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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Double Colorless Energy
Date Reviewed:
September 15, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.17
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: Anything requiring 2 Colorless Energy
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Double Colourless Energy (HGSS)
Ok, I know it’s spelled ‘Double Colorless
Energy’ on the card. I’m British, ok? My spellchecker
and I rebel against American spellings! I think my
snarky comment in last week’s review of Heatran Lv X
might have put DCE on the ‘to review’ list, but that’s
ok too as it is an extremely important card.
Just like Defender, DCE is another reprint from Base
Set. Unlike Defender, it sees a ton of play and has
made its way into very many top tier decks. DCE slugs it
out with Double Rainbow and Scramble for the title of
‘best ever multiple Energy card’ and, although it is not
as flexible as those other two (which can both provide
specific Colour Energy), it doesn’t have any of their
drawbacks either. It doesn’t reduce your attack
damage like Double Rainbow, and you don’t need to be
behind on Prizes to get the benefit like you do with
There’s one other absolutely crucial difference too.
Unlike either of the above mentioned card, it can be
attached to a Basic Pokémon. This has had a huge
impact on the metagame because it means that you can use
DCE with SP Pokémon. With DCE in your deck, Garchomp C
LV X can (with the help of Poke Turn) pull off
consecutive 80 damage snipes, taking out Support
Pokémon, potential threats, or just easy Prizes. Really,
it’s the card that turned Luxchomp from being quite good
into the undisputed king of the format.
But DCE’s usefulness goes beyond that. It can be used
with Drifblim UD to shuffle away powerful tanks like
Steelix Prime, and it can be used with Ambipom G or
Dragonite FB to actually counter the dreaded Garchomp.
It’s not just for SP decks either. Any Pokémon with
[C][C] in its attack costs can really benefit from the
acceleration it provides. Flygon RR, Torterra UL, and
Garchomp SV are just some of the Pokémon that work well
with this card. So can Arceus decks, which are getting a
bit more attention these days.
It’s not the perfect solution to all of your Energy
needs: cards with one Energy attacks like Jumpluff GS
and Kingdra Prime have no use for it, and neither do
Pokémon with more specific Energy requirements like
Charizard AR and Dusknoir SF. Even so, this is one of
the best cards in the format, and every player needs to
own four of them.
Modified: 4.5 (made Garchomp C LV X into the best
attacker around)
Limited: 4.5 (Plenty of cards in the set with
[C][C] Energy costs, so the speed boost is invaluable in
a slow format)
Combos with . . .
Garchomp C LV X
Anything with [C][C] in its attack cost
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing a
card that has been around since the beginning of the
Pokemon TCG, but has most recently shown up in the
HeartGold and SoulSilver expansion. Today's Card of the
Day is Double Colorless Energy.
Double Colorless Energy's effect is very
straightforward: it provides [CC]. Now, since it is a
Special Energy card, you are only allowed four in a
deck. However, this hardly detracts from the card's
usefulness. Attaching Energy is generally a fundamental
part of the Pokemon TCG (unless you're playing something
like a Gyarados deck) and generally ways to speed up
Energy attachment are great. As long as your Pokemon
have at least some Colorless Energy requirements (and
most nowadays do), Double Colorless Energy will probably
benefit you by getting your Pokemon powered up a turn
before it normally would. However, this doesn't mean
that DCE belongs in every deck. Most speed decks like
Gyarados and Jumpluff have very little reason to run the
card, as their attacks are very cheap anyway. But for
most decks that have Pokemon with Colorless Energy
requirements (decks with Garchomp C Lv. X, for instance)
will greatly benefit from the speed that DCE provides.
Modified: 4/5 Is it necessary for every deck? Definitely
not. However, in decks with Pokemon that have Colorless
Energy requirements (even if it's something like [GCC]
or [DCC], Double Colorless Energy will be welcomed to
speed you up. The only thing to really watch out for is
Scizor Prime, but if one of those comes up, just simply
use other Energy to attack.
Limited: 5/5 I don't really see any reason to not draft
this, unless you have all non-Colorless symbols for some
reason. The speed really makes a difference in powering
your Pokemon up.
Combos With: Anything with multiple Colorless Energy
requirements (especially things like Garchomp C Lv. X)

Otaku |
Double Colorless Energy
is one of those cards that helped shape
the game.
It managed to snag the #11 spot
on Jason “Ness”
Top 50 Pokémon Cards of All Time
There was a small window of
opportunity where CotDs were happening
and Unlimited was the Standard Format
(Standard Format being the term WotC
uses for whatever Format is the default
for Organized Play).
With such a wealth of cards it
probably seemed silly to look at such a
straight forward card, and by the time
the rest of the crew started reviewing
we were already playing using the first
Modified Format (Rocket On).
It took until a few sets ago to
Double Colorless Energy back.
What made it so potent for so
The simple answer is it breaks the
We all know that by default, you
get one Energy attachment per turn.
Double Colorless Energy may only
work for meeting Colorless Energy
requirements, but it meets two in one
This allowed some key Basic
Pokémon like Base Set
Hitmonchan to power up in just two
turns and clobber just about everything
I don’t remember the exact
percentage, but for a Stage 1 or 2
Pokémon to see competitive play, it had
to be capable of using
Double Colorless
Energy, and effectively, or
obscenely powerful.
The recently reprinted Base Set
Charizard was able to use it… but
not efficiently.
Blastoise was capable of breaking
the rule with its own Pokémon Power so
it didn’t matter that it couldn’t use
Venusaur had just enough combos to
make it work, but only for a little
Once the next expansion, Jungle,
hit the scene the Stage 1 Pokémon
Clefable and
Wigglytuff could both fuel
themselves with
Double Colorless Energy and players
learned to fear and respect it.
It took TPC a lot of time and sets to
start designing Pokémon that were strong
and fun to play but still fairly
In my estimation, it wasn’t until
the e-Card sets.
Double Colorless Energy didn’t
return then, and it was a good thing.
Power creep, normally a bane for
so many games, seems to have helped tame
Double Colorless Energy.
It is still amazingly useful card
but now it seems like Pokémon have been
designed with it in mind: HP scores are
no longer low enough that a Basic with
70 HP hitting for 40 points of damage a
turn (starting second turn) can control
the game.
There is no longer a
Professor Oak to enable a player to
burn through almost half their deck in a
single turn, or
Computer Search to guarantee an
exact search for what you need.
There is
Rare Candy to make sure evolutions
speed out fast enough that Basics can’t
control the field (at least without
being part of a major theme).
There is also more Trainer denial
and revised rules to keep Trainers
useful but something you can’t rely all
the time on, and quite a few attacks
that only are worth using with
Double Colorless Energy (or a
substitute) available.
So you know the routine: if you have a
Pokémon meant to attack and that attack
requires at least (CC), you’re running
Double Colorless Energy unless your
Pokémon already have an Energy
acceleration trick.
If your Retreat Cost is high as
well, then you enjoy an easier time
retreating as well.
If you don’t have enough
worthwhile attacks that have at least
two Colorless requirements… skip it.
Unless it is a Limited
tournament: then if your Retreat Costs
are high enough, you still run it in
lieu of a
Switch or similar card.
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on
Wednesdays and Saturdays. Just a
reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible
for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions
here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Double Colourless Energy (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
This is a beautiful little card. The effect is quite
simple, which in Pokemon usually signifies something
useful because simple effects are harder to cancel than
complex ones (though that’s not to say complex effects
aren’t useful either, but now I’m getting sidetracked)
DCE, as it is known in the game, does exactly what the
name says. It provides 2 colourless energy to the
Pokemon it is attached to. This card gets around the
rule of “only-one-energy-per-turn” and the number of
ways this can be used is incredible!
To start with, it can be used to accelerate any attack
with 2 colourless symbols in its cost. Famous current
examples are Nidoqueen RR, Garchomp C Lv X, Flygon RR
and Machamp SF.
The second greatest use is for discarding. Pokemon with
discard heavy attacks can use DCE to count as 2 energy
(though this doesn’t work for specific types of energy,
or when an attack says to discard “energy cards” instead
of just energy). Garchomp C would have to be the best
example, as the player will discard the DCE to pay for
the attack and snipe your precious techs.
Also, when you are desperate you can use DCE to pay for
a retreat, typically when your opponent has initiated a
trainer lock. The most common example of this is when
you have used Luxray GL Lv X to drag your opponent’s
Vileplume UD active, and due to the body your opponent
cannot play Switch or any other card that will return
Vileplume to the bench. They can drop DCE on the
Vileplume to return their attacker to the active
position, and continue their game rather than having to
wait another turn to retreat, or worse yet letting you
dictate the pace of the game while you snipe and whittle
away Vileplume’s health.
There are downsides to playing DCE. Due to the fact it
is a Special energy, you can only play 4 in a deck, and
they are difficult to search out. As such, you have to
spend them wisely. Also, some cards specialise in
negating Special energy, robbing you of your advantage (Scizor
Prime and Raticate UD come to mind). DCE will also be
the first target of any energy removal cards and is
exceedingly difficult to retrieve from the discard pile.
However, that does not count against the card because it
wouldn’t be a target if it wasn’t worth it.
All in all, if your main attacker and at least one of
your techs/backup attackers can effectively use DCE,
then you need 4 in your deck.
Modified: 4.75 (it isn’t for every deck, but the number
of ways it can be effectively used means you expect to
see it)
Limited: 5 (you know you want it, and a few cards in the
set can use it to good advantage)
Combos with: Too many to list, just any worthy Pokemon
that uses 2 colourless energy symbols in its attack
cost. |