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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Serperior #5/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
April 22, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Like I said yesterday, there are two
Serperior in this set. The
interesting one and the one we are reviewing today.
Mostly, this Serperior is
mediocre . . . which makes for a tough review. I mean,
at least bad cards are fun to trash. This on the other
hand is just meh . . . you
can and should run one of the very many better Pokémon
that the format has to offer.
There are some plus sides to
Serperior: the 130 HP is good, the free Retreat
is excellent, and the attacks are at least cheap. But
there is something very annoying about them. Vine Whip
does a vanilla 40 for two Colourless Energy, which isn’t
earth-shattering but it would do while you built up to
something better. The irritating thing though is that
Leaf Storm (60 damage and heal 20 from all your Grass
Pokémon) costs two GRASS Energy! Ugh. So . . . if you
attach a Double Colourless to do the quick 40, you then
need two more attachments to use Leaf Storm. On the
other hand if you DO have the Energy for Leaf Storm, why
on earth would you use Vine Whip? It’s just lazy card
design to give us a something like this.
Oh well, hopefully we get to review the other one soon.
It’s a better healer AND a better attacker, meaning that
this dull and poorly thought out card won’t be getting
any table time.
Modified: 1.5 (It’s only just been released and already
there is a better one)
Limited: 3 (I never score Stage 2s highly, but if you
pull a lot of Grass Pokémon, it can be very good)
Garage |
4/22/11: Serperior (Black & White)
OK, it's the Serperior everyone's been waiting for! Oh
wait, this is also the not-so-popular version of the
Well, unlike the Emboar that's been reviewed already
this week, this card had a fair amount of hype for it
prior to its release. The downside, however, is that
frankly, I'm baffled as to why this card merits hype.
Granted, the card has cheap attacks, and looking at my
previous reviews, I think you'll find that I do enjoy me
some cards with cheap attacks(and Metagross UD, but
that's a different story). Just because I prefer cheap,
mediocre attacks over expensive, mediocre attacks,
however, doesn't mean that the attacks are still
mediocre. Yeah, so Leaf Storm does 60 damage for 2
Grass, and it heals from all Grass-types. Which, I just
checked, the exact same attack as Torterra DP, only
cheaper by a whole DCE. So that's nice. I still don't
think that makes it a great card. Not in this format,
where pretty much anything is liable to be one-shotted,
and probably not in the next, since assuming Platinum
and all previous sets will be cut, Fire should make
quite a showing, regardless of what other sets remain in
the format. If you want a Serperior to get excited
about, you might as well wait for the other Serperior in
the set...
Modified: 2.5/5
BTW, if you need a deck to be fixed, be sure to stop by
Conic's Section. You can find the link
here. Please send in your decks! It's like a public
service! And it's electric! Boogie-woogie-woogie!
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Serperior 6/114 (Black & White)
Today we have the ugly twin brother of the Royal Heal
Serperior that I expect will find a place in a few
future decks. What does this card offer?
Serperior is a Grass type Stage 2 with 130 HP, Fire
weakness, Water resistance, free retreat and 2 attacks.
All of the stats are more or less what we expect for
Grass type Stage 2 Poke'mon in Black & White (acceptable
HP, nasty weakness, decent resistance) except for the
retreat cost. Hooray for free retreat! I thought the
game designers were actually going to make free retreat
a thing of the past like the free attacks we all enjoyed
in the Diamond & Pearl era. I still think we should have
some of those printed, strictly as weaker versions of
setup attacks of course (setup requiring energy would be
a lot more powerful in comparison) but then I'm not on
the committee, so I'll just be thankful that the game
remains strong and that free retreat has not been
abolished too.
Now the attacks. Vine Whip is the first attack and costs
[c][c] for 40 damage which is a bit below par. The
second attack makes it redundant because you won't
attach anything to Serpeior except basic Grass energy
anyway, so why couldn't it have just cost [g]?
Leaf Storm costs [g][g] (so effectively this attack
costs the same as Vine Whip, hence why it sucks the big
one) and deals 60 damage while healing each of your
Grass Poke'mon for 20 damage, which is fair for the cost
and a killer in Limited. Sadly, the damage isn't high
enough to consistently get even 2HKOs against most of
the popular attackers, and it will struggle to get the
OHKO agiants most techs as well. Your opponent will
simply build up a threat on the bench to overpower you
while you try desperately to boost your inneffectual
If Leaf Storm dealt around 90-110 damage for a higher
energy cost then this Serperior would be the ideal
frontman for a tanking deck using both versions of
Serperior. Sadly that will not happen and this version
will languish in the binder for the rest of eternity.
Modified: 3 (fast and tanky, Serperior could have been a
hit if not for the damage cap)
Limited: 3 (Serperior has a small speed advantage and
brilliant healing factor in its favour but the fact it
is a Stage 2 with a weakness to Reshiram really hurts.
Run it if you get it but build a spare attacker pronto)
Combos with: League matches for newbies who buy the deck
because it is the most consistent of the 3 theme decks