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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Emboar #19/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 19, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.63
Limited: 2.63
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
As I said in yesterday’s review, there are two
Emboar in the set. There is
the good one that does Raindance
for Fire Energy, and then there is this . . .
Once again the HP is the best thing the card has to
offer. 150 HP is pretty big, even by current standards
for a Stage 2. You can’t really complain about the Water
Weakness, but you can about the four Energy Retreat
cost. Once you get above three though, it doesn’t really
matter: it will never be worth paying so make sure you
run some switching cards.
first attack is Heat Crash . . . and it is identical to
the one on the Stage 1 we looked at yesterday (that is
just a little
lazy from the card designers, I think). [R][R][C]
for 50 points of vanilla
damage: costs too much and doesn’t do enough. Rubbish.
At least its other attack, Flare Blitz hits a
nearly-always-unnecessary 150 damage. For that size of a
hit, it’s no surprise that the cost is [R][R][C][C].
Unfortunately, you also have to discard ALL your Fire
Energy from Emboar when you
use it. This means that, to avoid losing
every single Energy, you have
to find some other way of paying the Colourless cost
than Fire. Of course, you would probably want to run
Double Colourless anyway, but this extra inconvenience
just makes the card that little bit worse than it could
have been.
Though to be honest, it doesn’t make a whole lot of
difference when it comes to playability: in Modified,
it’s nowhere near good enough.
Modified: 1.5 (two very expensive attacks means this
card isn’t really viable)
Limited: 2 (if you pulled the line, you would play it
for the huge HP)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today's Card of the
Day is yet another new card from the upcoming Black and
White expansion, but you can get your hands on this one
already if you buy one of the new Red Frenzy theme decks
that came out about two weeks ago. Today's card is the
evolution of yesterday's, and also may be somewhat
playable in Modified once the rest of the set is
released. Today's Card of the Day is Emboar (#19) from
Black and White.
Emboar is a Stage 2 Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon are
somewhat popular nowadays, with Charizard seeing a bit
of play (although not quite a Tier 1 deck), as well as
Blaziken FB being teched into various SP builds. Emboar
will probably be able to find its way into its own deck
at some point, but that will be largely due to the other
Emboar in the set, #20, which has an Ability that allows
it to drop as many Fire Energy as you like per turn from
your hand, similar to a Fire-type Rain Dance. Anyway,
this Emboar has 150 HP, which is great for a Stage 2.
Most attacks probably won't OHKO you, and maybe even
2HKO. Water Weakness hurts, so be sure to look out for
Gyarados and Kingdra LA. No Resistance is once again
unfortunate. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 4 is gigantic,
so be sure to use Switch/Warp Point/Warp Energy to send
Emboar to the Bench - you won't ever want to pay the
This particular Emboar has two attacks: Heat Crash and
Flare Blitz. Heat Crash, like Pignite yesterday, does a
vanilla 50 damage for RCC. However, unlike Pignite, this
one can make great use of Double Colorless Energy.
However, since 50 damage for three Energy is rather
lackluster anyway, you'll rarely want to be using this
Flare Blitz, however, is where the action is on this
card. For the massive cost of two Fire and two
Colorless, Flare Blitz deals a huge 150 damage,
discarding all Fire Energy attached to Emboar. Here's
definitely where Double Colorless comes in: With a
Double Colorless attached, Emboar is effectively dealing
150 damage without only discarding two Energy, and using
the other Emboar's Ability or Typhlosion Prime's
Afterburner, this is very easy to power up consistently.
From this, it is important to realize that most decks
can't handle taking 150 damage per turn (this even OHKOs
a belted Gyarados), so you will be Knocking Out nearly
everything in the metagame in one hit (with the
exception of the uncommonly played Wailord, and a few
other uncommon things with over 150 HP, like Tyranitar
Prime, Salamence Lv. X, and a few LEGENDs). The
downside, of course, is that Emboar is rather slow to
power up, so if you can't get the required Energy,
you'll be in trouble.
Modified: 3/5 Emboar is a curious case. It has a lot of
HP and can deal massive amounts of damage, but is very
slow and has a relatively common Weakness. I think that
this card has a lot of potential, and could easily find
its way into a deck as an alternative to Charizard AR.
In fact, I can see this getting played in a similar role
after the rotation, where SP decks will be somewhat more
crippled, and Gyarados will be gone. As for right now,
Charizard has a few more things going for it (Cheaper
attacks, fewer discard requirements, Fighting
Resistance), but Emboar has its positives as well (Lower
stages have more HP, the line deals more damage, not
reliant on a Poke-Body/bench space to do damage). If you
like hitting things really, really hard, Emboar might
work in a deck for you.
Limited: 3/5 Emboar is decent in Limited, but not
immediately as good as one might think. There is no
Double Colorless Energy in Limited, making Flare Blitz
very difficult to power up, and discarding all of your
Fire Energy here is much more painful than it is in
Modified. However, Heat Crash is still a useful, albeit
underpowered, attack for Limited. However, it still is a
150 HP behemoth and has mostly Colorless Energy
requirements for its attacks, so if you draft one, you
should probably use it. If you get an Emboar (#20) to go
with it, even better.
Combos With: Emboar BW (#20), Typhlosion Prime (HGSS),
Double Colorless Energy (HGSS)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Emboar (Black and White)
I sense a pattern forming here. This is the second time
we have reviewed a Stage 1 followed by the matching
Stage 2. What does the rest of the week hold?
Emboar is a Fire Type Stage 2 with 150 HP, Water
weakness, a retreat cost of 4 and two attacks.
That HP is absolutely wonderful, and has to be the
highest base HP I've seen on a Poke'mon that isn't a
Wailord or a special card of some kind (Legend, Prime,
Lv x or Ex, take your pick). Emboar should be able to
take a severe hit and come back swinging, although the
Water weakness is worrying. The retreat cost is fair but
terrible, so watch our for Poison/cheap attacks that
will whittle away your health and pack several switch
I'd just like to take a second and say that the artwork
is pleasing to the eye but Emboar itself is ugly. Not
that being ugly is a negative point, we need some ugly
Poke'mon before I lose all respect due to the
overwhelmig number of adorable Poke'mon that have been
released. It's also interesting to note that the set
numbering system has been changed for the first time
since the creation of the game. All of the Poke'mon have
been released in sequential order according to how they
evolve, rather than based on the rarity of the card so
Tepig is followed by Pignite and then Emboar is next on
the list. The old system was fine, I wonder why they
changed it?
The attacks are both vanilla damage, which is the case
for most Fire Poke'mon. Heat Crash costs [r][c][c] and
deals 50 damage, which has about the same usefulness as
Pignite's attack (which has the same name). You can use
it while building up, but it lacks the punch you need
and expect from a Stage 2 (although it has the bonus of
being able to use Double Colourless Energy which Pignite
cannot do).
Flare Blitz is the real draw of this card, and at 150
damage it delivers a huge bang for your energy. 150
seems to be a magic number at the moment, as most Stage
T Poke'mon in use have 130 HP or less so you can OHKO
them even if they have Expert Belt attached. And since
Emboar gets that level of damage without Expert Belt,
you can bring it up to 170 damage very easily. A single
Cherrim SF thrown into the mix gives you 180 damage
which is enough to take out any other Poke'mon in the
game, regardless of whether or not your opponent uses
Expert Belt.
I know some of you are thinking that Wailord UD could
survie with the help of an Expert Belt and go for a
revenge KO, but do you seriously think someone is going
to build a Rain Dance deck with a Wailord in it on the
off chance they meet an Emboar? Most competitors
consider Rain Dance decks to be too slow and Power Lock
is still common with Power Spray and Mesprit LA in the
format to shut you down (Rain Dance lives and dies on
its ability to use its Poke-powers effectively).
Before I get to excited though, the drawback is the cost
of [r][r][c][c] and the added cost of discarding all [r]
energy attached to Emboar (meaning that at a minimum you
are discarding 2 energy every time you attack).While the
NinePhlosion deck engine that loves this kind of
discard-for-damage attack (Ninetales dsicards energy and
draws cards while Typhlosion gets the lost energy onto
your attacker) and is looking for a possible replacement
attacker when Charizard AR and Blaziken PT/Blaziken FB
get rotated out, that discard cost is still very high
(balanced and fair, but still very painful).
The saving grace is that Emboar can use Double
Colourless Energy to help pay for both of its attacks,
and since DCE won't get discarded by Flare Blitz you can
keep the discard cost down to 2 energy per attack. With
a Typhlosion Prime or 2 as backup you can use Flare
Blitz turn after turn to really clean up, and best of
all you won't have to use Expert Belt so if Emboar gets
knocked out, you'll still be ahead on Prizes (you may
still want to use Expert Belt, but unlike with Charizard
and the Blazikens, it won't be an absolute necessity).
Bearing in mind that Flare Blitz is playable and you can
skimp on the Expert Belt due to both the exceptional
damage and the vey high HP, I'm going to say that Emboar
does justice to Pignite from yesterday and to the new
game as a whole. All of that comes without even needing
one of the new Abilities, so you don't have to worry
about Ability-lock in the future (Charizard suffers
horribly against Umbreon UD and Dialga G Lv X due to
it's reliance on Poke-bodies, and the Blazikens don't
fare much better due to their lower HP). Also, if you
need to you can tech in non-Fire Poke'mon, like Cherrim
SF mentioned earlier, which the other builds cannot do (Charizard's
Poke-body limits you to Fire Poke'mon and the Blazikens
don't leave you enough room on your bench for other
To finish, the continuing reversal of power creep may
mean we pay more energy for our attacks and to retreat,
but it definitely DOES NOT mean that we will lose that
wonderful feeling that comes from smashing a Poke'mon
with an unnecessarily powerful attack. Emboar and
Pignite have earned my respect.
Modified: 4.5 (Extremely high HP, high damage and a
ready made deck just waiting for a new frontman. I'd say
Emboar is a success and since I run NinePhlosion I'm
going to trial it as soon as I get a set. A slight speed
loss is a small price for that tank-like durability and
Limited: 3.5 (Flare Blitz is extremely costly here and
Emboar is harder to get out, but the previous stages
make up for that somewhat by being powerful for use on
their own [see Pignite])
Combos with: Typhlosion Prime, Ninetales HGSS, Cherrim
conical |
4/19/11: Emboar(Black & White)
Remember yesterday's card, when I talked about Emboar's
energy acceleration powers? Well, that doesn't refer to
this card. Sorry about that.
It looks like high HP is going to be common within the
Emboar family. I mentioned Pignite's 100 HP multiple
times yesterday, and Emboar shares the same
characteristic, possessing a massive 150 HP.
Unfortunately, this Emboar has nothing but attacks, and
neither of them are even mediocre. Heat Crash is
particularly bad; It's been a few years since 50 damage
for 3 energy was even average. Then there's Flare Blitz,
which does 150 damage for 4 energy. If they had to add
in a downside to the attack, I don't understand why they
wouldn't make Emboar damage itself, since that's what
Flare Blitz does in the actual games, but that's not
what it does. Instead, you discard all the fire energy
on Emboar. And that's no good. Thankfully, since there's
another, better Emboar in the set, this card should get
glossed over, rather than outright ridiculed. Like that
Gengar from Arceus that no one remembers.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5 |