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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Scizor Prime
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
September 8, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Scizor Prime (Undaunted)
I think it’s fair to say that Undaunted has had a fairly
mixed reception from players (to put it mildly). Every
set will have its hype cards though, and for this set,
the prime candidate is this Scizor (see what I did
Exactly what is attracting people to this card? It’s
very unlikely to be the 100 HP, the Fire Weakness, or
the two Energy Retreat cost. The Psychic Resistance is
handy, but no more than that, so we are going to have to
look elsewhere . . .
. . . and find the answer as soon as we check out that
PokeBody. Red Armor protects Scizor from all damage done
to it by Pokémon which have a Special Energy card
attached. This is very nice indeed as Special Energy is
extremely common in this format . . . think of all those
Pokémon that use Double Colourless and all those decks
that like to use Call Energy for a start. Now add in
Dialga and Steelix with their Special Metal and you have
a fair bit of coverage right there. Given that Scizor’s
Metal typing means it can use Special Metal Energy to
decrease the damage it takes, you have what looks like a
useful wall.
But Scizor can do more than just block your opponent, it
can knock stuff out too. For the reasonable price of
[M][C], Metal Scissors does 30 damage + 20 more for each
[M] energy attached to Scizor. Effectively, it starts at
50 for two Energy and goes up from there. Not bad,
especially if you are making it hard for your opponent
to attack you at all.
But, as with all seemingly invincible Pokémon (see last
week’s review of Umbreon UD), they are never going to be
quite as effective as you assume, and Scizor Prime comes
with a number of vulnerabilities. Firstly, it’s a fair
bet that the moment your opponent sees a Scyther hit the
table they will not be attaching any Special Energy.
Secondly, there are commonly played cards which deal
very effectively with Scizor (Dialga G LV X, Blaziken
FB). Thirdly, there are the ubiquitous snipers, Garchomp
C LV X and Gengar SF, which will just bypass Scizor and
hit the Bench.
The fact that Scizor forces opponents to play around it
is a good thing. The fact that good players will almost
always be able to accomplish this is not. When you also
consider that Scizor is ineffective against popular
decks like Jumpluff, Donphan, and Gyarados, it seems to
be a much more marginal choice than it did at first
Modified: 3 (It’s good . . . just not as good as you
think it is)
Limited: 4 (The Body is semi-irrelevant, but as a
big-hitting Stage 1, it’s a winner)
Combos with . . .
Hmmmm . . . I suppose Manectric PL or Bench Shield would
protect you from snipers while you try and wall with
virusyosh |
Happy Wednesday, Pojo viewers! Today we are returning
to our HS Undaunted reviews, and today's Card of the Day
is Scizor Prime.
Scizor is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. Metal is generally
a pretty good type to be, as Fire isn't terribly common
(with the exception of Blaziken FB and the random
Charizard), so Weakness is rarely something of concern,
and this is also true of Scizor Prime. 100 HP is pretty
good for a Stage 1, especially with the damage reduction
that Special Metal Energy provides. Psychic Resistance
is nice against Gengar and the pixies. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 2 is average: it's payable, but you'll
probably want to use Switch, Warp Point, or some other
method of retreat.
Scizor's Poke-Body is quite impressive, and the card
has received a bit of hype surrounding it. Red Armor
prevents all effects and damage done to Scizor by your
opponent's Pokemon with Special Energy attached. This is
fairly significant, as Special Energy cards are
everywhere in the metagame today: Special Metal, Special
Darkness, Call, Cyclone, Rainbow, Multi, and Double
Colorless Energy are all commonly played in one deck or
another, and Scizor is able to wall against them all.
This would theoretically mean that Scizor should be
tearing into the metagame's top threats, right?
Well, yes and no.
While Special Energy cards are certainly a large
factor in the metagame, most decks don't run them
exclusively, therefore making Scizor relatively easy to
play around. Additionally, most decks have some way of
getting Scizor out of the Active position (Luxray GL Lv.
X, Warp Point, even the new Drifblim), further hurting
Scizor's viability.
Scizor's attack doesn't help it that much either.
Metal Scissors starts off at 30 damage for [MC], but
increases by 20 for each Metal Energy attached to Scizor.
That means that this attack will most likely be dealing
50 damage for 2, or 70 damage for 3. Not terrible by any
stretch, but in most cases you'll want to be using
something with a bit more damage output, especially if
you are expecting to tank with an ability like Red
Modified: 2.5/5 Scizor Prime isn't really bad at all
(it's probably the best Prime in Undaunted), it's just
unfortunately easy to play around/counter. Blocking
attacks by Pokemon with Special Energy is really great
though, and can really surprise your opponent. It's
really too bad that Metal Scissors is so comparatively
Limited: 3.25/5 Red Armor won't be quite as useful
here as it will be in Limited, although Special Metal
and Darkness are still around, so Scizor can definitely
wall an opponent that decides to make use of these.
Also, Metal Scissors has totally acceptable damage
output for Limited, especially if you can attach Special
Metals to your Scizor to tank a bit (Just look out for
the mirror match if you employ this strategy).

Otaku |
Red Prime’s are potent.
I mean, Optimus Prime may go down
as the greatest Prime of all time, and
while Rodimus has his share of
detractors, he really was a pretty good
leader overall…
…he’s even made of metal, so today’s
Scizor Prime of course got an
obligatory Transformers joke!
starts off poorly by being a Stage 1
Even though they should be the
happy middle ground between powerful but
slow to set-up Stage 2 Pokémon and easy
to play but limited Basic Pokémon… they
rarely are.
Usually the end up being no
faster than Stage 2 Pokémon (thanks to
Rare Candy especially) and while
they usually are weaker than Stage 2
Pokémon, Basic Pokémon (at least that
don’t evolve) are often better than them
once you factor in their Basic status.
On the bright side, it is a Metal
Type Pokémon, and one cannot ignore the
potency of being able to use the actual
Metal Energy Special Energy card to
soak damage.
suffers a little in the HP department:
it is a Stage 1, so 100 HP is just a
little above the minimum you want to
A double Weakness to Fire is
common for Metal Pokémon, and it is here
to allow flaming Pokémon to score an
easy OHKO, often even through
Metal Energy.
At least
Scizor gets to enjoy -20 Psychic
Resistance, which will come in very
handy when combined with the
Metal Energy, even if only in
certain match-ups.
Requiring two Energy to retreat
isn't crippling, but it isn’t cheap: try
to pack something to offset that.
Prime has one Poké-Body and one attack,
and I’ll be honest: it did well.
Red Armor let’s you prevent all
damage done to
Scizor by attacks from your
opponent’s Pokémon that have any Special
Energy attached to them.
It won’t protect
Scizor from everything, but it will
slow many commonly played cards down as
they can no longer use
Double Colorless Energy for speed or
Rainbow Energy to hit problem Energy
The attack then rewards you for
dropping Energy onto
Scizor: it does 30 damage plus 20
more points of damage for each Metal
Energy attached to
Nothing specifying it has to be a
specific form of Metal Energy, so that
should be a decent enough method of
jacking up damage: two Metal Energy,
just enough to attack, would let you hit
for 70.
Three Metal Energy would score 90
points of damage, and four 110… after
which the return for investment seems to
really plummet.
Separately, both effects are
interesting: together they can be
downright nasty as you might be unable
to attack the opponent (or for much
damage) and while said opponent is
hammering you with
Scizor for a Prize every other turn.
For combos, the best I can come up with
Magnezone from Stormfront, plus the
different Supporters that would allow
you to discard Energy cards for a
beneficial effect.
Together, you could bust this out
as early as your first turn (if you go
second) probably a reliable set up by
your second.
It’d require some
Rare Candy, but with a
Magnezone in play you’ll be able to
attach an extra Metal Energy from the
discard each turn (though at the cost of
placing a damage counter on
your opponent shuts down
Magnezone’s Poké-Power,
Scizor still has decent speed and
attack power.
In Limited play,
Scizor Prime is a beast… if you can
pull it.
If you do, the multiple versions
Scyther in the set and other version
Scizor improve your odds of pulling
a strong line.
Remember, this is from the
perspective of already having pulled the
rarest of the related cards. ;)
There is even a slight chance you
could get the Special Energy version of
Metal Energy.
3.5/5 – I think this is going to be a
popular deck for a while, but between
Fire Weakness and current, nasty decks
in general, it won’t be able to secure a
top spot at tournaments.
4/5 – Amazing if you can pull it and get
it out.
The Poké-Body won’t do you any
good the attack will let you use Basic
Metal Energy to annihilate your
opponent quickly… and the
Scyther aren’t bad here either.
Combos With:
Magnezone (Stormfront
6/100 Rare Holo)
I am still selling my former
collectables on eBay. I’ve had a
lot of hobbies over the years, so at
various times I’ll have comic books,
manga, action figures, and video games
on the auction block. You can take
a look at what’s up for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on
Wednesdays and Saturdays. Just a
reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible
for any transactions and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions
here. ;)