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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tranquill #85/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 14, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Tranquil (B&W)
Tranquil is the Stage 1 of the ‘standard bird Pokémon
that you get early’ in the Black and White videogame.
See also Starly and of course the classic Pidgey line.
Being an evolving Stage 1, you can’t expect much, and
this card won’t disappoint on that score. Low 70 HP,
Lightning Weakness (disastrous at the moment), and it
even has a Retreat Cost . . . not a bad one, but come on
. . . it can fly.
Oh well, I suppose Gust is at least decent value, giving
you 20 damage for one Colourless Energy, but attacks
that do 20 damage, however cheap, just aren’t worth
doing unless they get you a KO there and then. Quick
Attack for [C][C] doesn’t give you much for that extra
Energy either . . . just a coin flip chance of doing an
extra 30 damage, and even if it hits, it’s unlikely to
worry an opponent.
Let’s just hope the Stage 2 is better, eh? ;)
Modified: 1.25 (standard Stage 1 that doesn’t really do
anything much)
Limited: 2.25 (even here, damage output is low, but at
least it’s cheap and Colourless)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Tranquill (Black & White)
Here we are, only 4 reviews in and already we are
reviewing an evolving Stage 1. I'm beginning to wonder
if Black & White is going to be all that special. We put
up with Call of Legends being a total failure and the
interminable wait, only to get cards like Tranquill.
Still, these are just the preview cards, I'm sure that
the Poke'mon Company is far more intelligent than the
average pop culture lord, so the good cards will come
up. Until then, bear with us.
Once again, I've wandered off the topic and sound like
I'm talking to myself (which, incidentally, is what I do
while I'm writing). On to the stats!
Tranquill is a Colourless type evolving Stage 1 with 70
HP, Lightning weakness, Fighting resistance, a retreat
cost of 1 and two attacks.
If you are a regular reader, you will know that
Lightning weakness is a killer with Luxray GL Lv X as
popular as ever and Magnezone Prime gaining a bit of a
following as well. The resistance is useful with Donphan
and Machamp remaining popular but the biggest fault with
this card is the HP. If you have Tranquill in play
longer than a turn, your opponent will probably snipe
this turkey for an easy prize. The retreat cost should
be free to counter the HP problem but 1 energy is still
easily manageable.
True, an evolving Stage 1 doesn't need great stats
becuase it isn't going to stay in play and if every card
has brilliant stats then the strategic depth we love
about the Poke'mon TCG dies out completely, but I can't
help thinking that if this card is chosen for the
previews, what are they trying to hide?
Maybe they are using reverse psycology by killing the
hype with terrible preview cards and then introducing
the good stuff later so that we are pleasantly suprised
and get excited without expecting miracles.
Sadly, the attacks don't redeem Tranquill's stats. Gust
is [c] for 20 damage and Quick attack is [c][c] for 20
damage plus 30 more damage on a Heads flip. Neither
attack is interesting or worth using, except for the
fact that they are cheap and have Colourless energy
requirements so in an emergency you can go down
It seems the reversal of power creep continues, and I
suppose it is for the betterment of the game as a whole.
But players won't use weak cards so I don't expect to
see Tranquill around any time soon. Maybe the promoters
are trying to reverse the excessive hype as well, by
hididng the good cards until the release. I really hope
that is the case or there will be a lot of unhappy
players and even unhappier hobby store operators.
Tranquill seems to be a lover rather than a fighter, but
in the end the deciding factor for whether or not
Tranquill will see play is if there is a playable
Unfezant card in the next few sets. Only time will tell.
Modified: 1.5 (The stats are terrible. If we get an
alternate Tranquill in future sets it is almost certain
to be better)
Limited: 3 (Cheap, Colourless attacks are your best
friend at a prerelease but that low HP is a concern even
here and evolving into Unfezant is a challenge)
Combos with: Red wine marinade. I had a little daydream
about Unfezant meeting a CharPhlosion deck and it
started messing with my mind. Since I think with my
stomach I naturally progressed to imagining what
pheasants and pidgeons taste like and what sauce would
suit them best (red wine and garlic seems to go with
everything). This should in no way be taken as
encouragement to marinate, cook or burn any Poke'mon
conical |
4/14/11: Tranquill(Black & White)
It's the first Evolving Stage 1 of the B/W era! So, this
is supposed to be the Pidgeotto of 5th generation? OK, I
can deal with that.
Well, Tranquill isn't great. Or particularly good. 70 HP
was at one point acceptable for a Stage 1, but that was
a while ago. The attacks don't do anything great, though
I'm always a fan of simple 1 for 20 attacks. They're
fairly good in Limited, but not so much in Modified. The
same goes for Quick Attack as well, as 2 for a possible
50 is great value in Limited, but in Modified isn't
All these things aside, this card could still be a
decent basic if it had free retreat. Sure, the attacks
are below average, as is the HP, but that hasn't really
stopped Haunter TRI, and people still use it over other
Haunters mostly for the free retreat. I feel Tranquill
could be used the same way...if it free retreat. Also,
if its evolution was as playable as any of the Gengars(even
the one from Arceus that no one uses). Still, play it in
Limited, avoid it elsewhere(unless they print a better
version of the evolution, which is always possible).
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 3.5/5
virusyosh |
Hello Pojo readers! Today we continue our reviews of
the new Black and White expansion by reviewing a Stage 1
Colorless Pokemon that evolves into another Pokemon we
are reviewing soon. Today's Card of the Day is Tranquill.
As stated before, Tranquill is a Stage 1 Colorless
Pokemon. Colorless Pokemon are great because they don't
have any specific Energy requirements, and therefore can
fit into any deck fairly easily. This is especially true
in Limited, where you want the most consistent deck
possible. 70 HP is terrible for a Stage 1, but the fact
that Tranquill evolves somewhat makes up for this.
Lightning Weakness is terrible right now due to the
omnipresence of Luxray GL Lv. X, Fighting Resistance is
good against Machamp and Donphan, and a Retreat Cost of
1 is decent and altogether payable. Can't help but think
it should be free, though.
Tranquill has two very basic attacks. Gust does 20
damage for a single Colorless Energy, which is actually
quite excellent for the price. While it won't make a
dent in most of Modified's top threats, Gust can work
quite nicely in Limited, since it's a very cheap attack
with Colorless Energy requirements. The same can be said
of Quick Attack, which starts off as 20 damage for two
Colorless, but adds 30 more if you flip heads. Again, 50
damage for 2 Energy is nothing at all impressive in
Modified, especially when Tranquill's HP is so low. This
is a decent attack in Limited though, as it's still
fairly cheap and can deal a rather respectable 50
damage. While it probably won't be able to stand up to
Stage 2s in Limited, it should be able to take care of
most Basics in one or two hits.
Modified: 1.5/5 I guess if you're running Unfezant you
need it, but outside of that, it just doesn't do enough.
Bad HP and Weakness don't help its case, either.
Limited: 3/5 While the low HP does set it back a bit,
Gust and Quick Attack are both totally usable in
Limited, if for nothing else but their splashability due
to their Colorless Energy requirements. Gust works
perfectly as a reliable early-game attack, and Quick
Attack can be used later on to deal respectable, albeit
unreliable, damage. If you have a Pidove or two along
with it and you are finding yourself needing a few more
Pokemon in Limited, by all means run Tranquill as you
will probably be able to get at least one KO with it.