MD will
boost health by 20 (giving 140 total if you play Expert
Belt) but it isn’t enough to stop your opponent ripping
poor Umbreon a new one even if you do take down the main
attacker. You’ll survive one hit certainly, but you’ll
need a couple of turns setting up which is time you
can’t afford.
If only Umbreon had a cheap starting attack, this would
all be so different, but in the end this is just like
Espeon Prime: a poor shadow of the greatness we saw from
their MD cousins played alongside Leafeon Lv X.
RocketProf |
Hello All!! Today's COTD is Umbreon Prime (UD
86/90), a decent card, but not the greatest Prime at our
disposal by any means... but we'll explain why after a
brief rundown of the card's stats.
With 100hp and a 2X Fighting/Donphan/Machamp weakness
Umbreon will definitely have a hard time keeping its
head above water for more than a turn or two, even with
an Expert Belt, against most competitive decks running
around today. The Psychic resistance is really
nice with Gengar and so many Uxie/Azelf techs out there
these days and one retreat cost isn't bad for a stage 1.
So far, mediocre, especially for a Prime. The
PokePower on this card, combined with the versatility of
its attack are what help it out the most.
Cloud-Covered Moon is a good Power to have in your
arsenal, just like PromoCroak, this Power offers you a
50/50 at pulling the Pokemon and all cards attached to
it from the field, back to your hand, a built in Super
Scoop-Up is definitely something good to have around!!
Evoblast, for (d) and (c)(c) is a solid attack to have
if your deck is a pure Eevee-lution deck, hitting for
50+10 for each Eevee-lution on your bench you could do a
total of 100, or 120 w a belt, or 160 w a belt and 4
Special Darkness Energies. But in all reality and
practicality this attack won't be hitting for that much,
just based on the fact that you need bench space for
uxie, azelf or any other tech you may throw in w Umbreon
P. All in all, not a bad card, but there are
better options. It combos beautifully with its
counterpart from MD to keep retreat cost and weakness at
bay, helping it survive Machamp and Donphan match ups,
which will happen somewhere along the line at a
tournament and it also combos with Espeon from MD as
well, where Espeon gives all Eevee-lutions +20 HP and
then Espeon would give Evoblast another ten damage to
Modified- 2.3/5- Like I said, not the worst option but
definitely better!
Limited- 4/5- If you pull it go for it!! With all of the
other Eevee-lutions and having two Eevees to pull you
should have no problem making effective plays with this
if you pull it!