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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 15, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 3.08
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Unfezant (B&W)
Ok, what is going on with the name of this Pokémon? It’s
not a Pheasant, we get that. But ‘Unfezant’? That
implies that it’s the complete opposite to a
Pheasant, while in fact the two are very similar.
There’s nothing on this card which will surprise anyone
who has ever seen a Pidgeot or a Staraptor (in card
form, not in real life). 120 HP is barely adequate,
Lightning Weakness is ungood (see what I did there?),
and while Fighting Resistance is nice, once again I feel
let down by a Retreat cost on a flying Pokémon (at least
it’s only one).
The first attack, Fly, has reasonable damage output of
50 for two Energy and will prevent all damage and
effects done to Unfeazant next turn . . . on a coin
flip. Yep that’s right, hit a tails and you get nothing,
not even the damage. Yep, you can try for some risky
stall with this card if you have to but . . . you don’t
have to do you? You can play something else that won’t
be a waste of a lot of space and resources on a flip. At
least Cutting Wind (!) gives you something more
reliable: vanilla 70 damage for three Energy. Rubbish
now, but as I said in Wednesday’s review, that’s more in
line with what we can expect from the new cards.
Even so, with no reliably useful effects or Ability
(that’s what is replacing PokePowers and Bodies from now
on, by the way), I don’t really see any reason to play
Unfezant in future formats. For God’ sake, don’t even
think of trying it now . . . it would get slaughtered.
You do know what happens to Pheasants (including
Unfezants) during hunting season, don’t you?
Modified: 1.5 (basically vanilla and unexciting . . .
when it’s not being unreliable)
Limited: 3 (Colourless is good, and attacks are decent
for Limited, but I can’t rate Stage 2s too highly as
it’s not easy to pull a whole line, or get them in play)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! I hope that you all have
a great weekend coming up, and good luck to those of you
going to the various Regional Championships being held
this weekend. We are ending our COTD week with the
evolution of the Pokemon we reviewed yesterday. Today's
Card of the Day is Unfezant.
Unfezant is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are good to use because they are easily put into
any deck due to their flexible Energy requirements,
making them good support Pokemon. 120 HP is decidedly
average for a Stage 2, so Unfezant should survive a hit
or two. However, it has a terrible Lightning Weakness,
meaning that Luxray GL Lv. X will OHKO with Flash
Impact. Fighting Resistance is what we would come to
expect from a Pokemon that is a Flying-type in the video
games, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is acceptable.
Like Tranquill yesterday, Unfezant has two attacks.
The first, Fly, does 50 damage for two Colorless Energy,
but has a flip effect. If you flip heads, the attack
does 50 damage and you prevent all effects of attacks
(including damage) done to Unfezant during your
opponent's next turn. This is great, but unfortunately,
if you flip tails, the attack does nothing at all,
making this attack very unreliable.
The second attack, Cutting Wind, does a vanilla 70
damage for three Colorless Energy. While notable in that
it can OHKO a Garchomp C Lv. X, there are generally
better options for doing this. Additionally, if you're
up against a deck using Garchomp C Lv. X with an
Unfezant, you can probably expect it to be Knocked Out
next turn by a Luxray GL Lv. X, which isn't the best
thing for a Stage 2. In Limited, however, this attack is
brilliant, as it easily fits into any deck that you
build, and has a rather high damage output for the cost,
being able to 2HKO pretty much anything in the format
(though there are a few exceptions).
Modified: 1/5 Don't think it will be used here. Fly
is too unreliable, and Cutting Wind is too vanilla. Low
HP and bad Weakness also set it back.
Limited: 3/5 Fly can be great when it works, but it's
still too unreliable. Cutting Wind, however, is great
for the reasons described above. Just remember that
Unfezant only has 120 HP, so make sure that you have
healing items ready, or can get a few KOs before it goes
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Unfezant (Black & White)
Here we have the evolution for yesterday's card, and
sadly it shares the terrible stats and attacks that made
Tranquill unplayable.
unfezant is a Colourless type Stage 2 with 120 HP,
Lightning weakness, Fighting resitance, a retreat cost
of 1 and two attacks.
Unfezant's chances of a long life are slim with Luxray
GL Lv X and Magnezone (both the Prime and the SF
versions) easily scoring an OHKO. The 120 HP does give
Unfezant a better life expectancy against non-Lightning
matchups (and Fighting resistance is probably the best
type for high HP Poke'mon) but that goes to waste
because the attacks are pointless.
Fly is the first attack and costs [c][c]. The effect is
familiar, with a lucky coin flip giving you immunity and
dealing damage (in this case the number is 50 which is
better than average) but a bad result means the attack
does nothing. Since this flippy kind of immunity is easy
to play around (even if you can't force a switch, just
wait for a Tails result) and you only deal damage half
the time it can only be considered good if the second
attack is exceptional.
Cutting Wind deals 70 damage for [c][c][c]. The word
that comes to mind is 'average', not 'exceptional'. With
no bonus effects to add power to any current deck and a
lack of commendable firepower, Unfezant is doomed.
The design team decided to make Unfezant live up to it's
name by being decidedly unpleasant. I feel sorry for
anyone who pulls this rare at a prerelease because the
card is ruined by a complete lack of synergy, and it
isn't even all that great in Limited matches due to the
lower stages being incredibly weak.
Modified: 1.5 (It is considered bad manners to burst out
laughing when you see a new player run this card. Be
nice, they obviously don't have anything better to work
with yet. Give them a few months to increase their
collection before you start to chuckle derisively)
Limited: 3 (If you can get it out then you can stall and
deal some decent damage. A decent pick against Fighting
types but watch out for Reshiram and Zekrom. Still, you
work with what you've got and being Colourless is a
definite plus)
Combos with: I'll repeat what I said yesterday. No
matter what that little voice says to you, DO NOT MIX
how tempting it is, don't ever try it. Don't even think
about it. Don't look at me like that... And put those
matches away!
conical |
4/15/11: Unfezant(Black & White)
If you were wondering what yesterday's card evolves
into, well, it's this. Overall, I'm a fan of the designs
for the 5th gen Pokemon, but the Unfezant family just
makes me miss Staraptor. Oh well.
Sadly, Unfezant is much like its pre-evolution, in that
it has fairly cheap attacks, but they don't do enough
enough damage. Granted, most variations of Fly do even
less damage, but the extra damage still doesn't make it
a reliable attack. Then there's cutting wind, which...Garchomp
C Lv.X is a basic(well, sort of), and does 80 damage for
3 colorless energy. Also, it can hit the bench, and can
have the energy cost lowered by one, thanks to Energy
Gain. Frankly, I think a Stage 2 should have stronger
attacks than a levelled up basic. But that's what power
creep reversal does.
Modified: 2/5