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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Heatran Lv. X
Date Reviewed:
September 7, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 1.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Heatran LV X (Stormfront)
Hello, and welcome to a brand new week of Pojo’s Pokémon
CotD. Today we go zooming back to the days of Stormfront
to take a look at a card we missed first time round.
Don’t forget to check back in another two years to read
my review of Double Colourless Energy (‘_^).
The card in question, Heatran LV X, is one that I have
very mixed feelings about. On the one hand it gives an
amazing combo-tastic boost to an awful lot of Fire decks
from the good (Charizard AR), to the bad (Typhlosion
GS), to the downright ugly (Magcargo UD). On the other,
the difficulties of getting it and keeping it in play
are massive. I suppose that is the card designer’s idea
of ‘balance’. Unfortunately it’s my idea of being very,
very annoying.
But let’s take a look at the good stuff first.
Heatran LV X comes with no attacks, and a substantial
120 HP. What it does have is both a PokePower AND a
PokeBody. The PokeBody, Heat Metal, prevents Pokémon
from wriggling out of the Burn Status Condition by
evolving, de-evolving, or Levelling up. What’s more, it
also means that every Burn flip is treated as tails,
guaranteeing you an extra 20 damage between turns.
Obviously, this is a fantastic bonus for any deck that
can reliably inflict Burn. Blaziken PL is an obvious
partner here, but Magmortar SV and Houndoom Prime are
other possibilities. It’s a decent effect, but the
PokePower, Heatwave is if anything even more useful.
Heatwave basically means that, if your Fire or Metal
Pokémon has to discard any Basic energy in order to
attack, you can return up to two of them to that
Pokémon. This Power is extremely relevant as many Fire
and Metal Pokémon have Energy-discarding attacks. Once
again, it works extremely well with Blaziken PL and its
Fire Spin attack, but it can also help out cards like
Infernape MD and Charizard AR. Most of the Metal Pokémon
that discard are a bit rubbish to be honest (Dialga PL
anyone?), but there are a couple of Magnezone you could
try it with, including the rather snazzy LV X.
So . . . how come this isn’t a staple in every
Fire/Metal/Burn deck around then? Well, partly because
getting it into play and on the Bench is a nightmare.
Being a LV X, it needs to be active to Level up, which
wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for the abysmal
Retreat cost of FOUR! Yep, that’s right . . . you are
going to need plenty of Switches/Warp Points/flippy
Level Max in your deck if you want to use Heatran LV X,
and you will have to hope you draw into them and that
you aren’t Trainer Locked. But there is another big
problem too. With its huge Retreat cost and its complete
inability to attack (the Basic Heatrans are terrible),
Heatran LV X is an obvious target for being dragged
active (Luxray GL LV X, Blaziken FB and Pokémon Reversal
will all do the job nicely). Your opponent can then
happily snipe away at your Bench with Garchomp C LV C or
Gengar SF, while you sit there helpless and praying that
you top deck a Warp Point.
All of this means that Heatran LV X is the kind of card
you think about when making decks, but which almost
never makes it into the final build (Typhlosion Prime is
a quicker option, and that’s a Stage 2!). It’s slow,
clumsy, and very needy in terms of the demands it makes
on your deck space. If you even manage to get it out, it
will likely cost you just as many games as it will win
Modified: 2 (Fantastic abilities, but recent formats
have not been kind to slow, combo-orientated cards)
Limited: 1.25 (almost useless, I should think)
Combos with . . .
Loads of options. Blaziken PL is probably the best
all-round choice.
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today we are taking a bit
of a break from our HS Undaunted reviews to review a Lv.
X card that we missed from Stormfront. Today's Card of
the Day is Heatran Lv. X.
Heatran Lv. X is a Level-Up Pokemon, obviously being
leveled up from Heatran. 120 HP is pretty good for a
Leveled Up Basic, although Water Weakness (x2!)
definitely will hurt if you're up against Gyarados,
Kingdra, or even the random Rain Dance deck. Sadly,
Heatran Lv. X has no resistance, and an absolutely
terrible Retreat Cost of 4. Use a Switch or Warp Point,
Heatran Lv. X is interesting in that it doesn't have
any attacks, but instead has a Poke-Power and a
Poke-Body, each with fairly good effects. However, this
also means that you have to rely on your non-Lv. X
Heatran for offense. There are a few Heatrans available
right now in the MD-On format: two from LA, one from AR,
and one from Pokemon Rumble. If you are trying to figure
out which one to go with, I would recommend the AR one
and maybe the Fire-type Heatran from LA, as these seem
to have the best synergy with this card.
The Poke-Body, Heat Metal, makes it so that your
opponent can't remove the Burn condition when they
evolve, devolve, or Level Up their Active Pokemon, and
their Burn flip is always treated as tails, meaning they
will take 20 damage each time the Burn flip happens.
This is fairly good as the Burn damage adds up quickly,
however most of the time your opponent will simply try
to find some way to get their Active out of danger, such
as retreating, Switch, Warp Point, or Super Scoop Up.
Thus, in order to get the most out of this power, you
may want to lock down Trainers and stop your opponent
from retreating. Vileplume from Undaunted can lock down
Trainers, and Victreebel from the upcoming HS Triumphant
(Japanese Clash at the Summit) increases your opponent's
Active's retreat cost by 2, and has an attack that
inflicts a Burn. However, since that card isn't coming
out for a while and two Stage 2s and a Lv. X are hard to
set up effectively, you may want to look for another
combo. Houndoom Prime is a good partner to Heatran Lv.
X, as it can Burn your opponent's Active every turn if
you flip well, applying a lot of pressure on your
The Poke-Power, Heat Wave, is also very useful, but
in a completely different way than Heat Metal. Heat Wave
allows you to put up to 2 basic Energy cards back onto
your Fire or Metal Pokemon if they discarded them during
an attack that they used this turn, but only if Heatran
is benched. Many Fire Pokemon have powerful attacks that
require huge amounts of discard, and putting up to two
basic Fire Energy back can be excellent for using a huge
attack every turn. Additionally, this Heatran pairs
really well with Magnezone Lv. X, which discards all of
the Lightning and Metal attached to it each turn to do
80 damage and inflict automatic Paralysis. With Heat
Wave, as long as the Lightning and Metal are basic,
these get replenished every turn, dealing significant
damage to your opponent and locking them down with
Paralysis. It can even work with Charizard AR's Burning
Tail attack if you choose to use Heatran in your
Charizard deck.
Modified: 3/5 Heatran Lv. X has so much versatility,
that it may be able to find its way into a few rogue
decks. Fire isn't generally played that much, but
Heatran can possibly end up being a valuable asset by
allowing you to use many Pokemon that will probably
surprise your opponent. Then again, the Pokemon it
supports generally tend to be a bit on the slow side, so
that could be a problem against faster builds.
Limited: 1/5 There aren't any Heatrans in Stormfront,
so using this in your Limited deck would be pretty
Combos With: Houndoom Prime, Charizard AR, Magnezone
Lv. X

Otaku |
Just when you think it’s safe…
Heatran Lv.X
Apparently it slipped through the cracks and someone
thinks it is worth a second look.
So for cutting how many
Heatran you
can run pretending to be a Stage 1 Pokémon, you’ll bump
Heatran up to
120 HP.
That’s a small bump which is appreciated but not apt to
make the card.
Water Weakness is pretty traditional, and
something to watch since Water rarely lacks a strong
deck. The
lack of Resistance is annoying but not crippling though
the four Retreat can be: make sure your deck runs
multiple options for getting it out of the Active
Lv.X has the unusual combination of a Poké-Body and a
The Poké-Body, Heat Metal, makes Burned a lot more
attractive a Special Condition: it can’t be shaken by
evolving or devolving and coin flips for Burned are
automatically treated as “tails”.
So anything your opponent has that you afflict
with Burn needs your opponent to use a card to heal the
condition away or switch/retreat to the Bench to shake
the Special Condition, and if your opponent doesn’t then
Burn will place two damage counters on that Pokémon
between turns.
That’s a pretty fat 40 points worth of damage
before your turn rolls around again (and since its
damage counter placement, effects that block damage
won’t protect).
Heatwave also looks potent: although it is only good for
one use during the end of your turn, if
Heatran is on
your Bench you get to attach up to two basic Energy
cards to a Fire or Metal Pokémon that discard said
Energy cards for their attack.
While they have greatly restricted what you can
target, thankfully it is limited to what you’d consider
the most likely discard target from the most likely
method for Fire Pokémon.
Using this card can be very tricky:
Heatran Lv.X
has to be on the Bench for the Poké-Power to work but to
Level Up a Pokémon that Pokémon has to be Active!
So you have to use a card to shift this card to
the Bench.
At least if you make it a Bench sitter, you don’t have
to worry about the lackluster attacks of the
you’ll have to Level Up from.
This is easier to run than a Stage 2 Pokémon like
Prime… but you get what you pay for (at least in game
terms – I don’t know the current card prices).
Fire’s big advantage right now is courtesy of
with Roast Reveal: a Poké-Power that discards Fire
Energy to draw three cards.
can’t get that Energy back but
can. Also,
Lv.X cards in general can lead to embarrassing ruling
issues. Of
course a good player will know all those subtle nuances
but in a stressful tournament setting, it is much more
challenging to remember those finer points.
Burned can still be shed with the right Trainers,
so you can’t rely on that for the win, either.
You need a deck that benefits from both effects
to justify running this card.
3/5 – It can do two useful tricks, but not so well.
In the end, I consider it a little above average.
X/5 – This is awkward: it isn’t in a set alongside a
plain Heatran,
and as a Lv.X Pokémon it both needs its plain
counterpart and uses said counterparts attacks.
Honestly, it doesn’t look too good for any of
them: only a single version has a weak Burn attack that
won’t justify it and Heatwave won’t work on itself.
I am still selling my former collectables on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions here. ;)