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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Simisear #22/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 13, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.30
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Simisear (B&W)
So, we come to our first review of one of the new
Pokémon, and we have a problem.
You see, experienced players will realise that since
HeartGold SoulSilver, the card designers have been
pulling back on the power a fair bit, meaning that the
recent Pokémon are just not as hard hitting, or as
cheap, as the stuff from earlier sets. This trend
continues in Black & White. That’s not a problem in
Japan, where they immediately rotated to a HGSS-on
format as soon as B&W was released. For the rest of the
world though, this means that until we get a similar
rotation, the new cards will sit uneasily alongside
overpowered monsters like the SP Pokémon, Gengar SF,
Gyarados SF, and Machamp SF. As a result, any almost all
Pokémon from the new set are going to score pretty low
when rated for the current modified format (a format
they were not really designed for). Please bear this in
mind when reading the ratings. Once we get HGSS-on
(which I really hope we do for next season), these cards
will do a whole lot better.
Anyhoo, let’s start with Simisear. A Stage 1 Pokémon
from the Monkey Trio. It has a low 90 HP and a double
Water Weakness, so you can already see that it wouldn’t
stand a chance in today’s metagame. That’s a shame
really, as its first attack, Flame Burst, is actually
pretty good. For only one Fire Energy, it does 20 damage
to the active and 20 damage to two Benched Pokémon.
That’s some nice cheap spread right there, and if spread
were ever to become viable in future, this would be a
decent card to get the ball rolling or to finish off
weakened Pokémon for multiple Prizes. Unfortunately,
while we have Garchomp C LV X, Poke Turn and the like in
the format, it just won’t cut it.
As for the second attack, that wouldn’t really cut it in
any metagame. [C][C][C] for three coin flips, doing 40
for each heads, is just not something you would want to
use. Yes, 120 damage for three Energy is good even at
the moment, but your average damage output of 60 for
three just isn’t, and getting zero or one heads on this
attack would spell disaster. Smart player need
consistent, reliable damage because that’s what wins
games. Attacks like Fury Swipes are only for use when in
desperation mode, and that’s no reason to use a card.
So . . . no real use for the moment with Simisear, but
give it time and you may see it should spread ever make
a comeback.
Modified: 2 (really nice first attack . . . in a
different format)
Limited: 4 (spread damage is a very viable tactic here,
and there’s a lot of Grass in the set too)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo! Today we continue our Black and
White reviews by reviewing a Pokemon that comes in the
newly-released Red Frenzy Theme Deck. It should also
look pretty familiar to anyone that has gotten through
most of the Black and White video games. Today's Card of
the Day is Simisear.
Simisear is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon have a
pretty good presence in Modified right now, with
Charizard/Typhlosion and Blaziken FB being somewhat
popular, and this popularity should only grow with the
release of Emboar and Reshiram from Black and White. 90
HP is decent for a Stage 1, but still could afford to be
a bit higher. Water Weakness is unsurprising, as is no
Resistance. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is totally
payable if you find yourself in a position to pay it.
Simisear has two attacks: Flame Burst and Fury Swipes.
Flame Burst does 20 damage for the low cost of [R], and
also deals 20 damage to two of your opponent's Benched
Pokemon. There are probably better spread effects
available in Modified, but in Limited, this attack is
excellent for its cost, and will probably be able to net
you a KO or two in a few turns. As for the other attack,
Fury Swipes makes you flip three coins and does 40
damage times the number of heads for [CCC]. This attack
is way too unreliable for its cost in Modified, but it
may see use in Limited if you feel that you can net a
few KOs with it or if you run out of things to Flame
Modified: 1.75/5 The spread effect of Flame Burst could
be pretty good here, only Simisear's HP lets it down and
doesn't really have anything notable to combo with. Fury
Swipes is also basically unusable, and there are
generally better options for Fire-type Pokemon.
Limited: 3/5 Flame Burst is excellent here, and Fury
Swipes is at least usable if you can stock up the Energy
for it. Even still, 90 HP isn't that much, so don't
expect Simisear to swing for the fences for the entire
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Simisear (Black & White)
Today we have our first Poke'mon review for B&W, and it
seems to be some weird fire-juggling monkey. Will this
be one of the new Poke'mon to fear?
The vital statistics: Simisear is a Fire type
non-evolving Stage 1 with 90 HP, Water weakness, a
retreat cost of 1 and 2 attacks. The 90 HP is the main
concern, with Simisear being an easy 2HKO for all of the
popular single energy attacks you'll run up against and
the Water weakness makes both Gyarados and Kingdra a
nightmare. Any heavier attacks will just roll right over
the poor clown you don't want to invest much in the way
of resources to get Simisear out and powered up.
Let's see the attacks. Flame Burst is the first attack
and for the cost of [r] you deal 20 damage to the
Defending Poke'mon and 2 of the opponent's Benched
Poke'mon. This is definitely good value for money (or
energy) but unless you run a lot of Cherrim SF on your
own Bench, you aren't going to be able to deal a lot of
damage to the Defending Poke'mon when you need it.
Fury Swipes is the second attack, and it has the heavy
damage covered. For the relatively high cost of
[c][c][c] you get to flip 3 coins and deal 40 damage per
Heads result to the Defending Poke'mon. While Fury
Swipes delivers the needed firepower with an optimum
damage of 120 (before applying bonuses) the fact that
you have to flip for it (which has been the case with
every Fury Swipes attack in the history of the TCG)
kills the consistency (a 12.5% chance of getting the
maximum damage isn't good enough and dealing less than
120 will leave to many Poke'mon damaged but very much
able to fight). So this attack gets the gong and
Simisear goes from being a good prospect to being
prerelease fodder.
On that note, Simisear is brilliant at prerelease and
draft events where Flame Burst can quickly stack on the
damage as well as finish of a damaged Poke'mon that got
away while Fury Swipes becomes worth the investment with
an even chance of dealing 80 or more damage (for an all-Colourless
attack that is a high number). The Uncommon rarity means
you will have decent odds of drafting more than one line
of Pansear and Simisear so you can get this little
monkey out relatively quickly to dominate the game.
Unless your opponent pulled a lot of Panpour and
Simipour cards, in which case you are deep in the ca-ca.
In the end, the low health coupled with the flippy
second attack makes Simisear nothing more than set
filler. It's pretty and new players can make good use of
it while they are building up their collection but
competitive players won't use the poor monkey anywhere
except the prerelease.
Modified: 2.5 (Make the second attack cost [r][r][c]
with [r] discard for 60 to 2 Poke'mon and boost the HP
to 110. Then Simisear wouldn't get laughed and
CharPhlosion would have a potential replacement main
attacker when the rotation comes around)
Limited: 4 (The HP is not such a problem here, and the
spread from Flame Burst is pure gold, especially if you
can run a swarm of Simisear and/or Emboar)
Combos with: those other 2 weird monkeys that came out
in Black & White. I'm not saying you should actually
play them, but they look nice together in the binder.
conical |
4/13/11: Simisear(Black & White)
Yay, it's the new Pokemon that I know relatively little
about! I probably should play B/W eventually...
Simisear brings up a question that has been discussed to
a degree: do certain types favor certain strategies?
Personally, while I don't think there's a set strategy,
like in Magic, I do think that some types definitely
lean towards certain strategies.
Why does Simisear bring up this question? Well, if you
ignore the second attack, which is a decent backup
attack but probably shouldn't be the main feature of a
card, you'll likely notice the first attack, which looks
to be a fairly decent spread attack. The problem, in my
opinion, is that this card probably needs something else
to back it up to spread more damage, and unfortunately,
Fire doesn't have many spread cards. In fact, Fire may
be the least supported type for spread. I haven't looked
it up, but I'd guess that Psychic and Water have plenty
of options for spread. As for everything else,
well...Fighting had Dark Tyranitar and Earthquake
variants that cause damage to both benches, Lightning
has decent options, from Manectric PL to Electivire TRI,
Metal has various Bronzongs, Colorless has, like,
everything, and Dark has more Tyranitars. The only type
with less spread support would probably be Grass.
Don't get me wrong, Fire has options, and personally, I
think a Simisear/Infernape 4, if built well, should
manage to at least not embarrass itself. Otherwise,
though, I don't see this guy getting much play.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combos With: Infernape 4