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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Burned Tower
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
September 10, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.17
Limited: 2.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Burned Tower (Undaunted)
After yesterday’s silliness, it’s back to the serious
business of Pokémon with this new Stadium card from
Burned Tower has quite a lot of text but a pretty simple
effect. When it is in play, you and your opponent can
flip a coin and, if heads, retrieve a Basic Energy from
the Discard pile. If this card had come out in the
previous format, I would have immediately dismissed it
as worthless. Now that we have lost Roseanne’s Research
and Night Maintenance, however, most (non-SP) decks are
having to do without their primary method of searching
out Basic Energy and getting it out of the discard pile.
Burned Tower can, in effect, do both.
Does this elevate it into the realms of the playable
though? Well, there are serious issues to consider.
Firstly, Burned Tower is flippy, so you cannot always
rely on it to do the business for you when you need it.
Secondly, it can be of great benefit to your opponent,
especially if they flip heads more often than you. The
most important thing holding this card back, though, is
the stiff competition it faces from other Stadium cards.
For Stage 1 and Stage 2 decks, it would be very
difficult to play this over Broken Time-Space, which
speeds up those decks considerably. Most Basic decks
don’t play stadiums, but those that do will almost
certainly prefer cards like Galactic HQ or Snowpoint
Temple. Then there are those decks that make great use
of niche, specialised Stadiums like Sunnyshore Gym,
Conductive Quarry, or Stark Mountain.
In the end, Burned Tower does something quite useful,
but it is just not useful enough to justify it’s
inclusion over other cards. If you are running a deck
that discards a lot and suffers Energy droughts, you may
want to give it a try, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be
long before you go running back to Broken Time-Space.
Modified: 1.75 (not good enough to make the cut)
Limited: 2.25 (most limited decks are 50% energy anyway,
so getting it back is not really a priority)
Combos with . . .
Cards that enjoy wasting Energy . . . Lugia Legend
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, everyone! Today's Card of the Day is a
Stadium card from the new HS Undaunted set, Burned
Burned Tower has a fairly simple effect: Once during
each player's turn, that player can flip a coin. If
heads, they get to search their discard pile for a basic
Energy card and put it into their hand. This card
functions as a more general form of Conductive Quarry,
which sees play in many Lightning decks focused around
discarding energy (like decks based around Raichu, for
example). Burned Tower takes this a step further and
will work for any type of basic Energy, however this
also means that your opponent will be able to flip to
get Energy back as well. Given how few basic Energy are
run in decks nowadays, this card may be good to run in
order to get those basic Energies back, as well as being
run as a "counter-stadium" to get rid of any problem
Stadiums your opponent plays. However, most decks are
generally efficient enough without this sort of
recursion, and can probably go on without it.
Modified: 2.5/5 Yes it's flippy, but Burned Tower is
generally pretty good at what it does. If you have a
deck that is based around basic Energy, it probably
wouldn't be a bad idea to put a few of these into the
deck as long as you have the deck space.
Limited: 3/5 Stadiums are pretty much always good in
Limited unless they have a really terrible effect, and
Burned Tower is definitely usable. Since you are more
likely to be playing many strange lines and different
types during Limited, using Burned Tower to get a
certain type of Energy back from out of the discard pile
is really nice. Plus it's a fairly decent
Trainer/Supporter/Stadium, why wouldn't you run it in
Have a great weekend!
Jeff / virusyosh

Otaku |
We commemorate Friday, that day of feeling burned out
and yet reinvigorated with the upcoming weekend by
Tower, a Stadium card
that can re-energize your hand.
The effect specifically states that once per
turn, either player may flip a coin and if heads, add a
basic Energy card back to their hand from their discard
Besides the name and mild wording change, this card
seems identical to
Energy Stadium
from way back in Neo Destiny.
That saw a little bit of play, but was usually
overshadowed by something better.
I get the feeling that is what will happen to Burned
as well, unless they release some cards that
specifically reference it.
Getting an Energy card back from the discard
pile, even if it can only be a Basic Energy card, is a
small benefit for most decks and a good deal for others.
Working roughly just half the time isn’t so
great, though, and since it is for both players the fact
that it can work in just about any deck probably hurts
more than it helps; how paradoxical.
What decks can really use this card?
Honestly, I’d say decks that have a high discard
cost… from hand!
In such decks, it basically becomes a coin toss
to eliminate the discard for an effect.
If your opponent doesn’t play a card that
sabotages your hand, you can try and build up some extra
Energy over a few turns (also true for general use) and
that can take the sting out of flipping tails: if you
aren’t discarding every turn, the build-up means you’re
still ahead.
If your opponent is messing with your
hand, even with the annoying 50% chance of failure, you
might be better off fetching Energy from the discard or
using them to create a buffer between the discarding
effect and more valuable cards in your hand.
Unfortunately in all cases, you still can be
ruined by luck, and of course if you are relying on a
lot of shuffle and draw Trainers, you’ll have to be
careful with timing to avoid shuffling a bunch of Basic
Energy cards back into your deck… where for most players
they’d effectively be dead draws as you can only play
one Basic Energy per turn, and so two in hand means one
dead card for the turn.
Another use for this card is universal to all Stadiums:
the filler Stadium.
Given the high amount of Special Energy cards
most decks run, this might be a good option for taking
out other Stadium cards.
There are currently 13 other candidates (Stadium
cards) you could run, plus a few non-Stadium cards that
can get rid of Stadiums.
Tower can help your opponent, but just as it can
only do so much for you, it probably does no more for
them; possibly less again because Special Energy usage
is so high right now and your deck can be tailored to
use a little less and a little more Basic Energy.
Odds are that one of the other Stadiums will work
better: either you’ll have a deck that can benefit from
the more specific abilities of other Stadiums, or you’ll
find something with even less of an impact on the game.
It depends on if you’d rather risk your Stadium
being dead weight or that luck may favor your opponent
and your Stadium helps said opponent more than you.
I’ll end with the usual summation of the card in Limited
play. Like
so many cards, the lack of other options greatly boosts
the usefulness of
The fundamentals of “Stadium Control” can matter
much more (though it is less likely a problem with this
set). The
specific effect reclaiming basic Energy from the discard
is huge, though: most of the time a good Limited deck is
forced to run at least three types of Pokémon.
Even if you manage to run cards with mostly
Colorless attacks (or even all Colorless attacks), said
Pokémon will simply have better moves available if you
can attach the right Energy.
This can allow you to run less Basic Energy,
leaving room for other cards, or it can allow you to
more safely run the different Energy types you need to
maximize your Limited deck.
This can save you from being stuck without the
needed Energy type because you were forced to use it all
up earlier, or at least take the sting out of Retreating
(which is a much more important maneuver in Limited
Here, the only thing really hurting the card’s play is
the potential for it to backfire and help an opponent
with a poor build or luck win.
Combos with:
(HGSS, 20/96) as a representative of “filling discard
It could allow you to run less Fire Energy if you
were splashing
Ninetales in another deck, I suppose.
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions here. ;)