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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Musharna #49/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 20, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Yesterday’s card borrowed one attack from its
pre-evolution. Today’s borrows two!
Actually, it’s worse than that. Take a look at
Musharna, and then go and
google Base Set
Haunter . . . see what I
To be fair, Musharna does
improve on the damage that Munna
can do, so let’s see if that’s good enough to make the
The 90 HP is fairly average for a Stage 1 and not really
good enough to be playable at the moment. Psychic
Weakness can be nasty as long as every single deck is
running Uxie, and the
Retreat cost of two isn’t brilliant either.
Musharna’s first attack is
pretty decent though: 20 damage plus auto
Sleep for only a single
Psychic Energy. That might buy you some time and cause
your opponent minor inconvenience but really . . .
that’s not enough to justify running a Stage 1 in
today’s format, so does Musharna
have anything else to offer?
Well . . . sort of. If the Defending Pokémon is still
asleep on your next turn, Musharna
can use Dream Eater to inflict a very substantial 90
damage for only two Psychic Energy.
The trouble is, that’s a
pretty big if: they would need to flip tails between
each turn and be unable to evolve, Level Up, Poke Turn,
or use a switching card to get out of the Sleep
Condition. That’s a lot to hope for
and as far as I can see your chances of using Dream
Eater against a competitive deck are really very
Which only leaves you with Hypnotic Ray, and that just
won’t do. If you had some other way of inflicting Sleep
with a Power on your turn (like the old
Wigglytuff GE did), then
this card would be better, though still short of
tournament standard. As things stand, this goes straight
into the binder.
Modified: 1.5 (A fragile, unreliable wall)
Limited: 3 (decent here: cheap attacks, slower format,
and less chance they can dodge the Sleep)
virusyosh |
Happy Wednesday, Pojo viewers! Today we are reviewing
yet another new Unova Pokemon from the upcoming Black
and White expansion, this one not being one of the
starters. Today's Card of the Day is Musharna.
Musharna is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Psychics are
fairly common in today's metagame, with Gengar commonly
played in various forms, be it VileGar or LostGar.
Additionally, some SP decks use the Psychic Toxicroak G,
and most Modified decks use the Sinnoh pixie trio of
Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Musharna has 90 HP, which is
just about average for a Stage 1, meaning it should be
able to take a weak hit, but will be taken down against
stronger threats. Psychic Weakness is to be expected,
meaning opposing Gengar and Uxie Lv. X will hurt
considerably. No Resistance is also to be expected, but
is still less than optimal. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 2
is payable, but most of the time you'll want to use
something like Warp Point or Warp Energy.
Musharna has two attacks. The first, Hypnotic Ray, does
20 damage and puts the Defending Pokemon to sleep for a
single Psychic Energy. This isn't terrible for its cost,
but it won't work very well in Modified, because the
damage is too low for that format. In Limited, this
attack is significantly better, as your opponent will
have fewer ways to deal with the Asleep condition, and
20 damage for 1 is pretty acceptable.
Dream Eater, the second attack, deals a very nice 90
damage for two Psychic Energy. The downside? The
Defending Pokemon has to be Asleep for the attack to
work. This means that in order for Dream Eater to work,
you will have had to put the Defending Pokemon to sleep
on your previous turn, and your opponent would have to
fail their sleep check twice, giving you a 25% chance of
your opponent still being Asleep, not even factoring in
things like Switch/Warp Point and Super Scoop Up.
Needless to say, this won't work at all in Modified
where ways to switch your Pokemon around are incredibly
common and easy, and it may not even work that well in
Limited, either.
Modified: 1/5 This card reminds me a lot of Base Set
Haunter: It wasn't good then, it isn't good now. It's
nice that Hypnotic Ray does damage in addition to the
sleep condition, but really, 20 damage isn't enough to
cut it here, and you'll almost never be able to use
Dream Eater.
Limited: 2.5/5 Hypnotic Ray is great for the cost here,
and Dream Eater may even work some of the time, just
because there are generally fewer ways to switch out of
Special Conditions in Limited. However, the odds are
still against you, so just remember that your mileage
may vary. If you draft a lot of Psychic it may be worth
running, but outside of that, probably not.
conical |
4/20/11: Musharna(Black & White)
Oh boy! A Base Set Haunter clone! Whoo!
So basically, Musharna's strategy is to put the
Defending Pokemon to sleep with Hypnotic Ray, then hit
them next turn with Dream Eater for 90 damage. Granted,
90 damage is pretty good for 2 energy, even two colored
energy. However, the problems with this card are the
problems that have existed for everything that tries to
abuse sleep: the coin flip to remove sleep between
turns. What's worse for Musharna, in order to attack
with Dream Eater, you have to flip heads twice. 90
damage is good, but it's not really worth it if you only
have a 25% chance of even working. That said, there is
hope for this card; Hypno HGSS can put them to sleep
before they can flip. Granted, Hypno's Power is also a
flip, but it's still less risky than hoping for Hypnotic
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combos With: Hypno HGSS
BTW, if you need a deck to be fixed, be sure to stop by
Conic's Section. You can find the link
here. Please send in your decks! Because otherwise
I'll be bored. :/
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Musharna (Black and White)
Today we have some sort dream Poke'mon from the new
games. We give you... Musharna!
Musharna is a Psychic type non-evolving Stage 1 with 90
HP, Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 2 and two
Musharna isn't going to survive a big hit, and the
Psychci weakness means the pixies and other Psychic
techs/attackers will quickly whittle away the HP
Musharna does have. The relatively heavy retreat cost
will also cost you since Musharna will quickly faint
when affected by Poison and other attack effects.
Since Musharna is 'squishy' (easy to Knock Out) by
current standards, the attacks had better be brilliant.
Hypnotic Ray is the first and costs [p]. For that low
price you get 20 damage and inflict Sleep on the
Defending Poke'mon. This is good value and offers some
options for stalling, but Sleep is the easiest Special
Condition to remove so the second attack needs to be
strong if Musharna is to be playable.
Dream Eater is an old standard and costs [p][p] as well
as requiring the Defending Poke'mon to be Asleep
(otherwise the attack does nothing). If you meet these
conditions you deal 90 damage, which is actually quite
high compared to similar attacks (especially when you
consider that Psychic is the second most common
weakness). However, you lose the healing effect often
associated with Dream Eater and 90 damage still isn't
enough damage to be a truly serious hit, especially up
against Psychic resistance (common to Metal and Dark
type cards). Also, your opponent has to have remained
Alseep, which means you either have to use a Poke'power
to cause Sleep or hope your opponent flips Tails twice
(meaning you'll only be able attack 25% of the time) and
doesn't remove the Asleep condition some other way.
Musharna is inconsistent with too little HP and dealing
too little damage. Even if future formats result in
lower HP and damage, incosistency in attack is never a
good thing. It isn't good for setup either, and a flippy
tech card is only tolertaed if the effect is brilliant
when it works (see Victory Medal, Super Scoop Up and
Energy Removal 2). At least the attacks fit the theme of
a dream Poke'mon like a glove.
Modified: 3 (The firepower is above average but
inconsistent while the average HP isn't enough so I'm
giving the middle score for synergy, and because this is
likely to be the benchmark of average for future cards)
Limited: 3 (With the reduced options in Limited, the
inadequate HP becomes workable and the damage from Dream
Eater will mean an OHKO or close enough that you can
finsh it with Hypnotic Ray, which becomes cheap
damage-and-disruption that seasoned draft players have
learned to love)
Combos with: Hypno HGSS fits the theme with that Sleep
inducing Poke-power and Ivysaur SV can also inflict
Sleep via Poke-power, as can Vileplume LA. Take your
pick and build a fun deck, or forget Musharna altogether
and stick in the binder to give yourself sweet dreams.