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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Servine #3/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 21, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Well, we’ve done the Fire Type starter evolutions, and
now it’s on to the Grass. If you chose
Snivy for your video game
starter and named it Smugleaf,
you get bonus points.
As an evolving Stage 1, Servine
is exactly what you would expect. It doesn’t have
anything much to offer beyond being a stepping stone to
Serperior. The Water
Resistance and 80 HP are solid though, and the retreat
cost of one and Fire Weakness predictable. It’s very
possible that Fire decks will see play after the
rotation (thanks to Ninetales
HGSS), so that is something to watch out for.
attacks aren’t too bad either. Tackle is just a generic
two-for-30 effort, but Wrap gives
Servine some way of surviving and annoying the
opponent, doing 20 damage and
giving you a coin flip for Paralysis for the measly cost
of [C]. Servine isn’t
something you would ever
want active,
but it wouldn’t be a disaster to have it in the active
Like all evolving cards, Servine’s
playability comes down to how good the evolution is.
Once again there are two versions of the
Evo in B&W: one of them is
very mediocre and the other one is somewhat interesting.
If ‘interesting’ ever turns into ‘competitive’ then you
might see this card get some play.
Modified: 1.75 (it’s ok . . .
nothing special . . . a bit boring if I’m honest)
Limited: 3 (Wrap can be super annoying with the benefit
of hax)
Garage |
4/21/11: Servine (Black & White)
Back to Stage 1s again, I guess. Still feels weird, but
Unfortunately, I can't rave about Servine's HP for half
a review, like I did Pignite, because it's pretty
average. In fact, much of this card is pretty average.
That said, its attacks are pretty cheap, which is always
a plus. Wrap, and other attacks which inflict paralysis
on a flip are always fairly solid on pre-evolutions,
though not so much on something fully evolved. That
said, looking at the other Servine that is likely in the
set, it looks slightly better to me, so this one's out
of luck, I'm afraid.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 3/5
BTW, if you need a deck to be fixed, be sure to stop by
Conic's Section. You can find the link
here. Please send in your decks! Because otherwise
I'll be bored. :/ |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Servine (Black & White)
This is one of my many backdated reviews as part of my
drive to show I have an opinion on every card ever
printed and that I love the appearance of my own
writing. That and I suddenly have an excess of time on
my hands due to my other online gaming accounts being
frozen. Oh the humanity!
Servine is a Grass type evovlving Stage 1 with 80 HP,
Fire weakness, Water resistance, a retreat cost of 1 and
two attacks.
The HP could be better but you should be able to get
away with a turn on the bench and the weakness means you
will definitely suffer a OHKO if you face any Fire
Poke'mon. On the plus side the resistance will prove
useful on the odd occasion and the retreat cost is
easily managed, providing Servine survives the turn it
gets dragged up.
The first attack is Wrap, and it costs [c] for a simple
20 damage with a flip for Paralysis. This type of attack
is useful for contingency situations where you need an
extra turn to get going and can be powered by a single
energy, so Wrap is definitely a point in Servine's
Vine Whip is a lot less useful. For [g][c], you deal 30
damage. To be perfectly honest, the only reason to use
this attack over Wrap is because you really need that
extra 10 damage or you think that Paralysing the
opponent won't help you (or you have a premontion of
failing the flip). The extra energy doesn't give you any
significant advantage, so this attack is just barely
passable as something you might use when the coin turns
against you and you find yourself fighting with what
should be a bench sitter.
The main reason for running a Servine card is to get to
Serperior, and even then you may wind up skipping it in
favour of Rare Candy (despite the rule change). However,
if you have to evolve manually, this Servine will fit
well in any deck no matter what energy type you use.
Modified: 3.5 (a decent evolving Stage 1, except for the
Limited: 3.5 (not good enough to run on its own, but it
is a decent pick if you have pulled a Serperior as both
versions are good in Limited)
Combos with: Serperior BW