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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pignite #17/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 18, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to another week of the
new Black and White cards here on
We kick off with the Stage 1 card of one
the Unova
starters. This one will be familiar to
anyone who went the easy route and
picked Tepig
to blast through the early Gyms with on
the video game.
For an evolving Stage 1,
(great name), has a very good 100 HP but
that’s pretty much where the good news
stops. The Water Weakness is what you
would expect, but the Retreat cost of
THREE is completely horrible. By the
way, they have now moved the Retreat
over to the left side of the card which
really threw me at the
I kept looking at the bottom right and
thinking every Pokémon had free Retreat!
The first attack, Flame Charge
seems decent.
For one Energy of any Colour, you
can search your deck for a Fire Energy
and attach it to
Pignite. Looks like an ok way of
powering up a future
doesn’t it? In truth this attack is a
bad fit for the card. The reason for
this is that out of the two
Emboar in
the set, the one that is playable has a
type Ability that lets you attach as
many Fire Energys
as you like from your hand during your
turn. Because
Emboar is only likely to be used
in this supporting role, it follows that
the place where you want your Energy is
in your hand, not attached to a Pokémon
that isn’t really there to attack.
In limited, it’s ok as
Heat Crash, and
attacks, are worth using and the
Energy acceleration will help you pay
their very hefty cost. In modified
though, the best you can say about
Pignite is
that his 100 HP makes him difficult to
snipe while you are waiting for
Emboar. Just
pray he doesn’t get dragged active
Modified: 1.75 (high HP makes it
passable for an evolving Stage 1)
Limited: 2.75 (lots of Grass in the set
makes Pignite
a reasonable choice)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Pignite (Black and White)
Today we have one of my favourite Poke'mon from the new
generation. Pignite reminds me of Entree, a character
from the cartoon Spliced (I'm not suggesting it was a
stolen idea, it just worked out that way).
Spliced is a delightful 15 minute cartoon about a
private island where a mad scientist has made a bunch of
genetic recombinants (he 'spliced' a bunch of different
animals together) who are now running wild because the
professor has been imprisoned for his experimentation.
Entree is a mix between a pig, a cow and a chicken with
a selfish attitude, a complete disregard for personal
safety and an appetite for everything from 5 course
meals to engine blocks. Spliced is brilliant nonsense
(it's my favourite cartoon to be released in the last 5
years), check it out and maybe you'll see Pignite in a
new way too.
Now that I've finished plugging the show (watch just one
episode and you'll be hooked) I can get back to the
review. Pignite is a Fire type evolving Stage 1 with 100
HP, Water weakness, a retreat cost of 3 and two attacks.
The 100 HP is excellent, meaning that Pignite should
survive at least one hit from most of the commonly used
Poke'mon in the format. You won't take a really heavy
hit and all of the Water Poke'mon around will rain on
your parade but otherwise you should have plenty of time
to evolve to Emboar. Sadly, the payoff is the heavy
retreat cost but it's a good deal overall. Just pack
some extra switch cards.
Based on the HP alone this is a very good evovling Stage
1, but the attacks are okay as well. Ignite costs [c]
and allows you to search your deck for a [r] energy and
then attach it to Pignite. Energy acceleration is useful
on energy-hungry beasts (something most Fire Poke'mon
are supposed to be) and if you have to attack with
Pignite, you may as well set up a little further by
attaching an extra energy.
Heat Crash is a vanilla attack that deals 50 damage for
[r][r][c]. Obviously this is way behind the current
curve of cost-to-damage but if you absolutely have to go
on the offensive with Pignite, you could do worse. You
can get a 2HKO on most Basics and Stage 1 Poke'mon in
the format so Heat Blast is pretty good in Limited.
It seems that the designers of the Poke'mon TCG are
reversing the power creep (gradual increase in the
strength of cards) that many players have complained
about by increasing the costs of attacks and retreating
while maintaining the high HP scores we have been
seeing. The eventual effect will be slower games with a
lot more emphasis on proper investment of your energy.
Although there will still be cheap attacks worth using,
they won't be as powerful as the 1- and 2-energy attacks
we have now. I just hopw they bring back free attacks,
even if the power of those attacks is diminshed or comes
at a cost.
As with all evolving Stage 1 Poke'mon, the main reason
for playing them is to evolve them into the Stage 2
form. If we get a playable Emboar in this set or the
near future, this is a very good Pignite to use.
Modified: 3.75 (I'll wait until tomorrow to give my
verdict on Emboar, but this Pignite is a cut above the
Limited: 4 (If you draft enough Fire Poke'mon, you can
use Pignite even without the Emboar. And if you do draft
Emboar, so much the better)
Combos with: Emboar BW |
conical |
4/18/11: Pignite(Black & White)
Welcome back to another week of Black & White cards!
This week, we're mostly looking at cards related to the
new generation of starters in the 5th generation. Oddly,
we're starting with a Stage 1, but whatever.
The first thing I notice about Pignite is the HP. I
mean, holy cow, it's an evolving Stage 1 with 100 HP!
That's really really good! Granted, it also has a
retreat cost of 3, but that's still a lot of HP for
something that's not fully evolved. It's nice to see HP
rise again, what with the effects of power creep still
present in the format.
What makes it more impressive is that, unlike other
evolving basics/Stage 1s whose massive HP is balanced
out by mediocre attacks(like most Onix cards), this
Pignite also has a quality 1-energy attack in Flame
Charge. Both Emboars that look to be printed this set
are energy hogs(tee hee), so any energy acceleration is
helpful, even if in Emboar's case, it doesn't lack ways
to accelerate energy. Regardless, it's a quality
evolving Stage 1. 100 HP!
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3/5
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you
had a good time at Regionals this past weekend, and that
you all had a good time. We continue our reviews of the
new Black and White cards this week, and we'll kick off
this week by reviewing a Stage 1 form of one of the
Starter Pokemon. Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is
Pignite is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon are
slowly increasing in popularity, and I bet that this
card will see some play if Emboar is played, which is
very likely given its synergy with many other cards in
the format. 100 HP is great for an evolving Stage 1, and
it should be able to take a few hits. Water Weakness is
to be expected, but isn't that much of a problem outside
of Gyarados and Kingdra LA - yet. No Resistance is
unfortunate. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 3 is very large,
but somewhat expected given Pignite's bulk. Make sure to
use Switch, Warp Point, or Warp Energy to retreat.
Pignite has two attacks, Flame Charge and Heat Crash.
Flame Charge allows you to search your deck for a Fire
Energy and attach it to Pignite for a single Colorless
Energy, while Heat Crash deals a vanilla 50 damage for
two Fire and a Colorless. Flame Charge can be useful in
Limited if you can afford to have a turn or two to power
up Pignite without your opponent counterattacking, and
Heat Crash is a useful (although expensive) option here
as well. As for Modified, both attacks are probably much
too slow to be of any use, but since you'll just be
using Pignite to evolve into Emboar anyway, this really
isn't such a big deal.
It is important to note that there is another Pignite in
the set, with 100 HP, a Water Weakness, and a Retreat
Cost of 3. It has two attacks: 20 for CC and 70 for RRC,
but with an Energy discard. This other Pignite is
probably slightly better in Modified than the one we are
reviewing today due to its higher damage output for the
cost, but Flame Charge can be useful if you get a
Pignite early enough in the game. Both are usable in
Modified: 2.5/5 You'll only be running this if you run
Emboar, and honestly, it's not that bad. You probably
won't be attacking with it because it's slow (or unless
you have some other way to power it up). However, it is
worth noting that the other Pignite is a better
attacker, for reasons described above.
Limited: 3.75/5 High HP, searchability, and a decent
offensive attack make Pignite very usable here, even
without Emboar. If you draft a lot of Fire, it's
definitely worth using Pignite.